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Russian fighter makes ‘unsafe’ interception of U.S. Navy plane over Black Sea


Jun 7, 2017
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Russian fighter makes ‘unsafe’ interception of U.S. Navy plane over Black Sea

A Russian fighter jet flew within 50 feet of an American reconnaissance plane in an "unsafe" maneuver that caused "violent turbulence" for the U.S. aircraft, the military said late Monday.

The Russian Sukhoi Su-30 intercepted the P-8A Poseidon while it was flying in international airspace over the Black Sea Saturday, United States European Command said in a statement.

A Russian Sukhoi Su-30. Sergei Chirikov / EPA file
It crossed in front of the U.S. plane from left to right while using its afterburners, the statement said, adding the aircraft were so close that the American patrol plane crossed through the Russian fighter's jet wash.

This caused "a 15-degree roll and violent turbulence" and the "interaction was determined to be unsafe," the military said.

Russia's military responded Tuesday by saying its jet had been dispatched because the U.S. plane was approaching its borders "at high speed," according to the state-run TASS news agency.

"After being identified by a Russian fighter, the U.S. reconnaissance plane changed its route and set course away from Russia’s airspace," TASS reported, citing the Russian military.

The Black Sea has been a focal point of Russia's tensions with the West after Moscow annexed the Crimea peninsula from Ukraine in 2014.

Since then, NATO has accused Russia of repeatedly violating its members' airspace and performing unsafe maneuvers close to its aircraft and warships.


Update| After the U.S. accused Russia of buzzing one of its jets in an “unsafe” way over the Black Sea, a decorated Russian general has fired back, saying American airmen had no business flying in these European waters to begin with.

The incident involved a dramatic close call between a Russian Su-30 fighter jet and a U.S. P-8A Poseidon, disrupting the routine practice of intercepting non-ally aircraft near national waters. Russia has access to the Black Sea but so do three U.S. allies, as well as occasional military training partners Ukraine and Georgia.

Read More: Putin and Erdogan’s handshake knocked the Turkish leader’s chair down.

Traffic above the shared waters in Europe’s southeast has resulted in a handful of tense encounters since relations with Moscow deteriorated in 2014 and the near miss between the Russian and U.S. jets was among the more spectacular.

According to the Pentagon, the Russian fighter swooped in to follow the U.S. aircraft while in international airspace—an acceptable precaution after identifying a foreign jet, even though the P-8A had its transponders on. However the Russian jet crossed in front of the U.S. plane from right to left, the Pentagon told CNN, engaging its afterburners, thereby prompting the U.S. Poseidon to spanner into "a 15-degree roll and violent turbulence."

The Russian military subsequently confirmed that the intercept over international waters did take place but did not address the accusation that the maneuver was unsafe or reveal other details about the incident, state news agency Itar-Tass reported. State media coverage has been overwhelmingly skeptical about claims that Moscow’s aircraft was at fault.

The Russian fighter “spoiled the plans of the American reconnaissance jet,” Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24 reported, while state-run Sputnik radio cited a professor at Russia’s military studies academy concluding that Russia’s “military aviation just doesn’t fly that way.”


U.S. Navy flight pilots are seen aboard the Boeing P-8A Poseidon plane before its departure to take part in the search for the ARA San Juan submarine missing at sea, at a military air base in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, November 26.

Also speaking to state news agency RIA Novosti, the retired deputy commander of Russia’s air force, Nikolay Antoshkin, dismissed the U.S. reaction.

“Our jet simply indicated, approached, the airman had a look and demonstrated that [the Poseidon] must leave,” Antoshkin, said on Tuesday.

“Americans have nothing to do in the Black Sea. This is an enclosed sea,” Antoshkin said, lamenting that in Soviet times, when Moscow controlled all but Turkey’s ports in the Black Sea, foreign air forces did not fly freely above the waters.

Since then, ex-Communist states Bulgaria and Romania have joined Turkey in the U.S.-led NATO alliance, while former Soviet states Ukraine and Georgia have expressed a desire to join, but cannot embark on the process because Russian-backed troops hold parts of their territory.

After Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea in 2014, Turkey has said the absence of a regional NATO force in the Black Sea allows Moscow to shape the sea like “[almost] a Russian lake.”

This article has been updated to include a brief confirmation from the Russian military that the incident took place, released after publication.

Well done to the Russian fighter.
May be Russia can fly spy plane near the USA mainland border, so Russian or USA itself can claim that USA unsafely intercept Russian plane.
May be Russia can fly spy plane near the USA mainland border, so Russian or USA itself can claim that USA unsafely intercept Russian plane.

The Russians have been flying off our coasts for decades. The reason you are even saying “maybe” is because since we don’t buzz their windshields it never makes international headlines. Because you don’t hear anything you are assuming Russians don’t fly them. They have nothing to complain about because we keep it professional.
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these sort of flight usually get boring , guess American instead of complaining must tanks russian for breaking the monotony and stop the pilots from falling asleep.

but honestly that afterburner at 50 feet was a little over sending the message.
The Russians have been flying off our coasts for decades. The reason you are even saying “maybe” is because since we don’t buzz their windshields it never makes international headlines. Because you don’t hear anything you are assuming it simply doesn’t happen. They have nothing to complain about as it just happens quietly.
Do these guys do basic research before they post ? :rolleyes:
these sort of flight usually get boring , guess American instead of complaining must tanks russian for breaking the monotony and stop the pilots from falling asleep.

but honestly that afterburner at 50 feet was a little over sending the message.

I’m sure the US pilots aren’t even flying. It’s all auto-pilot controlled predetermined flight pathways and times. So if they are bored it’s not like they are going to suddenly grab the controls and start turning to the left or right.
I’m sure the US pilots aren’t even flying. It’s all auto-pilot controlled predetermined flight pathways and times. So if they are bored it’s not like they are going to suddenly grab the controls and start turning to the left or right.
they will do when the radars show a supersonic object move toward them.and buzz them just 10m away
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