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Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)


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Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)
Published time: 10 Jun, 2017 13:22
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@DeptofDefense / Twitter

A Russian fighter jet has safely intercepted a small group of US warplanes over the Baltic Sea during an annual set of military drills, the US Department of Defense said in a tweet.
According to Pentagon officials, the Russian Su-27 fighter intercepted a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker military refueling aircraft accompanied by two B-1 bombers and one B-52 during the BALTOPS (Baltic Operations) annual training exercise, which started on Saturday.

#Photobomb! A #Russian Su-27 Flanker got into our shot during a #BALTOPS sortie over the #BalticSea today. The intercept was deemed safe. pic.twitter.com/SMwGfE2QYr

— U.S. Dept of Defense (@DeptofDefense) June 9, 2017
Pictures released by the US Department of Defense show the jet flying alongside the American warplanes. Officials said the maneuver was carried out safely.

Another pic I took—A Russian Su-27 fighter merges to intercept 2 @usairforce B1 bombers over the Baltic Sea on June 9 pic.twitter.com/U9AdcvVwzG

— Nolan Peterson (@nolanwpeterson) June 9, 2017
A picture I took of a Russian "flanker" fighter on the tail of a @usairforce B-52 bomber over the Baltic Sea today—I was onboard a KC-135 pic.twitter.com/pGbawrCM30

— Nolan Peterson (@nolanwpeterson) June 9, 2017
This was not the only encounter between Russian and NATO air forces to have taken place recently. On June 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported intercepting another B-52 bomber over the Baltic Sea, where it was escorted by an Su-27 fighter away from Russian territory. NATO officials have said that Russian pilots generally conduct such maneuvers “safely and professionally.”

READ MORE: NATO not EU rival, but Europe can no longer ‘outsource’ protection – Juncker

The BALTOPS exercises will go on until 16 June and will involve 5,600 troops from air, sea and ground forces across 12 NATO countries (Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the US and the UK) as well as Finland and Sweden.
Happening frequently but more than usual, Americans are getting ruder day by day
ruskies need to stop day dreaming about rebuilding soviet union. It's not gonna happen. They failed in Georgia, failing in Ukraine and incapable in Baltics.
ruskies need to stop day dreaming about rebuilding soviet union. It's not gonna happen. They failed in Georgia, failing in Ukraine and incapable in Baltics.
Man! you are living in CNN, FOX news agencies' propaganda.
When did Russian government said something like that?
But in the meantime i am witnessing NATO's developments in Latvia, Letonia, Romania, Georgia, coup in Ukraine and also knocking Russian doors in Baltic states. Who is aggressor here?
Whatever goes up (Rise) must come down (fall).soviet union is an example for such rude countries and their leaders.

Whatever goes up (Rise) must come down (fall).soviet union is an example for such rude countries and their leaders.
Sorry, but I'm going to have to play devil's advocate here.

They failed in Georgia
How did they fail in Georgia? They prevented them joining NATO and succesfully control Abkhazia and South Ossetia without significant opposition.

failing in Ukraine
They succesfully secured their Black Sea fleet and are meddling in Eastern Ukraine (I am in no way defending this), which prevent the Poroshenko's Ukraine from joining the EU (thank god). And let's be honest here, mister Poroshenko didn't come to power in a democratic way either and isn't doing much to help his country to grow.

incapable in Baltics
Incapable of doing what? What would the Russian possibly gain from the Baltics, Russia isn't going to mess with NATO directly (as NATO isn't going to do that directly to Russia either).

Remember, there are always two sides of a story, it is never a black and white situation. Maybe you shouldn't take everything from BBC,CNN and Die Welle at face value without questioning.
Man! you are living in CNN, FOX news agencies' propaganda.
When did Russian government said something like that?
But in the meantime i am witnessing NATO's developments in Latvia, Letonia, Romania, Georgia, coup in Ukraine and also knocking Russian doors in Baltic states. Who is aggressor here?
you should ask people from Latvia, Estonia, Georgia etc. if they want to be a part of ruskieland again. They are horribly boring but their countries are modern. They need maximum protection.

Remember, there are always two sides of a story, it is never a black and white situation. Maybe you shouldn't take everything from BBC,CNN and Die Welle at face value without questioning.
russia doesn't **** with NATO because they know they would get their asses handed over to them but they do everything to bully small countries around them. You should talk to people from Baltics I guess. I even had a crush on a fit Estonian bird.
russia doesn't **** with NATO because they know they would get their asses handed over to them.

Again no story is black and white. I mean how would the Usa react to an hostile organisation creeping up to their border? And it isn't like the Baltics joined a few years ago when Russia started to turn agressive, they joined in 1997, when Russia could barely lift a finger. The Usa/NATO promised not to enlarge, but they did the exact opposite.

but they do everything to bully small countries around them
Yeah, like NATO/Usa aren't bullying weaker countries across the globe and ruining everything... (Serbia, Iraq, Libya are a few examples).

However, this does not excuse quite a few actions of the Russians.
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Again no story is black and white. I mean how would the Usa react to an hostile organisation creeping up to their border? And it isn't like the Baltics joined joined a few years ago when Russia started to turn agressive, they joined in 1997, when Russia could barely lift a finger. The Usa/NATO promised not to enlarge, but they did the exact opposite.

Yeah, like NATO/Usa aren't bullying weaker countries across the globe and ruining everything... (Serbia, Iraq, Libya are a few examples).

However, this does not excuse quite a few actions of the Russians.
A western EU member speaks truth. More or less tells you something. :enjoy:

Russia is just doing some protection with its current border and never about expanding. EU is tricked by American about the aggression of Russia. Before EU/Russia dispute, they are working well to broaden economy and r/s. Now its all ruin by American. EU and Russia are both weaken and refugee plus ISIS problem plague Western Europe.

Who causes all these? Say "No" to America.
russia doesn't **** with NATO because they know they would get their asses handed over to them but they do everything to bully small countries around them.

I am still to see someone had their a$$es to Russia. Let alone NATO. Give Trump 2 more years. You will see Germany go running to do trade with the Russians. And where the Germans go, the EU follows.
Again no story is black and white. I mean how would the Usa react to an hostile organisation creeping up to their border? And it isn't like the Baltics joined a few years ago when Russia started to turn agressive, they joined in 1997, when Russia could barely lift a finger. The Usa/NATO promised not to enlarge, but they did the exact opposite.

Yeah, like NATO/Usa aren't bullying weaker countries across the globe and ruining everything... (Serbia, Iraq, Libya are a few examples).

However, this does not excuse quite a few actions of the Russians.
Baltics never trusted Russia to begin with even when it was "weak". They knew that once Russia has the capacity, they would continue with their imperialistic expansionist objectives. By the way, it was their decision to join the NATO. They applied. US didn't force them. It also depends on under which model do you like to live? Do you like to live under democracy and meritocracy or a corrupt dictatorship like Russia's?
Baltics never trusted Russia to begin with even when it was "weak".
The hatred is mutual. Before the 'innocent' Baltics were forced into the Soviet Union, they were actively persecuting and murdering Russian with the Nazi's. But I do understand why they would fear Russia, living next to a country with ambitious ideas is never good, just look at Mexico.
And yes the Russian were weak, even to the point they once asked to join NATO, if the us really wanted to create a democratic Eastern Europe, they could possibly have achieved that. But who would then be blamed by Hillary for her own faillures?

They knew that once Russia has the capacity, they would continue with their imperialistic expansionist objectives.
How are you so sure about that, maybe you're a little biased? Ukraine only went full in the toilet once 'euromaiden' happened and declared that they would join NATO and EU and that Russia had to leave Crimea (perhaps so the 6th us feelt would 'visit' there?)Why not just taking a neutral stance? I mean Sweden, Finland and Moldova are doing just fine. Georgia all things considered is doing reasonably ok. Georgia started the war by attacking Tskhinvali, before that they stated that they wanted to join NATO and even then the Russians didn't even annex and destroy the entire country.

It is not that all NATO members have to be fully democratic, because Turkey is still in NATO and honestly I doubt that the Baltics are fully democratic as well, but I of course have never visited them, so I don't know.

By the way, it was their decision to join the NATO. They applied. US didn't force them.
Yet the Usa promised the Russians not to expand and when they did, then why bother promising? You expect the Russians to just sit there?

It also depends on under which model do you like to live? Do you like to live under democracy and meritocracy or a corrupt dictatorship like Russia's?
The Ukrainians decided not to live with the Russian anymore, but now they are more corrupt than ever. And if America really would promote democracy around the world, then why are they such good friends with Saudi Arabia or UAE? Isn't this a little hypocritical?

Russia is in no way innocent, but some of their actions are justifiable (like Crimea and Georgia).
In the end Russia is just another country with interests and they are prepared to sacrifice innocent life for it, like Syria, but so is the Usa/NATO, but it is okay when the they do it, isn't it?

I kinda hope that European countries stop going on citytrip with NATO and just focus on their own security, fight against terrorism and maintain relations with everyone.
Man! you are living in CNN, FOX news agencies' propaganda.
When did Russian government said something like that?
But in the meantime i am witnessing NATO's developments in Latvia, Letonia, Romania, Georgia, coup in Ukraine and also knocking Russian doors in Baltic states. Who is aggressor here?

That would be You.

The token forces deployed by NATO in the Baltics and Eastern Europe are there
as sacrifices in case Russia starts some funny business.
You don't invade a country like Russia with a few battalions.
Your interpretation of that is really aggressive.

Yeah, like NATO/Usa aren't bullying weaker countries across the globe and ruining everything... (Serbia, Iraq, Libya are a few examples).

Serbia = Bully
Iraq = Bully
Libya = Bully.
What goes around, comes around.

Both Iraq and Libya has been ruined by their own citizens.
Serbia has not.

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