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Russian Embassy in Islamabad denies Russian plans to participate in CPEC

Oct 11, 2016
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Russian Embassy in Islamabad denies Russian plans to participate in CPEC
In a Facebook post, the Russian mission said talks were on to merge the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with the Chinese Silk Road Economic Belt, and not the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), as stated by Radio Pakistan, and then republished by the Indian media.

The Russian Embassy in Islamabad has refuted reports in the Pakistani and Indian media that said Russia planned to merge the Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

On Dec. 19, the Times of India citedRussian Ambassador to Pakistan Alexey Dedov as saying that Russian planned to merge the EAEU with the CPEC. The Indian paper’s article, though not sourced, was based on a Radio Pakistan report stating the same.

The Russian Embassy issued its clarification on its Facebook page.

“In the mentioned interview (with Radio Pakistan) the ambassador said that it was the issue of merging the EAEU with the Chinese project of the Silk Road Economic Belt, that was under discussion,” the embassy said.

“Recognizing the importance of the CPEC Project for the Pakistani economy and regional connectivity, the ambassador made it clear that Russia doesn’t participate in it being engaged in realization of its own large-scale bilateral project with Pakistan – that of “North-South” gas pipeline from Karachi to Lahore.”

The embassy also referred to a press release issued by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where Moscow denied any talks with Pakistan to participate in the CPEC.

“In this connection the embassy would also like to attract attention to the press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation from Nov. 29, 2016, saying that Moscow is not discussing the possibility of joining this project with Islamabad.”

On Nov. 29, the Russian Foreign Ministry denied that any “secret talks” were being held on the CPEC between Moscow and Islamabad.

“Reports appearing in Pakistan’s media about some ‘secret talks’ between Russia and Pakistan on the creation of China-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) do not correspond to the realities. The possibility of Russia’s joining this initiative is not being discussed with Islamabad,” the statement said.

After the Times of India published the report on Dec. 19, irate Indian users of social media web sites turned their wrath on Russia, accusing the country of betrayal. Several Indian media outlets also carried the story that misquoted Russian Ambassador Dedov.

A source close to the Russian Foreign Ministry told RBTH that Dedov said in the interview with Radio Pakistan that Russia wanted a stable and peaceful Pakistan, an objective that is shared by the Indian government.

“We need to be careful of elements that are indulging in fake news and trying to deliberately harm Russia-India ties,” the source told RBTH.

Russia is simply deceiving India...they are just playing with their words. India should make their own arrangement with possible reassignment with the tie with Russia.
Russia is simply deceiving India..
How can Russia cheat India?
Why should Russia deceive India?
You should trust your allies.
last 2 months russians has to came open three times and denied the news item from pakistan....

if pakistan in illussion to disturb india russian ties by means of propaganda , then they are underestimating russian wisdom....
How can Russia cheat India?
Why should Russia deceive India?
You should trust your allies.

I would ask why not Russia will deceive India?? Again, i did not comment based on just random thoughts rather facts.

1- US presence in Afganistan is not welcomed by Russia. Pakistan is an anti US country. The best way to control the influence of US is to bring Pakistan to its sides so that Russia can monitor any activity in Afganistan.

2- Russia is more anti American than pro Indian. India in 1990 is the same way of Pakistan for China. It is like a Russia was a big boss who simply dominating India......India in 2016 is definitely not going to allign its policy in the same way as it was in 1990.And so does Russia is not USSR.
So Russia has more advantage in having Pakistan as a state which he can control or influence to achieve its objective than India... That makes a perfect combination to bring Pakistan and Russia relation to prominence.
How can Russia cheat India?
Why should Russia deceive India?
You should trust your allies.

leave about india russia.....

you bettervfocus on pakistan china....you better take care....fizza badal rahi hai...

Russia is simply deceiving India...they are just playing with their words. India should make their own arrangement with possible reassignment with the tie with Russia.
there is no russia pakistan thing......do not let the propoganda overtake your wisdom...
I would ask why not Russia will deceive India?? Again, i did not comment based on just random thoughts rather facts.

1- US presence in Afganistan is not welcomed by Russia. Pakistan is an anti US country. The best way to control the influence of US is to bring Pakistan to its sides so that Russia can monitor any activity in Afganistan.

2- Russia is more anti American than pro Indian. India in 1990 is the same way of Pakistan for China. It is like a Russia was a big boss who simply dominating India......India in 2016 is definitely not going to allign its policy in the same way as it was in 1990.And so does Russia is not USSR.
So Russia has more advantage in having Pakistan as a state which he can control or influence to achieve its objective than India... That makes a perfect combination to bring Pakistan and Russia relation to prominence.
e Russian mission said talks were on to merge the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with the Chinese Silk Road Economic Belt, and not the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), as stated by Radio Pakistan,
“Recognizing the importance of the CPEC Project for the Pakistani economy and regional connectivity,

isn't CPEC part of OBOR? What an impotent state playing with words to satisfy bharatis..

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