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Russian Economy almost the same size like Germany according to Worldbank

Are you implying Uralmash is better than Baker Hughes? Are they even competing in the same market segment? Baker Hughes provides Oilfield services such as logging, drilling and completions while Uralmash makes heavy equipment and rigs.

What I implying is that Russia is not backward nation as your media claims it is .Secondly,have you heard of Gaffney,cline and associates those guys claim to be impartial consultants ,but act as an really aggressive sales team.One of my friends from College happens to be in Reservoir engineer in Reliance and has told me how Baker Hughes Gaffney,cline tried to ram its Baker Hughes and its affiliates products into the company's throat and then What Reliance did.

And yes your companies are losing reputation overseas because of their aggressive sales pitching .Should I talk about Halliburton crap cementing job that was one of the very major reasons for Deepwater Horizon disaster.

so what is your point?
Russia discovered a technique to separate gas from ice and it gives it some uber super dooper edge? Are you serious? Im leaning towards the fact you are a joke, but lets pursue the avenue of you being serious first.

You think Germans wouldn't drill if they had it? And thought up new, more eficient techniques?
lol, so by the end of WWII USSR had a high end military complex?
Might pointing out some of the products that this complex produced?

Additionally, the "high end tech" was coming out of relocated factories behind the Urals. The absence of those factories today can tell you just one thing-they moved them back and not a lot of R&D was done in the immediate years post war.

Also in statistics..this is a reply to everyone...no single number can represent the true story, but a combination of numbers/stats can paint a pretty good picture.

Who would want to call you? You are obnoxious. Russ1@ Str0ng!!1111

Like as If I give a damn about some wage slave's stupid responses who worships govt propaganda.
Like as If I give a damn about some wage slave's stupid responses who worships govt propaganda.

Trying to be cool, immitating my responses. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I am flattered that such a high earning Indian thinks so highly of me. lol

Dude, rule of thumb is...when you are rich you dont go around advocating it. Only the needy do it to relieve their hurt ego's. Im thinking you are very very stupid if not a downright liar. :)

Slave wage :P i love it. I suppose you are the owner of immense oil and gas fields and you dont work for a wage because everything is yours? Dumbass..you give me ammo to nuke you everytime you post.
Traders are usually sharp lol, they need quick reaction and critical thinking to make the best decision out of many....you lack both so far.

so what is your point?
Russia discovered a technique to separate gas from ice and it gives it some uber super dooper edge? Are you serious? Im leaning towards the fact you are a joke, but lets pursue the avenue of you being serious first.

Methane hydrate is the world's largest hydrocarbon and power the world for the thousands to tens of thousands years at currentBTU equivalent consumption patterns. If that is not a major breakthrough then What? And do you extraction is such an easy task.No a lot of engineering and technical knowledge .But I guess you have no understanding of Engineering.Not a wonder why your economies are failing.
Methane hydrate is the world's largest hydrocarbon and power the world for the thousands to tens of thousands years at currentBTU equivalent consumption patterns. If that is not a major breakthrough then What? And do you extraction is such an easy task.No a lot of engineering and technical knowledge .But I guess you have no understanding of Engineering.Not a wonder why your economies are failing.

So, noone could repeat what the Russians discovered in the 70's? Are you a joke?

i could mention India and its economy and people but ill abstain. No need to paint them all like i'd be painting you and make sweeping generalizations like you do :)
Trying to be cool, immitating my responses. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I am flattered that such a high earning Indian thinks so highly of me. lol

Dude, rule of thumb is...when you are rich you dont go around advocating it. Only the needy do it to relieve their hurt ego's. Im thinking you are very very stupid if not a downright liar. :)

Slave wage :P i love it. I suppose you are the owner of immense oil and gas fields and you dont work for a wage because everything is yours? Dumbass..you give me ammo to nuke you everytime you post.

Lol,I make good earnings. I am not uber rich.But very knowledgeable due to my connections.And I wish to start my own petrochemical/refinery product trading which is why I am learning everything about the trade.Whether Upstream,midstream or downstream.
And you have not made any other contribution other than Insults or trolling.

So, noone could repeat what the Russians discovered in the 70's? Are you a joke?

Well ,None have managed to repeat it commercially.But another ten years ,I am expecting Japan to repeat it on a much larger scale that to offshore methane hydrate.
Lol,I make good earnings. I am not uber rich.But very knowledgeable due to my connections.And I wish to start my own petrochemical/refinery product trading which is why I am learning everything about the trade.Whether Upstream,midstream or downstream.
And you have not made any other contribution other than Insults or trolling.

You are full of shit?

How would you know i dont make more then you? Labeling me slave for a wage? Out of my pay grade? You are stupid dude. enuff said.
And trolling is calling out your BS.
You are full of shit?

How would you know i dont make more then you? Labeling me slave for a wage? Out of my pay grade? You are stupid dude. enuff said.
And trolling is calling out your BS.

Typical response.You remind me of the Fox who called the grapes sour.Is that why you left EU for USA ?


so what is your point?
Russia discovered a technique to separate gas from ice and it gives it some uber super dooper edge? Are you serious? Im leaning towards the fact you are a joke, but lets pursue the avenue of you being serious first.

You think Germans wouldn't drill if they had it? And thought up new, more eficient techniques?

You think Germans wouldn't drill if they had it? And thought up new, more eficient techniques?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...many-according-worldbank-4.html#ixzz23yyukZqj

They could .But then EON and Ruhrgas are to attached to Gazprom by the hip.My opinion its political reason,rather than technical.Germans have good tight/shale gas reserves.
Typical response.You remind me of the Fox who called the grapes sour.Is that why you left EU for USA ?

Nice deflection! I see you dont want to talk about one of your many (i suppose) shortcomings, but rather deflect at me. Must be a product of a good education system!

They could .But then EON and Ruhrgas are to attached to Gazprom by the hip.

Point is...they can't because they have no methane ice oil fields. Because noone exploited methane reservoirs but the Russians, so they came up with the tech usable in the field not in the lab. You give too much credit to the Russkies.
Nice deflection! I see you dont want to talk about one of your many (i suppose) shortcomings, but rather deflect at me. Must be a product of a good education system!

And you are the master of namecoming,deflection and shortcomings.Idiot.
And you are the master of namecoming,deflection and shortcomings.Idiot.

You cant even come up with a line of your own. lol. . .what is namecoming btw?

New word from the dictionary of a self proclaimed oil magnate?
Nice deflection! I see you dont want to talk about one of your many (i suppose) shortcomings, but rather deflect at me. Must be a product of a good education system!

Point is...they can't because they have no methane ice oil fields. Because noone exploited methane reservoirs but the Russians, so they came up with the tech usable in the field not in the lab. You give too much credit to the Russkies.

This is the biggest load of BS Methane Hydrate largest concentration is offshore on the shallow continental shelf.And its found in large amts in nearly every nation that has a coastline.

You give too much credit to the Russkies.

Yes because their Scientific research and R & D during Soviet Era was too good.But they were fools to have not adopted enterprenrship and capitalism and continued believed in their marxist crap which led to their collapse.

You cant even come up with a line of your own. lol. . .what is namecoming btw?

New word from the dictionary of a self proclaimed oil magnate?

Well I am working for a company. though I would like to be like Marc Rich ,Founder of Glencore in the future.

And its name-calling.:bad: MY mistake
Why are you reposting the same thing? The quote explains why PPP should be used to compare national economies. I already said that you dont even slightly understand the meanining of what you are posting.

hes chinese he wants to see india and russia down but i am pretty sure if he argues with american he will use ppp data as well.

ppp and nominal means that nominal shows all the services and good from a country (gdp) in us dollars so if their currencies are less or more worth then less or more gdp. PPP measures it with the national currencies and are based on real goods. There is no difference if i would buy milk in russia or usa its milk yet of course it cost more in western countries increasing their gdp in nominal terms.

Russia has the same military budget nominal like uk and france but who afforded more stuff lately and who has more soldiers?? Prices in west are higher so is their military budget but russia afforded more since its producing many stuff in their country and wages are lower.
You can use any means to compare countries economies, but the simplest is common sense, and If the Russian economy is almost the same as the German one, than one has to take into account the Population numbers, than The PPP based on the GDP, will be clearer, the same applies for India versus Japan.
Economic science is not an exact science it is a bit like meteorology, with the economic fluctuations changing with the global events (winds).

germany has 82 million russia has 142 million List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and if you look at the worldbank data per capita in ppp you will see russia is one of the richest eastern european countries with 2100 dollars, germany has only twice more with 4000 dollars and south korea has only 50% more, thats all in only 20 years capitalism how many time had germany or south korea after ww2 to build it all up.
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