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Russian Ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin: "In the military-technical cooperation with India we


Jul 6, 2009
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- Alexander, you have worked a long time in India, a witness and participant in many programs of cooperation between our countries. As in India evaluate the Russian-Indian cooperation in the PTS?

- Indeed, the work in India is linked almost all my diplomatic career, starting from the far 1971 For such a long period of international relations have undergone truly tectonic changes. Segodniya our old and faithful friend - the great India - steadily gaining power and authority as a rising global power. It has become one of the world's major arms importers. In this political and military leadership is considering diversifying sources of military procurement. This approach is understandable and logical. However, it does not mean the inevitable revision or devaluation of military-technical cooperation between our countries.

In India, highly valued the experience and achievements of bilateral cooperation in this key area. Let me remind you that it is developing for the past six decades. During this period, the Indian armed forces were 70% completed with weapons and military equipment of the Soviet and Russian production, the total amount of purchases that exceeded $ 57 billion

Only in 2013 sales to India through the "Rosoboronexport" amounted in value in excess of $ 3.6 billion All this gives grounds to say that the Russian-Indian relations in the sphere of military-technical cooperation has been and remains one of the pillars of our specially privileged strategic partnership. And let not our competitors allegedly ranting about the weakening of the tight connection.
- In recent years, India has repeatedly favored arms manufacturers from other states. Why, in your opinion, is this happening?

- As I said, the world does not stand still, and India is also quite not the same as it was in the 1950s. It can be compared with a rich heiress, whose status allows you to choose almost any "suitors". In the field of defense, the Indian leadership maturely assess national interests and priorities of the country, choosing from the available options, what to some extent corresponds to both the opportunities and challenges facing or objectives. Again, this is quite natural, and we are not jealous.

Strictly speaking, India implemented contracts with our foreign competitors affected only a few specific sectors. The range and volume of Russian-Indian cooperation in the sphere of military-technical cooperation are not comparable with these individual purchases. But we certainly can not rest on our laurels, relying on the fact that India will always meet their military-technical needs with supplies from Russia. Such a naive approach nowadays is untenable. So we're heading to the accelerated transition from the former relationship, "the seller - the buyer" to expand the complex interaction with India, involves the joint development and production of weapons and military equipment.

Shining example - work of the Russian-Indian joint venture "BrahMos", which produces the world's best supersonic cruise missiles. Specialists of the two countries have been cooperating successfully in other projects, including - promising multipurpose fighter (MIT) and multi-role transport aircraft (MTS). Russia's active participation in held in New Delhi in early February, the international exhibition "DefEkspo 2014" confirmed the huge interest in this direction by the Indian partners, and clearly showed - we have something to offer them.

- You mentioned the joint projects to develop a promising multipurpose fighter and multi-role transport aircraft. How are things going with their practical implementation?
- Collaboration on the project promising fighter is based on an intergovernmental agreement on October 18, 2007 from the Indian side it involves corporation Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), and from the Russian - "Rosoboronexport" and Aviation Holding Company "Sukhoi".

The project includes the design and development of new generation fighter, which will have such advanced features as stealth, supersonic cruising speed, high maneuverability, highly integrated avionics, enhanced warning system about the situation, the internal accommodation of aircraft weapons, perfect warning system and electronic warfare. The program envisages creation of an advanced multirole fighter and integration of advanced engine with increased thrust.

Supposed to cooperate in joint marketing fighter in third countries. Planned orders for the Indian Air Force - 144 aircraft. Serial production of the first fighters of the new generation - 2020-2022 gg.

Currently approved passport export image plane, signed a general contract on the general conditions of its implementation, harmonized technical requirements for the fighter and the division of the project. The Parties shall hold consultations on the preparation of the contract for development work (OCD).

Our talks and work on this important project going well. If its joint implementation is delayed due to the fact that India has to reallocate financial resources for other purchases, the cost of which unexpectedly increased, the blame for such delays Russian side there is no reason.

The draft joint development and production of multi-role transport aircraft carried out on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement signed in November 2007 and provides, inter alia, the creation of the joint venture on a parity basis in India. In 2008, the head of the Executive of the Indian side - state corporation HAL - handed over a draft contract for the first phase of conceptual design of MTS. In 2011 a branch of the joint venture in Moscow. General contract for the project was signed in May 2012, and a contract for preliminary design - in October of the same year.

In accordance with the contract for design work, a joint Russian-Indian project team. Since the beginning of December 2012, Indian specialists, consisting of 35 persons started joint work with Russia on the basis of JSC "UAC-TA" in Moscow, and in September 2013 completed this milestone. Hand went to consultation on the draft contract for OCD.

So, summing up, I must say - cooperation on these two advanced projects moving forward, and the results are coming soon.

- What can you say about one of the most famous Russian-Indian projects - the Su-30MKI? The press has recently mentioned the need to modernize these aircraft.

- Delivery program of India and the licensed production in this country of Su-30MKI is among the most significant joint projects in MTC. It is carried out by intergovernmental agreement and a general contract signed in 2000 to more than $ 3.34 billion contract, which are involved in the implementation of "Rosoboronexport" Corporation "Irkut" corporation and HAL, provided the transfer of licenses and technical documentation and delivery of technological units for the production of 140 Su-30MKI.

The project is divided into four phases. The first aircraft produced entirely in "Irkut" corporation, and then transferred to the state corporation HAL flyby and supplies to the Indian Air Force, and each subsequent phase would increase the amount of work produced in India.

The success of the program can be judged from the fact that in 2007 and 2012. were signed two additional contracts for the delivery of 82 sets of technology. All contractual obligations are fulfilled by the Russian side in the near future.

As for the modernization of the fleet of Indian Su-30MKI, it carried the Indian Air Force with the direct participation of the HAL and Defence Research and Development Ministry of Defence of India (DRDO). From Russia, where it is planned to upgrade the prototype aircraft, the main executor of works is a company "Sukhoi". During the consultation process in general agreement on the technical parameters of the aircraft and upgrade options. Continue to discuss the technical and commercial aspects, the division of the project, preparation of contract schedule.

Of great interest is the ongoing project of integration missile "BrahMos" in the armament of the Su-30MKI, which began in November 2008, already proposed by the Russian participants agreed technical specification adapted plane defined procedure, schedule and responsibilities of the parties in the course of work. In October 2010, the Indian side handed over a draft contract.

In December 2012 the "Rosoboronexport" and JV "BrahMos" signed a contract to perform conceptual design to adapt the missile for the Su-30MKI. Contractor under the contract is the company "Sukhoi". According to statements by management of "BrahMos", the project has successfully promoted, and this year will begin flight tests of air version of the missile, intended to arm the Su-30MKI.

- Can the success of the PTS transformed into work in other areas, such as civil? It is known that Russia now attaches great importance to the development and civil aircraft.
- These features are sure to have. Potential for mutually beneficial cooperation is very great. It is no secret that the company "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" in talks with major Indian carriers on the promotion and operation of the Russian aircraft Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ-100) in India. In February 2011, the ship was in international air show Aero India 2011 in Bangalore, and a year later - in the international air show India Aviation 2012 in Hyderabad.

Responses allow specialists optimistic about the prospects of our aircraft in the Indian civil aviation market, especially against the background of the country are seeing rapid growth in regional passenger traffic.

It is important that the Russian side did not lose the initiative, acting aggressively and flexibly, taking into account the high level of competition. From this perspective, we can only welcome the active participation of leading Russian companies and enterprises in the exhibition held in Hyderabad, India Aviation 2014, within which was a presentation of SSJ-100 aircraft for the aviation authorities of India and foreign aviation companies, and negotiations were held with prospective customers Plane the timing and financing schemes supplies aftermarket organization, training flight and technical personnel.

Simultaneously Corporation "Irkut" is actively seeking partners for connecting Indian aviation companies on international cooperation in the production and promotion of the Indian market and the region of the main prospective MS-21 aircraft. In 2012 she presented the layout of the aircraft cabin at the exhibition India Aviation 2012, and in 2013 - held a series of presentations for the MS-21 aviation authorities of India and Indian airlines.

In this separate activity Obediennoy Aircraft Corporation is finding an industrial partner in India the number of companies with significant financial resources and manufacturing experience in the field of high-tech products. On this subject held talks with representatives of private business, and with officials of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Thus, the necessary preconditions for the promotion of Russian aircraft to the Indian market. There is every reason to hope that these efforts will be successful.

- It is known that India is planning to start work on creating his own project of civil aircraft. In your opinion, whether Russia can take part in this work?

- In India, really prepares targeted program for financing the development and establishment of a national passenger aircraft. It provides a choice of a foreign partner on the basis of an international tender for the serial production and transfer of rights to the design and construction of aircraft state corporation HAL. Given the experience of cooperation with the KLA HAL, connection Russian partners in the project seems to be very reasonable.

In general, this trend bodes very attractive prospects that was, in particular, it is recognized by both parties at the November 2013 meeting of the Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission on trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation. I am convinced that the further strengthening and expanding cooperation in the field of civil aviation between Russian and Indian companies and organizations in our common interest and will bring bilateral cooperation in high-tech industries to a new level.
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