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@Barmaley What is the deference between Su-30M2 & Su-30SM? If Su-35 is a multirole aircraft then why Su-34 is needed as both are similar air frames only major difference is that later and side by side seating.
February 25, 2015 14:39
Air assault formation starts exercises in Pskov region - Defense Ministry - Interfax

Air assault formation starts exercises in Pskov region - Defense Ministry
MOSCOW. Feb 25 (Interfax-AVN) - Over 1,500 servicemen will be airdropped during a battalion tactical drill of the Russian Airborne Forces which started in the Pskov region on Wednesday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

"Two battalions of tactical groups comprising of nearly 2,000 men and 500 units of hardware are involved in the practice," Airborne Forces spokesperson Maj. Irina Kruglova told Interfax-AVN.

"More than 1,500 servicemen and twelve pieces of military hardware will be airdropped during the training," she said.
@Barmaley What is the deference between Su-30M2 & Su-30SM?.

Well, visually you can easily spot the difference between them.
Su-30SM (and Su-30MKI) has canards near cockpit and more sharp vertical stabilizer.


The Su-30SM also has more advancer avionic.
The Su-30M2 mostly used here as a trainer jet for a pilots of Su-27SM and Su-35.

If Su-35 is a multirole aircraft then why Su-34 is needed as both are similar air frames only major difference is that later and side by side seating.

The difference between Su-35 and Su-34 is much bigger then you said. Starting from an engine ending with the avionics and characteristics.
The Su-34 has a bigger payload, has more internal fuel and so the biggest combat radius. The su-34 is aircraft for air-to-ground missions mostly. The Su-35 ofc can use guided and non guided bombs and missiles too, but the Su-34 can do it more accurate. Basically, the Su-34 was created to penetrate enemy's air defence at low altitude
Characteristic of Su-34 is close too long-range strategic bombers and su-34 can carry missiles with nuclear warhead if its needed.

The Su-35 is more like air supremacy fighter jet with advancer radar, supermaneuverability, low RCS, advancer avionic and onboard electronic co-pilot.


@Barmaley What is the deference between Su-30M2 & Su-30SM? If Su-35 is a multirole aircraft then why Su-34 is needed as both are similar air frames only major difference is that later and side by side seating.
M2 are upgraded ones while SM are new built baseline MKI, Russianized with TVC.
@Barmaley Can Su-34 perform limited Maritime Patrol & dedicated Naval Attack Aircraft specially against Carrier Battle Group as it can maneuver much better then usual MPAs and can carry air to air & other weapons too??

Because there is a radar.
View attachment 196612

Su-30M2 are new built too.

Su-30M2 produced on the same factory which is also producing Su-35 and PAK-FA.

What Capabilities this radar of Ka-50/52 has? and when compared to rotor mounted radars of Apache and Havoc how much effective this nose mounted radar is when compared to them?
Can Su-34 perform limited Maritime Patrol & dedicated Naval Attack Aircraft specially against Carrier Battle Group as it can maneuver much better then usual MPAs and can carry air to air & other weapons too??

The Su-34 can carry anti-ship missiles like Kh-35 and Yahont(Brahmos). So i guess, he can do that missions too.

Yes, he can fire air-to-air missiles too.

What Capabilities this radar of Ka-50/52 has? and when compared to rotor mounted radars of Apache and Havoc how much effective this nose mounted radar is when compared to them?

I don't know their characteristic to be honestly.
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