reading this thread, I wonder how many people in Russia do actually know computer.
1.) You can run anything on any CPU, as long as you are using a good graphic card and RAM
You can technically run CRISIS 2 (A GAME that require the max spec) on Full HD mode on a socket 775 CPU (core 2 cpu from like 8 years ago) If you are using latest PCIe 2 Display card like Gtx 790 and co.
Graphic processing is the job of your GPU, not the job of CPU, which is to execute instruction, there are set amount of instruction in a game, while there are A LOT texture rendering happening per second, hence the speed and the quality of the CPU i s discounted here as the instruction set is limited but rendering set is next to infinity.
In short, how good the picture and speed of geaphic have little to no relation to the CPU, it have more to so with your RAM and display card.
2,) Using American hardware will not get you hack, using American internet will.
Computer Hardware is the stupidest thing in the world, they work whatever you tell them to, and they so not have any control or thinking (AI) on any thing.
Simply put, if you put a 1 on the execution queue, they will process 1, if you put a 0 in the queue, they will process 0.
Whats started to go wrong is when that process goes online on the internet.
Internet is created by the American, and what you see and currently used is only a fraction of what internet can do when they are designed by DARPA during the 60s, i cant twll you much but even if you use all Russian equipment (CPU, Motherboard, HDD and so on) and using an Russian ISP and Russian server, as long as you have a connect to any of the american server, we can hack you.
The only thing safe is for the Russian to not connect to any US server and US infrastructure and not Using US made IP protocol, that would involve a new internet system, build base on open source code, with new Server and new OS, good luck transferring all the internet file on that proposed network.
Yeah, i was wondering why anyone would brag about what is a phone grade processor (and not top end at that) going into servers. And the problem of "FPS games are GPU-demanding, not CPU-demanding" weakens the claim still further. Still, RA-RAH Russia!! Hurry up and start using inferior processors.
Oh, and power consumption is ridiculous for the performance. You can't put a 45W processor in a phone, so that explains the servers, I suppose.
8 core at 740MHz will put them behind Samsung Galaxy S3 era A7 processor which is about 1.5 Ghz @ 4 cores. A15 (Galaxy S4 and early S5 model) are 1.9@ quad core, and later LTE Galaxy S5 using an A15 with ARMv7 instruction.runs on 2.4 or 2.5 GHz per core @ 4 core
Thats not even mid range processor for phone as rhe larest Foxconn snapdragon offered 8 core @ 2.3 Ghz.
To be fair, the first thing people looking for when building a sercer is power comsumption, being low Wattage have their own adcantage, yet intel have LTDW Server CPU that ran about 10 times as fast as that on 2.5 @ 6 cores on 60 W TDW(2630L) compare to the russian 0.75 @ 8 core on 45 W TDW
2630L is sold for 600 USD, unless the Russian CPU is sold at 60, otherwise its not worth it..
but then shhhhh... otherwise we will get accused by senhiser and co of being jealous on getting inferior processor at their server....