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Russia unveils Tu-22M3M anti ship strategic bombers armed with Kh-32 1,000 km range supersonic anti ship missiles

Tu-22M Backfires were always equipped with long range cruise missiles. The stealthiness of the cruise missiles is more important than the speed
Supersonic anti ship cruise missiles is not a true forms of cruise missiles as compare to their subsonic cousins, they haven't any capability to cruise at on the oceans waves like their subsonic cousins (5-8 meters above the oceans) hence they have big RCS and IR signatures, if they want to cruise similar to their subsonic cousins (5-10 meters above the oceans) than these anti ship Cruise missiles will have significantly reduce ranges
Hypersonic speed is not achievable at lower altitudes but 100,000+ feet, and will have big IR/RADAR signature, but it has so low reaction times, that it will be basically invincible to all current and future air defense systems
Supersonic anti ship cruise missiles is not a true forms of cruise missiles as compare to their subsonic cousins, they haven't any capability to cruise at on the oceans waves like their subsonic cousins (5-8 meters above the oceans) hence they have big RCS and IR signatures, if they want to cruise similar to their subsonic cousins (5-10 meters above the oceans) than these anti ship Cruise missiles will have significantly reduce ranges

It's called sea skimming. Modern anti ship missiles are sea skimming.

There is no law of physics that prevents supersonic missile doing sea skimming. I quote:

The YJ-8 is a sea skimming anti-ship missile with active radar homing in the terminal phase.

source: https://weaponsystems.net/system/544-YJ-8
Their is a law of physics that prevent supersonic ASHM can't cruise long range on supersonic speed at lowest altitudes because of dense atmosphere, if they cruise on LOW-LOW trajectories than they reduce their range significantly

and YJ-8 or C-801 is the subsonic ASHM so it can skim on ocean but not supersonic ASHM
Their is a law of physics that prevent supersonic ASHM can't cruise long range on supersonic speed at lowest altitudes because of dense atmosphere, if they cruise on LOW-LOW trajectories than they reduce their range significantly

and YJ-8 or C-801 is the subsonic ASHM so it can skim on ocean but not supersonic ASHM

Sea skimming anti ship missiles existed since 80s. Kh-31 being the first one.


Sea skimming anti ship missiles existed since 80s. Kh-31 being the first one.

These are not true skimming missiles, these missiles' cruise phase is hundreds of meters, whereas subsonic ones have true sea skimming capability (5-10 meters) depending on sea states, and denser atmosphere means more drag and which also means faster fuel consumption to overcome drag hence these supersonic ASHM reduce their range in all LOW-LOW trajectories significantly

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