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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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There will be no winners except the west if this continues. Ukraine has already lost maybe trillions of dollars of infrastructure and maybe 15,000 lives. But denying Russia the resources of this massive land and its 45 million population is the goal and if that is achieved, the west wins and Ukraine will be fee and then they will rebuild with the help of the west. They have done it many times before and they'll do it again. Ukraine will not have a classic total victory, noone has ever suggested that. IF they are lucky they will get their freedom and a ruined country. But one if they are willing to sacrifice 100k to 300k lives for it.

I think its worth it if I was a Ukrainian.
Did west help any country in former Yugoslavia rebuild? How come every one is still poor after 20 years? Seems like everyone that can has left. why stay in a war torn and impoverished country when you can leave by walking across a border? But if everyone capable leaves how do you rebuild?

Ukraine is going to be even worse. Their GDP per capita was already not so good. At this rate it is going to be like Afghanistan. Everyone with even 0.1% capability to leave will leave even if they have to scrub dishes. They're used to modern amenities and it's much easier to move to Germany or UK than to struggle in Ukraine, they aren't a traditional society like Afghanistan.

For a comparison, Libya used to be a modern country. Thanks to war their GDP dropped from $14k in 2010 to $3k today and they have oil. If Ukraine drops similarly (gets EU aid but balanced out with no oil) then Ukraine is looking at GDP per capita around $1000. Almost Afghanistan level, inside Europe.
@That Guy @jhungary just how much forces do Russians have in the South now?

There were around 14 BTGs stationed in Crimea before action started. Were they reinforced at the last moment?
Not sure, we know they made a huge push, and most of their gains since the war started have been in the south, for obvious strategic reasons (land bridge, encirclement, consolidation...Yada Yada Yada....etc).

We also know that the Russians have committed almost their entire combat force in Ukraine, so if reinforcements are coming from across the border, they probably won't be much. It might be the reason why the Russians are having to (reportedly) rely on Chechens and Syrian mercs.
And you dont see any scenario like this:

- Russia wins, Putin continues as president and there are no significant riots or massive protests (with massive protests we mean 100s of thousands of people in cities around Russia) and Russian economy starts to recover?

Nope, I don't.

I would define thousands of people as massive, not just 100s of thousands. I don't like the fact that you're arbitrarily adding a goal post by suggesting as such.
Do yourself a favor, turn off the internet, and take a walk. Do come back on until you feel better.

Tried that, just ended up hating the Ukrainians even more after I thought about it
For general knowledge:

Manipulation. A group of telegram channels administered by Russian intelligence services claim that Zelensky is using civilians as a weapon against the Russian military.

Manipulators involve the fact that Ukrainians are not evacuated from cities that are regularly under attack. Detector Media recorded such rhetoric on the fourth day of the war, but it is very dangerous to evacuate civilians in large numbers, both then and now, without green corridors.

The propagandists explain that Zelensky is deliberately making sacrifices among the civilians in order to maintain the image for the media and foreign partners. As if, that's how Ukraine is asking for weapons.

@Hassan Al-Somal
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