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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yeah, a typo. The same typo with the % you did yesterday. Exactly the same error.
I did one just a few days ago in another post without number? And I sometime type number in a otherwise word post. So?

I sometime use my phone and my qwerty keyboard switch to symbol sometime, I don't understand what is your problem with that.

Again, if this is the best you get You need to try harder.

Just a heads up, you need a calculator to get the number and I for one cannot do 750,000/18,200,000 in my mind, and if you used a calculator to do that calculation would have know the result is 0.03, So if that is not a typo, then my calculator is lying to me by showing 0.0003.

What a pillar. What you said is just not making sense.....
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I think Poutine is afraid of assassination.


Was this behavior noticed before the Ukraine invasion? I do not think this is about ego. Certainly powerful personalities have more than robust egos, but Poutine have never been known to be flamboyant about himself. Confident of his authority and power, yes. But not flamboyant. So WHEN did this staying afaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from his staff and advisers came? Russia's leaders do have a history of unexplained disappearances, so am beginning to suspect that Poutine is on red alert about his own potential disappearance.

Senior US senator Lindsey Graham called for “somebody in Russia” to assassinate President Vladimir Putin after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine in a televised interview on Thursday evening.

“How does this end? Somebody in Russia has to step up to the plate... and take this guy out,” the senator told conservative Fox News TV host Sean Hannity
Mind games are working people, may a patriotic Russki cleanse us from this mad man
That's probably the reason why UK open door to those Hong Konger.

They need that half a million highly educated workforce....
Exactly and UK understands that even though they made an oopsie due to reactionism

Even the strength of US economy is its ability to attract the best talent from everywhere be it in form of farm workers or doctors.
That strength of US is highly underrated even by Americans themselves.

Countries in eastern Europe are going through massive population declines that are threatening their economic stability and this surge of migrants will help them greatly no matter how Ukraine crisis ends

Putin Saved Thousands of Lives in Donbass Republics, Pre-Maidan Ukrainian Prime Minister Says

14 minutes ago

On 24 February, Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine in response to calls from the Donbass republics to protect them from intensifying attacks by Ukrainian troops.
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov has stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin has saved thousands of lives in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics by ordering a special military operation in Ukraine.
"Only now do we have an opportunity to make public intelligence data on the preparation of a provocation followed by a treacherous strike with the destruction of the population in the territory of LPR and DPR. Putin outpaced Ukraine and NATO and actually saved hundreds of thousands of lives of the [Donbass] republics", Azarov wrote on his Facebook page, in an apparent nod to the ongoing Russian special operation.


Thank you President Putin.
Mind games are working people, may a patriotic Russki cleanse us from this mad man
Another example, how posters do not know even the most basic things, are trying to play smart.
Patriotic people in Russia said 8 years ago, when this mess started, Putin need to attack the bandera regime and end this whole Nato story there.

Now Putin is doing exactly this.

By the way: This Lindsey Lohan, sorry, Graham, is a notorious shit talker. Something like the murican Zhirinovsky.

Senior US senator Lindsey Graham called for “somebody in Russia” to assassinate President Vladimir Putin after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine in a televised interview on Thursday evening.

“How does this end? Somebody in Russia has to step up to the plate... and take this guy out,” the senator told conservative Fox News TV host Sean Hannity
Mind games are working people, may a patriotic Russki cleanse us from this mad man
I've seen some Americans posting something like "Beware the ides of March" now seeing this from Graham is very concerning.

A lot of destabilization and adverse economic effects will come towards Central and South Asia if Putin falls. And there is chaos in Russia.

So many other factors that can bring instability.
Wrong. Most of the refugees in Germany are the former terrorist head choppers from Syria who fled to Turkey after the offensiv of the syrien gov (starting 2013) moved on successful. Also the terrorist head chopper from Libya moved over Italy to Germany. They are all sitting in Germany, resting from the wars they did by order of the USA and cant stop killing people what are now germans. Not forget all the fleeing criminals from all over Afrika. And they do not need to work, get more money than a poor german. They even do not need to vaccinate while germans get humilated by gov if they are against corona vaccination. Millions. Not only one million. They are millions. Costing only for the year 2022 55 billion euro. For 1 year! Hundred of billions since 2015! The greatest shit what happend to germany since WW2!
I don't know doc
Not everyone fleeing war is a terrorist

Do Elon Musk's rockets also use Russian oil? Which is still being purchased by most Europeans and USA.

Because Russia is giving Pakistan cheap gas due to the conflict. And Pakistan is in desperate need of cheap energy sources
Take a neutral stance
Just say bs like west says

We want de escalation and all sides should sit down to resolve their bilateral issues through dialogue

Stop glorifying Russian actions

They want to change demography of Germans.

Like brother @Rafi says, nuff said.
Most second gen immigrants have social values not that different from other Europeans
Germans saw the American approach and implemented it in their country

They will be in a much better position compared to Italy and Spain
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After 25 years of warnings that expansion of nato is wrong. Poland and former baltic states are part of nato with missiles at Russia's doorstep. This is not wrong? The west egged Ukraine on that we will let you into NATO and EU did they? Now Ukraine after barking at Russia is left to die alone.
Fact is the west lies and lies and lies and so does Russia when it suits them.
For me a Russian victory in Ukraine will have the west arm against Russia. A bipolar world and cold war again. This will help relive pressure on the Muslim world from western combined aggression that has killed 10s of millions in my life alone. So Christian fighting Christians...lefts not get involved. Sit on the fence and f them as they hate us collectively
Both Russia and Ukraine are on good terms with Pakistan
As a Pakistani this conflict doesn't suit us
The concerns of both countries is of no value to us and are issues they should resolve
Well, you seems to only get "cancelled" if you molest a woman (or in Kevin Spacey case a man), or going full racist on a black man, killing a white woman on a movie set is a nickel and dime thing in America apparently

That said I still feel sad then Brandon Lee was killed by Michael Massee by accident.
That was indeed a sad time, another legend taken far too soon.
Maybe it's russian propaganda, but it seems, the ukr army is now attacking their own Azov units, because they stopped to obey orders. I c&p the text from the 4chan board:

"The headquarters of the Azov special-purpose detachment in south-west Mariupol has been hit by a Tochka-U missile defence system, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have said. More than 20 fighters and 10 pieces of equipment were destroyed in the strike.

The reason for the strike was contradictions between the AFU command and Azov's complete refusal to obey and coordinate its actions with the command of the Ukrainian troops
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List of embargoes applied to Russia on consumer market(firms) and social(organisations):
(Pay attention to digital services and be careful not to be stuck with these apps/services.)

Apple Pay - full block
Apple - full exit from the market
Adidas - refusal to work with the national football team
Audi - not available anymore
AMD - banned the supply of microchips and soon the supply of video cards will be banned
Amazon - blocked all retail sales
Adobe - fully blocked
British Petrolium - their shares left Rosneft
BBC - cancellation of broadcast licenses
BMW - closes factories, blocks materials
Bolt - market exit
Boeing - exit from the market
Chevrolet - not available
Cannes Festival - block Russian delegation
Cadillac - not available
Carlsberg - export restriction
Cex Io - crypto platform bans ru users
Cinema 4D - application not working
Coca Cola - exit from the market
Danone exits the market with its subsidiary Prostokvashino
Disney - cancel all movies
Dell - exit
Dropbox - will stop working in the country in a few days
DHL - exit from the market
Eurovision - disqualification
Ericsson - exit the market
Exxon Mobil recalls all experts of Russian oil companies
Blocking all balances on Etsy - ru accounts
Facebook - Russian media account ban
FedEx - a complete ban on deliveries
Formula 1 - cancellation of the tournament in Sochi
Ford - closing all stores
FIFA - disqualification of the national team for the World Cup and prohibition of holding any international matches in the Russian Federation
Google Pay - partial blocking
Google Maps - blocked information for Russia
General Motors - suspends exports
HP - import ban
Harley Davidson - cut supplies
Instagram - blocking propaganda
Intel - microchip supply ban
Jaguar - out of the market
Jooble - removed the service and made a statement
KUNA - exit from the market
Lenovo - exit from market
LinkedIn - preparing for a full departure from the country
MOK - cancellation of all competitions
Mastercard - suspension of card production, closure of several banks
Maersk - stop deliveries to / from Russia - farewell equipment with Ali express and ASOS
Mercedes - outside the country
Megogo - deleted all Russian movies
Metro - layoffs of 10 thousand employees
Mitsubishi - dismissal of 141 service center employees
Microsoft Office - a wide variety of measures are discussed
Mobile World Congress - denial of accreditation for a delegation from the Russian Federation
NFT - currency blocks of users of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the transfer of their money to Ukraine
NHL - full block for players from Russia
Netflix - block for Russian subscriptions, stop production of Russian TV series
Nike - close all stores
Nintendo - ban on buying in rubles
Nestle closes all 6 factories in Russia
OnlyFans - shutdown in the country
Paysera - blocking
PayPal - freezing accounts for withdrawals
Paramount - movie distribution block
Parimatch - franchise withdrawn
Play Station - payment could not be completed
Pornhub - ban on access to content
Porsche - Exit from Russia
Renault - exit from the market
Samsung payment - service blocking
Snapchat - exited the app in Russia and Belarus
Scania - exit from the Russian Federation
SpaceX - delivery of Starlink to Ukraine
Shell - termination of contract with Gazprom
Spotify - unable to pay for subscription
Sony - movie distribution block
Twitter - You cannot open an account for citizens of the Russian Federation
TikTok - massive ban of aggressive contents and propaganda
Toyota - layoffs of 2,600 employees
UEFA - St. Petersburg, the ban on participation of all clubs in the Champions League and Champions League, termination of the contract with the general sponsor Gazprom
UPS - a complete ban on deliveries
Visa - blocking of banks under sanctions
Volvo - withdraw from the Russian Federation
Yandex - exclusion of company shares from quotes on the NY stock exchange
YouTube - block hundreds of RF channels and their monetization
Warner Bros cancels all movie distribution
Webmoney - prohibition of transactions
Volkswagen - going out of the country
Zoom - revocation of software development licenses
I don't know doc
Not everyone fleeing war is a terrorist

LOL its bullshit. A lot of them cant even read or write. There is no economic benefit for the german people if "refugees" cost up to 55 billion per year. Sure some companies will benefit in the low salary sector cause of subsidies they get for giving a "refugee" a job. But it is a gain for this company, not a benefit for the german people.
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