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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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photo_2022-03-03_21-10-40 (2).jpg
Yeah, The Hunt For Red October is probably THE GOAT Naval Movie (Not the GOAT Submarine movie, that's Dasboot)

And yes, in my field of work, which is military intelligence, we have an old saying.

"You are doing a good job if nobody know you have done anything. "

Something are meant to be done at the downlow, and the less people know about it the better.
Happy birthday. (Just curious, are you part Hungarian?)
How do you see this conflict impacting Chinese military planning?
Well, if they have any money to buy by then, yeah.....Are you okay for trading oil or gas to furniture?

What do you mean?

Basically that IKEA furniture is also financed through oil/gas. It is their largest export.

China is one of the world's leading oil consumer if not the biggest. Probably can absorb alot of Russian oil and gas.
It took EU just 4 days to spread her legs to Ukrainian refugees while doors are still closed to Muslim refugees,

not all European countries are the same.
Germany legally accepted 1 m Syrian refugees.
While uk scaremongered and paid lip service to the refugees.
Zelensky is an Idiot. Ukraine can't win war against Russia, if he does not know this basic thing. Definitely he is clown.
At least, he should have calmed down situation after war started. What is Zelensky objective ?
He will act like a Clown and goat the Russians until they are at the Gates of Kiev.. then run off to the West to live in Billion $$ house in Beverly Hills....


Panic buying in Russian Ikea stores as Swedish retailer announces closure​

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Russian customers have flocked to Ikea stores to panic buy furniture and homewares before the retail chain shuts up shop.

The Swedish giant announced yesterday that it would be closing all stores in Russia and Belarus in protest of the invasion of Ukraine.

Massive queues formed outside of their store in St Petersburg before it opened for the last time yesterday.

LIVE UPDATES: Russian forces close in on key cities

A woman in St Petersburg stocks up on coffee cups at Ikea.
© AP A woman in St Petersburg stocks up on coffee cups at Ikea.
Shoppers were seen loading up their trolleys with trays of coffee cups and boxes of flat-pack furniture.

An Ikea statement spoke of the war in Ukraine as they announced their "pause" on retail.

READ MORE: France warns 'worst yet to come' in Ukraine conflict

Massive queues outside an Ikea in Russia before it opens for the last time.
© AP Massive queues outside an Ikea in Russia before it opens for the last time.
"The devastating war in Ukraine is a human tragedy, and our deepest empathy and concerns are with the millions of people impacted," the statement read.

"The immediate actions of Inter Ikea Group and Ingka Group have been to support the personal safety and security of Ikea co-workers and their families, and we will continue to do so."

Ikea also announced it would pause all Ikea Industry production in Russia.

Overnight Volkswagen also announced it would halt all activities in Russia until further notice.

Volkswagen has two major factories in Russia which will be shut down.

Volkswagen will also stop importing cars into Russia.

READ MORE: Russians besiege Ukrainian ports as armoured column stalls

Queues for the checkout at an Ikea in St Petersburg ahead of the store shutting down.
© AP Queues for the checkout at an Ikea in St Petersburg ahead of the store shutting down.
Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, and Harley Davidson have also stopped imports into Russia, while Renault is shutting down its Moscow plant.

Apple and Dell have also suspended sales in Russia.

Russian currency continues to drop, with each ruble now worth barely one Australian cent.

In time of crisis, some panic buy toilet paper (yeah, we've all been there) some panic buy food and medicine. The Russian is taking it into the next level - Flat Pack Furniture....Forget about asking NATO to get off their border, they probably should ask IKEA to stay in their border...
it's for resale. not personal use.
No one needs 100s of cups suddenly.
And ikea India is pretty expensive as compared to our local furniture supply.
They should pack up in India too.
not all European countries are the same,
Germany legally accepted 1 m Syrian refugees.
While uk scaremongered and paid lip service to the refugees.
It wasnt "legally"! At that time it was a decision by the gov against existing law! It was illegal! They changed the law afterwards. And it was - and is - one of the greatest faults a german gov did since WW2. It is a ugly mess and not an enrichment!
It wasnt "legally"! At that time it was a decision by the gov against existing law! It was illegal! They changed the law afterwards. And it was - and is - one of the greatest faults a german gov did since WW2. It is a ugly mess and not an enrichment!

Should've done more to stop the wars that caused those people to migrate then.
This move brings back good old memories! I use to work with a submariner who was an electronics technician on a US nuclear power submarine. I had seen "The Hunt of Red October" recently and brought up the term "Crazy Ivan" and a TV documentary "Sharks of Steel" and how US subs use to follow Soviet subs without them knowing, Thats when he disclosed something most people don't know. These are his words verbatim "Don't believe a single word of it" Reasons Soviets use to do the same to us without us knowing but its never reported in any western media.

Or maybe the Soviets knew but always pretended they didn't know.
I’ve been sent some very disturbing footage of alleged UAF forces looting the corpses of Russian soldiers.

The true reality of war.

Ah. But this will not be propagated by crying faces in the UNSC and the media agencies affiliated with NATO. Their tears are reserved only for Zelensky's Nazis.

Yeah, The Hunt For Red October is probably THE GOAT Naval Movie

I have watched the film. It was an attempt at filming a pathetic book that sought to create nationalism-based anti-Communist uprising in the Baltics and subvert the USSR. The book was NATO regime-change-attempt propaganda.

Not surprising that UNO branches are in full support of Zelensky's Nazis. But what authority do the UNO branches have to impose sanctions or speak of war crimes by non-Western-bloc countries when the same UNO branches have never spoken of war crimes, regime-change attempts, illegal invasions and illegal sanctions imposed by Western bloc countries ? In fact from Iraq to Libya and Syria the UNO bodies have acted as rubber stamp of criminal group called NATO.

And speaking of war crimes, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission instituted by Mahathir Mohamad in 2007 found George Bush jr and Tony B'liar guilty of war crimes in Iraq and called for their arrest which unfortunately has not been done now in 2022. I will say that Iraqis should arrest those two criminals from where ever they find them. But predictable has been the responsible of the NATO rubber stamp UNO to this Malaysian war crimes court :
The former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Param Cumaraswamy, called the KLWCT a private enterprise with no legal basis, and questioned its legitimacy.[15] It does not possess a mandate from the United Nations, nor does the UN grant it recognition. It has no power to order arrests or impose sentences, and it is unclear if its verdicts are anything other than symbolic.
BTW what makes anyone think China will start by ground invasion? That's such asinine logic.
The rocket force,plan and plaf will take out almost everything that can threaten or stage a struggle against the impending invasion by foot soldiers.

If 200k Taiwanese troops concentrated to defend the sea line as someone said ,it will be even easier task for plaf and PLAN to take out everything before arrival of PLA.

I also doubt that even the hundreds of thousands Taiwanese can take out 50k PLA soldiers because,the forces of taiwan would have lots of civilians turned militia,the 50 k Chinese will the absolute elite special forces. Though Taiwanese would be no Afghan farmers,they have the weapons procured from the west but the class of the PLA will likely be different.

Rather than the use of force,China apparently thinks it can take Taiwan just like HK. It's like a contest between CPC vs Tsai regime from Taiwan institute of US. In this context,what China wishes to do is heighten economic,cultural and human to human connection with the island,meanhwile the Taiwan institute's pet project Tsai is opposed to that ,because that will run counter to US's agenda of operating a hostile Taiwanese gov toward China .
Let's make this clear,it's not about democracy, US preserved the dictator Chiang kai sek regime throughout his life,China is more than willing to allow any form of gov in Taiwan,US and their puppet regime want Taiwan and China separate to limit Chinese power projection in China's own backyard.
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BTW what makes anyone think China will start by ground invasion? That's such asinine logic.
The rocket force,plan and plaf will take out almost everything that can threaten or stage a struggle against the impending invasion by foot soldiers.

If 200k Taiwanese troops concentrated to defend the sea line as someone said ,it will be even easier task for plaf and PLAN to take out everything before arrival of PLA.

I also doubt that even the 200k Taiwanese can take out 50k chinese soldiers because,the 200k forces of taiwan would have lots of civilians turned militia,the 50 k Chinese will the absolute elite special forces. Though Taiwanese would be no Afghan farmers,they have the weapons procured from the west but the class of the PLA will likely be different.

Rather than the use of force ,China apparently thinks it can take Taiwan just like HK. It's like a contest between CPC vs Tsai regime from Taiwan institute of US. In this context,what China wishes to do is heighten economic,cultural and human to human connection with the island.meanhwile the Taiwan institute's pet project Tsai is opposed to that ,because that will run counter to US's agenda of operating a hostile Taiwanese gov toward China .
Let's make this clear,it's not about democracy, China is more than willing to allow any form of gov in Taiwan,US and their puppet regime want Taiwan and China separate to limit Chinese power projection in China's own backyard.
Historically the war is settled at Northern China. The South of China never contest the outcome of Northern China war. Southern Chinese just accept any victors who won the Northern China,
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