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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I had to remove your previous post due to baseless accusations - I was flabbergasted. There is no rocket science in my previous post. If you see agenda in it then your mentality is in question. Nobody here is a fan of Ukrainian Azov Brigade.

Ukrainian Azov Brigade is very small in size:

The Azov Battalion is a far-right all-volunteer infantry military unit that allegedly supports white supremacist ideologies, and has also been involved in training civilians to fight against invading troops. They first fought alongside Ukrainian soldiers against pro-separatist troops in 2014, and have since been embedded in the military.

However, as per Al Jazeera, it only has 900 members,
so it's still considered a fringe element in the army. It was founded eight years ago by Andriy Biletsky from the ultra-nationalist Patriot of Ukraine gang and the neo-Nazi Social National Assembly group; both groups were accused of engaging in neo-Nazi ideals, and the latter is known to have attacked minority groups in Ukraine.

The unit received backing from Ukraine’s interior minister in 2014, as the government had recognised its own military was too weak to fight off the pro-Russian separatists and relied on paramilitary volunteer forces.

These forces were privately funded by oligarchs – the most known being Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire and then-governor of the Dnipropetrovska region.

In addition to Azov, Kolomoisky funded other volunteer battalions such as the Dnipro 1 and Dnipro 2, Aidar and Donbas units.

Azov received early funding and assistance from another oligarch: Serhiy Taruta, the billionaire governor of Donetsk region.

- a fringe element.

Ukrainian Azov Brigade is involved in training Ukrainian civilians how to fight Russian forces. Russians cannot take this matter lightly of-course; Putin administration has overblown Ukrainian neo-Nazi theme in its narrative to justify invasion of Ukraine by extension. But is this sufficient grounds to invade a country? Who destroys an entire country for an extremist group or two? Should India be allowed to invade and destroy Pakistan because of TLP or another extremist group? Get my drift now?

Ukrainian Azov Brigade has local footprint - nothing suggests that it is involved in overseas conflicts or worse. You might want to dig into activities of Russian Wagner Group on the other hand (if morality is your greatest concern). This matter was brought up in this thread before and I posted a spine-chilling account of how Russian Wagner members treated their subjects in Syria. You have no idea.

Talk about selective morality.

Javelins. MOAR Javelins!

Russia is changing tactics. More focus is headed towards the South / East and the 40 mile column will be dispersed. It wasn't 'ALL' meant for Kiev. They'll try to cut the land routes from Dniper river all the way back to Russia.

More Russian air assaults to start as well as efforts for amphibious and land assault on Odessa, moving towards Poland.
Ok russia will loose and murica will win and then u can dance. Why are u posting similar stuff in each and every page? If u have some new stuff to share then do it, why are u cheerleading nonstop and trying to convince urself that ukrain is winning?
Do the mods not call this trolling?
I doubt if ull ever be that much cheerleading for Pakistan if it comes to it. I am making a list of western cheerleaders here and next time Pakistan have issues with the west, i will be monitoring these cheerleaders, but am certain most are loyal murican servants.

If you can not see what’s wrong with a country invading another country then I can not help you here mate. And I do Hope Pakistanis will fight hard like Ukrainians to defend there own country when the times comes. And of course if it’s Putins or west who invade us we should not fight back because it’s for the greater good for mankind these powers invading others. No cheers, only supporting Ukraine defending itself against a tyrant and its army’s trying to wipe them off from history.
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