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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russias intentional targeting of Ukrainian civilians is absolutely disgusting, and a crime against humanity.

The Russian Nazis deserve nothing less than to be bulldozed into the Earth.

But according to western haters living in the west like @Hassan Al-Somal they struck an important training base and western weapons depot and killed three trillion Ukrainian soldiers...
Can you share documents that can backup your claim?

The more West provides to Ukrainians, the more Russians escalate. I think you guys want Kiev and Lviv destroyed. It is obvious that Western elites want to sacrifice Ukraine and Lithuania in order to weaken Russia. But it seems if push comes to shove, Russians will be taking down many cities and its inhabitants.



Its common knowledge.
There is a reason Poles do not trust Russia.



Its common knowledge.
There is a reason Poles do not trust Russia.

I don't know and not really that much interested in.

My only interest in this conflict is 1) We've seen how the West destroyed many nations such as Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan; 2) how they wrongly sanction Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, Eritrea, etc; 3) how they sponsored coups in Turkey, Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, and other countries; 4) how they've engineered this Russian-Ukraine conflict from the get-go, installed a puppet regime in Ukraine, and used them to declare a war on Russian-speaking communities in East and South of Ukraine, and then used to the NATO membership in order to irk the Russian leadership.

What is tragic is how the EU public is oblivion to the root causes of this conflict. It seems you all take what you hear from your mainstream media at face value. And also what makes your leaders so spineless when it comes to stick with the truth and at least be impartial in this conflict.
Ukrainian troops lost a total of more than 50 thousand dead - Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR Republic.

The Russian Air Force struck with four high-precision missiles the workshops of the Artem Rocket-Building Corporation in Kyiv, where MLRS ammunition was produced - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In his address to the G7, Zelensky made clear that prolonging the conflict is not in the interests of Ukraine - Sullivan

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Can you share documents that can backup your claim?
It is ridiculous to ask for backup documentation for major WWII events.

The more West provides to Ukrainians, the more Russians escalate. I think you guys want Kiev and Lviv destroyed. It is obvious that Western elites want to sacrifice Ukraine and Lithuania in order to weaken Russia. But it seems if push comes to shove, Russians will be taking down many cities and its inhabitants.

Yes, Russia is indiscriminately targetting civilians.
Snake Island is important to control the Ukranian coast near the Odessa port city.
Putin wants those survive by artillery shelling to die by hunger, disease, famine. Russia warships hinder Ukraine exports and imports. Ukraine children hospitals can’t even get medicines. This island is the cornerstone of sea blockage.
I don't know and not really that much interested in.

My only interest in this conflict is 1) We've seen how the West destroyed many nations such as Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan; 2) how they wrongly sanction Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, Eritrea, etc; 3) how they sponsored coups in Turkey, Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, and other countries; 4) how they've engineered this Russian-Ukraine conflict from the get-go, installed a puppet regime in Ukraine, and used them to declare a war on Russian-speaking communities in East and South of Ukraine, and then used to the NATO membership in order to irk the Russian leadership.

What is tragic is how the EU public is oblivion to the root causes of this conflict. It seems you all take what you hear from your mainstream media at face value. And also what makes your leaders so spineless when it comes to stick with the truth and at least be impartial in this conflict.
It certainly beats your lies coming directly from RT.

You support every dictatorial country which represses their citizens.
Saddam, Gadaffi, Maduro, Castro, Assad, Kin Jong Un lack legality
but still have your full support.

You conveniently forget that 90-95% of those killed in Iraq are killed by your idols.
99% of Syrians killed are killed by the illegal Assad regime, and Russia.
Russias intervention in Syria cause the 10-15 million Syrians to become refugees.
Afghanistan was destroyed by the Taliban, and those that funded and armed the Taliban. That happened before 9/11.
Palestinians have screwed up so much that all their Arab neighbours hate their guts. They tried to take over Jordan and Lebanon, support ISIS in Sinai. Latest is Syria, not forgetting upsetting all the Gulf States.
Both Pakistan and Egypt armies are quite independent and make their own decision. The recent coup attempt in Turkey should probably be called a counter coup, since it is quite obvious that Erdogan was planning a purge of his opposition.
The rushed coup seems to be a desperate attempt to forestall that purge,

You do not get to define which countries are sanctioned.

The Ukraine conflict started when Putin bribed/blackmailed Yanukovich into signing a deal with Russia against all agreements.
That was the start of the real coup. Then Russia sent troops to Donetsk disguised as volunteers. ”Volunteers” do not have heavy artillery.
Yanukovich remained President until the end of his term, and new elections were held in 2015. Yanukovich refused to do his job, escaping to Russia under FSB protection to avoid being impeached.
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Ukraine is bread basket of the world. They will not run out of food. All Farms are in the western part of Ukraine.
But do they get the foods they need? Putin has no mercy. He wants to kill them all. He considers them as Nazi. Only the separatists are Russians. The pure people.
Putin is like Pol Pot.
Pol wanted to establish a country of pure people. In the new country there is no place for 2/3 of population.
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