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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yeah, yeah, attack my country of origin while the discussion is about the war in Ukraine. If the US and the West weren't destabilizing Somalia and other African countries, starvation wouldn't be an issue. Stop blaming problems caused by the West on others. Even the death and destruction in the current Russian - Ukrainian war is West's own making. Sadly, the dumb Zelensky and his cohorts have allowed you (the West) to use his people (Ukrainian people) as sacrificial lambs.
I swear if it were Russia and China supplying the Ukrainians and it have been other way around.. they would be called terrorists.... In the game of world domination there is no right or wrong. Everything is perception.
Look at the terrain. Russian troops reaching southwestern parts of Sieviedonetsk were easy targets from Lycychansk. I guess the russian forces just accepted the retreat, and had no intention chasing them towards the river.
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