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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia is not fully mobilizing cause that will hurt his standing with the population and weaken his grip on power.
More so when the body bags start to mount.

Ukranians on the other hand are much more motivated to fight to defend their homeland.

The Russians have activated their professional army - they are throwing all of their best trained units into the Ukraine fight - over 160,000 deployed and they will need to be rotated out in a month or two with fresh troops. A deceleration of war and general mobilization would essentially institute a draft in Russia. This means that their 1 million strong professional military is not enough to take eastern Ukraine.
While it is possible for a smaller sized army to overwhelm a larger sized army, as in the case of Spanish conquistadors which took down Aztecs and Incans, such a scenario is only possible with overwhelming technological advantage. Case in point, Aztecs and Incans didn't have steel weapons. Their obsidian weapons were useless against Spanish steel armor. In order for Ukrainians to beat Russians, they would have to have vastly superior military hardware compared to what Russians use.
Technical edge can matter. But motivation, morale, training just as much.

See vietnam, see israel, see germany vs france.

And this is what we will see in ukraine as well.
Interesting statement in parliament

Germany’s defense minister Lambrecht officially declares Russia as “Feind”, enemy.
Beginning next week artillery troop of Ukraine army will receive training how to use multiple rocket launchers Mars 2.

Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) bei der Befragung im Bundestag

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Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) bei der Befragung im Bundestag

Foto: Christian Mang / REUT

Germany's whole population in infected by fuzzballs. Germany is a joke. And they think they can beat Russia in a war. :rofl:

Interesting statement in parliament

Germany’s defense minister Lambrecht officially declares Russia as “Feind”, enemy.
Beginning next week artillery troop of Ukraine army will receive training how to use multiple rocket launchers Mars 2.

Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) bei der Befragung im Bundestag

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Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) bei der Befragung im Bundestag

Foto: Christian Mang / REUT

MARS 2 has huge RCS. Mi-28NM tracks it using radar from dozens of km away and destroys it using BVR missiles.

Technical edge can matter. But motivation, morale, training just as much.

See vietnam, see israel, see germany vs france.

And this is what we will see in ukraine as well.

Russians have more motivation than Ukrainians. Donbas is considered the heart of Russia. On top of that, Kherson is vital for Crimea's water supply.

However, if Ukrainians invade Kherson and threaten Crimea's water, then Russians population will demand mass mobilization.

Old news. Germany is Russia's enemy since 1800s.
It’s Putin’s choice. He wants war. He gets it. Germany just responds.
Germany has “Tiger”.

Good. Send all of Germany's Tiger to Donbas, Mi-28NM track them down with radar and shoot them up with BVR missiles. Germany has been an accomplice in the murder of thousands of Donbas children. It's about time Germany pays the price for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Good. Send all of Germany's Tiger to Donbas, Mi-28NM track them down with radar and shoot them up with BVR missiles. Germany has been an accomplice in the murder of thousands of Donbas children. It's about time Germany pays the price for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Rumor has it that one Mi-28NM can destroy an entire carrier strike group.

If the Kiev regime touches Kherson then China joins the war against the Kiev regime which shells Donbas children. China has 1.4 billion people and now with bridge over Amur river operational they will swarm the Kiev regime with overwhelming man power advantage.

Lol, If Russia starts losing Crimea then China would not only do nothing, but Xi probably will be a new Marxist department advisor instead of the head of China. Losing Crimea is Russia becoming a failed state, I think they will use tactical nukes instead.

It's certainly a threat. Iranian Mohajer 6 drones been flying over American carriers undetected.

If all this russian weaponry is so powerful, how come they dont use it and finish this war in Ukraine? Could it be its all just a figment of your imagination?
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