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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Not gonna happen. Russia don't need Germany no more. Germany population 80 million. China population 1400 million. China is a far more lucrative market for Russia. Not only that, China is the world's biggest gold producer. And we all know. Gold is the most valuable currency in the world.
Gold is overrated. Fossil fuels are overrated. Technology matters. Look at Tesla, Apple, Amazon. Each company is multiple times more worth than entire Russo gold reserves. Russian living standard shrunk by 1/3 in Q1, Gdp this year expected to be -12 percent, inflation 23 percent. That’s official figure. No the Russians won’t have money to buy Huawei phones.
Russian living standard shrunk by 1/3 in Q1, Gdp this year expected to be -12 percent, inflation 23 percent. No the Russians won’t have money to buy Huawei phones.

War weeds out the weak, the dumb, the disabled. War breeds evolution. There is no evolution without war. That's why western society is rotting from the inside out.

War weeds out the weak, the dumb, the disabled. War breeds evolution. There is no evolution without war. That's why western society is rotting from the inside out.

Russian population shrinks, last year by almost one million. This war will accelerate the trend. If people see themselves no future there will be less kids. I expect Putin will become desperate and allow chinese settlers in Far East.
Russian population shrinks, last year by almost one million. This war will accelerate the trend.

War increases birth rate. This is human physiology. WW1 and WW2 increased human population a lot. There used to be war all the time before 1950 at which point there is no more war so human evolution reversed and humans devolved.
Russian population shrinks, last year by almost one million. This war will accelerate the trend. If people see themselves no future there will be less kids. I expect Putin will become desperate and allow chinese settlers in Far East.

Not just Russia but Europe as a whole will have issues we can expect approximately 2/3 impact in the Euro Zone. If this turns into a long term hot zone and meat grinder it’ll have more of an effect.

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Not just Russia but Europe as a whole will have issues we can expect approximately 2/3 impact in the Euro Zone. If this turns into a long term hot zone and meat grinder it’ll have more of an effect.

EU population drop is mainly due to no war which physiologically induces low sexual activity and therefore low birth rate.

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