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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Well, Ukraine's problem is that its already beaten. How long it wants to keep taking punches to the head is up to it. It can do it the easy way or the hard way, but the outcome will be the same.
Agreed. Its best for Ukraine to negotiate a cease fire.
Nazi Germany occupied almost entire European Soviet Union for years. They were able to enslave millions.
Comparing to the conquest on the western front, occupying Soviet happened not only later but Soviet never surrendered. I am pretty sure you can do the math yourself.
I expect there will be a defense treaty with the UK / Sweden / Finland and USA v.v.v.v. soon - one that bypasses the NATO onboarding process as that takes so long and there are to many veto's there.

People made a mistake with not supporting Ukraine and Ukraine made a mistake by not recognising and actually preparing for risks she faces - but that mistake wont be made again.

Will the Ruskies want to go up against the UK or USA / Swedes and FInish with their soviet era junk ?

If Russia couldnt occupy Finland and Sweden during the heydays of Russian Empire and Soviet Union, it has no chance today.

I believe Finland wont join NATO, neither will Sweden. They will remain neutral. Russia has no plans for invasion either. It just dont want the to become NATO members.
Please give a link to Mearsheimer.
Here you go:

Perhaps for others who didnt know who he is. He is the father (or one of the fathers) of the neorealism school of thought.
You have identified the problems correctly however, this is how geopolitics works. Ukraine was not able to protect itself... the fact that Russia has been able to obliterate Ukrainian defenses with such disdain shows one thing... It(Russia) was in fact sanctioning or permitting Ukrainian independence... hyphenated as it may have been. However, it was Ukrainian belligerence and change of orbit in to a western security alliance, specifically a defensive one but martial none the less, while simultaneously being expansionist as well.
Is anyone here realistically considering the security ramifications for Russia, by having a major bordering state in either a hostile or even reticent security alliance?

That being said, historically whenever an advanced defense or technologically developed state unraveled it's most prized possessions were it's engineers, project managers and scientists. If Turkiye or Pakistan see any benefit, and want to invest... then invest on the people and knowledge not it's byproduct...

One ship has sailed ... what are you going to do about it is the question.
At this point talking what Ukraine could have done is beyond me... I can't be bothered with it... What I am bothered about is it's implications on Pakistan that I have posted... A good start could be reverse engineering.. most Ukrainian scientists would be on the run right now... It should be the mission of both govts to shelter as many as possible. Use them in our National projects... The US and Europe have almost no use for them be it because of naivety or any other reason.. while it could be very beneficial to us. Even these scientists hired as deans of universities could be of so much use to us....
Comparing to the conquest on the western front, occupying Soviet happened not only later but Soviet never surrendered. I am pretty sure you can do the math yourself.

They occupied west for 1 more year but extracted 26x higher value.
If Russia couldnt occupy Finland and Sweden during the heydays of Russian Empire and Soviet Union, it has no chance today.

I believe Finland wont join NATO, neither will Sweden. They will remain neutral. Russia has no plans for invasion either. It just dont want the to become NATO members.
I think current talks from Russian side are mostly smoke. The purpose is to distract and confound. Only after the battle subsides, the talks become serious.
If Russia couldnt occupy Finland and Sweden during the heydays of Russian Empire and Soviet Union, it has no chance today.

I believe Finland wont join NATO, neither will Sweden. They will remain neutral. Russia has no plans for invasion either. It just dont want the to become NATO members.
Finland was part of Russia for about a century.
If Russia couldnt occupy Finland and Sweden during the heydays of Russian Empire and Soviet Union, it has no chance today.

I believe Finland wont join NATO, neither will Sweden. They will remain neutral. Russia has no plans for invasion either. It just dont want the to become NATO members.

Imho both have breached the treeshold of what Russia considers a hostile element and regardless Russia will seek regime change especially in Finland but there is no rush atleast 5-10 years could pass before that occurs..

Both Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine never joined NATO but still got invaded multiple times because they were to close to the west
Ukraine has been a reliable defence partner to Pakistan. This war will decimate Ukrainian military industrial complex. Not to mention, besiege the seaports Ukraine used for trade which played a role in PA modernisation efforts.

Can PA overcome it? Possibly but the loss of many decades long defence partner will create hurdles.

Not just Pakistan. China’s L-15 depends on Motor Sich for engines and if I am not mistaken Turkey is collaborating with them for drone engine/helicopter engine.
They occupied west for 1 more year but extracted 26x higher value.
Of course, richer countries have more to be looted. I never denied that. I only claimed that looting a poor country can also be highly profitable but I never claimed that every looting is highly profitable. I don't know what you are trying to correct. :)
This is not thinking brother but real ground reality and this was what Russia's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said today in a press-con.

"Clearly [the] accession of Finland and Sweden into NATO, which is first and foremost a military alliance, would have serious military-political repercussions that would demand a response from our country," she said.

I know what Russia wants. It wants Sweden and Finland to stay out of NATO just like during the cold-war.

But you are underestimating Finland and Sweden. Finns actually managed to defeat Russia several times in history. Sweden too, as it was a great power that competed with Russia and dealt heavy blows to Imperial Russia. Sweden is the America of Scandinavia. They are a peaceful society but dont get fooled by that, Swedes are some of the most clever people i have come across.
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