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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ordinary Russians that oppose the war are being dragged into it. The frenzy just keeps ramping up.

Im willing to bet there are many top leaders in the weatern intel/security apparatus that regret sinking that 40 year old rust bucket

Moskva had practically 0 military value. Its crew are safe. And the absolute rage it cost Russia has given Putin enough domestic politcal capital to go absolutely miedeval on ukraine.

Losses will mean nothing going forward. Infact it will be Russian leadership trying to calm the people down from demanding massive escalation.
LOL... Any media, anyone saying things not in alignment with the West's government agenda are propaganda. That's the pinnacle of 'freedom of speech'. Nice.
During Gulf was Al-Jazeera was banned along with a few others.... You got to understand it's called freedom of speech...

That's exactly what the Saudis and Emiratis did to the Houthi. Look now where they are...
NATO will look to deescalate a couple years down the line when Eastern Ukraine missiles start raining down on their country under Russian nuclear cover

And Saudis can't do anything with those Bedouins with flintlock rifles for 8 years.
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Sooner or later the Ruskies are going to run out. Now, what if the Ruskies use a nuke on Ukraine, what's going to happen then?>

Ukraine has 40m population, and its military + supply chain is 1m people at most, of which 400 thousands are troops, and territorials.

You will need really a lot of nukes to make difference militarily.
There is no need for Russia or China to build such an alliance.
Because they are BIG.
Big countries don’t rely on other for protection but small countries do.
Putin and Xi sleep on the same bed though. De facto in alliance.
Chinese repeat Russian war narratives.
NATO, Nazi, Drug addicts run Ukraine. Those gangs oppress Russian speaking people.
Putin will use the same pretexts to invade Moldavia, Georgia, Baltic’s, Poland.
Xi will use to invade Vietnam.
Chinese will accuse us we oppress chinese speaking people in Vietnam.
Im willing to bet there are many top leaders in the weatern intel/security apparatus that regret sinking that 40 year old rust bucket

Moskva had practically 0 military value. Its crew are safe. And the absolute rage it cost Russia has given Putin enough domestic politcal capital to go absolutely miedeval on ukraine.

Losses will mean nothing going forward. Infact it will be Russian leadership trying to calm the people down from demanding massive escalation.
The Russian people had already been wiped up into a frenzy by Russian state propaganda. More Russians probably died in a day in Mariupol and the surrounding region then on that ship, I assume. What it actually did was give the Ukrainians hope that they could prevent Odessa and other parts of Ukraine falling to the Russians. The Russians will be brutal to stamp down on that hope. That is why they will go Stalin on the Ukrainians.

The propaganda on the western side is also pretty heavy, to the point COVID is basically forgotten.

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