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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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MoD Russia, [4/19/2022 4:59 PM]
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💬 The Russian Army fulfills the tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief during the special military operation (https://****/mod_russia_en/971), stated Sergei Shoigu. The plan for the liberation of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics is being consistently implemented, and measures are being taken to establish peaceful life.

◽️ Separate data (https://****/mod_russia_en/965) on the losses of the national guard of Ukraine (NGU) was published, obtained from original Ukrainian documents. Information about significant losses among the military personnel of the NGU 1st operational brigade of Petro Doroshenko (military unit 3027) was disclosed (by March 29, 2022).

❗️ Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) is preparing another provocation (https://****/mod_russia_en/962) to accuse the servicemen of the Russian Federation of so-called war crimes with the mass destruction of civilians in Odessa region. To this end, in the near future it is planned to dress one of the SSU units in the uniform of Russian servicemen and make a demonstrative shooting of local residents.

💥 Operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces (https://****/mod_russia_en/958) hit 60 military assets of Ukraine. 2 depots of Tochka-U missile warheads were destroyed near Chervonaya Polyana and Balakleya. 3 command posts of Ukrainian troops as well as 53 areas of enemy's manpower and military equipment concentration were also hit.

💥 Missile troops and artillery (https://****/mod_russia_en/958) hit 1,260 military assets. Destroyed: 25 command posts of Ukrainian units near Nikolaev, Kirovsk; 2 missile and artillery weapons depots near Voskresensk and Nikolaev; 2 Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile launchers near Gulyai Pole and Nikolaevka II, as well as 1,214 enemy manpower concentrations.

💥 High-precision air-based missiles (https://****/mod_russia_en/977) hit 2 strong points near Kalinovo-Popasnoe and 6 areas of enemy's manpower and military equipment concentration near Mirnoe, Slovyansk and Popasnoe. Up to 180 Ukrainian nationalists and 15 armoured vehicles were destroyed. 1 Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile launcher was also destroyed near Barvenkovo.

◽️ The Russian Armed Forces offered the militants of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries from 12:00 (Moscow time) on April 19, 2022 to cease any hostilities and lay down their arms (https://****/mod_russia_en/963). All who lay down their weapons are guaranteed the preservation of life.

❗️ The Russian Armed Forces, once again offer the nationalist battalion fighters and foreign mercenaries to stop fighting (https://****/mod_russia_en/980) and lay down their weapons from 14:00 (Moscow time) on April 20 2022.

◾️ The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled (https://****/mod_russia_en/975) Pologi settlement, Zaporozhya Region, with cluster munitions.

📹 Footage of the Russian Armed Forces carrying out their tasks in the course of the special military operation continues to be published: launches of Iskander operational-tactical missile system (https://****/mod_russia_en/966) on Ukrainian military infrastructure, Su-34 fighter-bomber sorties (https://****/mod_russia_en/957) that destroyed Ukrainian military facilities.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine

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But they're taking down your fellow Azov and then collect their guns as trophies.

Ukrainian soldiers who die on the battlefield will be remembered not only in Ukraine but also in Europe and much more as heroes who stood for their motherland for decades to come but who will remember russian soldiers ? They are truly cannon fodder,not even their comrades or their families care about them,they died for pointless reasons,nobody cares about them.
Mohammad Marandi, Alastair Crooke, Max Blumenthal, Scott Ritter - a real dream team at this roundtable organized by the University of Tehran! Watch and enjoy.

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Biden 'to announce another $800m military aid package'​

Joe Biden will announce another military aid package for Ukraine roughly the same size as the $800m one the US president announced last week, multiple sources told Reuters.

Last week, the White House said it would send Ukraine $800m in aid, including artillery systems, artillery rounds, armored personnel carriers and unmanned coastal defense boats. The details of the latest package, first reported by NBC News, are still being worked out, a US official said.

This week’s aid package would bring the total US military aid to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion to more than $3bn.

Boris Johnson reiterated a “critical need” for further military support for Ukraine in his earlier video call with Joe Biden and other world leaders.

Downing Street’s account of the video call was broadly similar to the statement from the White House, which said the allies reaffirmed their commitment to support Ukraine as it faced a Russian onslaught in the east of the country.

Leaders on the call included France’s Emmanuel Macron, Germany’s Olaf Scholz, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, the Nato secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, and the European Commission leader, Ursula von der Leyen.

Johnson, the Downing Street readout said, gave them an update following his visit to Kyiv earlier this month.

He underscored the critical need for further military support to Ukraine in the face of a major Russian offensive in the Donbas and ongoing attacks elsewhere.
The leaders agreed to work together to find a long-term security solution so that Ukraine could never be attacked in this way again. They discussed the need to increase the pressure on Russia with more sanctions against Putin’s war machine, as well as further diplomatic isolation.
The prime minister welcomed President Biden’s leadership, and the allies agreed to work closely together in the weeks and months to come.
Meanwhile, a new British military analysis, Reuters reports, indicates that Russia is continuing to ramp up its shelling and strikes on the Donbas line of control, with Ukrainians “repelling numerous attempted advances by Russian forces.

“Russia’s ability to progress continues to be impacted by the environmental, logistical and technical challenges that have beset them so far, combined with the resilience of the highly-motivated Ukrainian armed forces.”
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Belgium plans to deliver more heavy weapons to Ukraine​

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said his country will work with other partners to deliver more heavy weapons to Ukraine.

De Croo called Russia's offensive in the Donbas region an "absolute low" for Europe, saying sanctions on Russia could be tightened even further and would also certainly have an effect. "But this costs more time."

De Croo's remarks came during a joint conference with his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte, who earlier made a similar announcement about weapon deliveries from the Netherlands.
Professor John Mearsheimer agrees: the global hegemony of liberal "democracy" is over!

Here the full conference titled: The False Promise of Liberal Hegemony.

John Mearsheimer and Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst on the war in Ukraine:

How much important is development when you are dead.

I think it's better be poor and alive.

Ukraine war is only good for Kiev corrupt elite who take bribes from the West.

Ukraine war is bad for 99,99% of Ukrainian people, but they are idiots and are brainwashed by propaganda.
War destruction of economy will last decades, it could be avoided with a surrender, but Kiev common people has no brain and Kiev corrupt elite has no moral.
Sad thing is after all the death and destruction they will still have to sit down at the table and negotiate peace, why couldn't they do that first?
If Russia is not able to deliver a crushing blow in Donbass area, then are gonna be in a bit of a pickle.
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