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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Behold this: in the first round of the 2022 French presidential election held last weekend, candidates more or less critical of the prevailing liberal order, more or less skeptical of NATO and not in line with the ongoing anti-Russian rabble rousing, have received an absolute majority of votes!

Marine Le Pen (far right) = 23,15%
Jean-Luc Mélenchon (left) = 21,95%
Eric Zemmour (islamophobic zionist far-right) = 7,07%
Jean Lassalle (independent) = 3,13%
Fabien Roussel (Communist Party of France) = 2,28%
Philippe Poutou (Trotskyist left) = 0,77%
Nathalie Arthaud (Trotskyist left) = 0,56%

Added total = 58,91% !!!

In short, people of France are rejecting the ruling, secular liberal (pseudo-)democratic regime and its dominant elites like never before. Just beautiful. And, they're no longer receptive to NATO propaganda.

Look at the colossal mass of propaganda and psy-ops flooding the internet against Russia, China and Iran. Yet, it isn't working. Not anymore. As the French election result has shown, citizens of the west no longer buy into the narratives peddled by their declining regimes. They've just had enough of the fallacious, hypocritical circus theatrics of liberal "democratic" politics, of the incessant lies, the corruption, the oppression, the unjustified wars.

Hence why NATO regimes, so-called "democracies" preaching "freedom of speech", have gone over to implementing censorship on a scale not witnessed since 1945. Hence why erudite scholars and analysts denouncing the state propaganda relative to the war in Ukraine are being silenced by having their accounts shut down on major internet platforms and their contributions deleted under totally bogus pretexts, given the fact that they hadn't breached any rules. Rules which no longer mean anything in western so-called "democracies", substituted as they have been by arbitrary executive action.
That’s the wonderful thing in the west, people can select anyone they like. They can vote the racist, liberal, xenophobist, leftist, rightist, centrist, gay, trotzkist, communist. Whoever has majority wins. Try that in Russia. Citing those as Nato hater is low.

Crew of Russian Cruiser Moskva to Continue Serving in Navy - Defense Ministry

1 hour ago

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The crew of the sunken Russian guided missile cruiser Moskva will carry on with their service in the country's navy, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.
On Thursday, the ministry said that the vessel, which had been damaged after ammunition explosion, sunk during stormy weather.

"The commander-in-chief of the navy, Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov, and the Black Sea Fleet command had a meeting with the crew of the guided missile cruiser Moskva in Sevastopol. Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov informed the cruiser's crew that the officers, midshipmen and sailors will continue their service in the navy," the ministry said on Telegram.
Conscript crew members of Moskva will be retired to reserve from may to June in line with law, Yevmenov said in a separate statement on Russian television channel Zvezda.
The ship, whose initial name was "Slava," was laid down in Mykolaiv in 1976 and commissioned in 1983.


Crew of Sunken Moskva Missile Cruiser Re-Enlists To Continue Service In Navy​

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