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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Wont make any difference.

Well , Russians need to just send them in low risk area for 1-2 month , then they will become prepared for actual offensive operation , ...
there is always a quality in quantity ...
if Ukrainian can adapt , then Russians will do as well ...

well , fighting Russians after this war will be very suicidal ...
There is Chinese technology which is growing rapidly, we are not like whats happen 10 years ago. Sure, many of their project will face huge hurdle like in their aerospace industry ( civilian aircraft ).

Thanks God Indonesia doesnt buy Sukhoi superjet 100

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China does manufacturing. Most of the know how still comes for the West. Sure, they are making progress and are successful in many fields. I just think, that autoritarism, does not go well with innovation.

Anyway for Russia, if you were taking technologies for 30 + years from the West and now you need to change the vector, this will be a shock and what they will get from China will be DIFFERENT. It`s not only about the aircraft, I`m talking about more trival things e.g. Russia want to increase Cheese production. Great. The Production line is German made. The line breaks, they ask a German company for parts and in many cases, the company would answer: "Nope, get out from Ukraine". In the end they wil just run out of ball bearings.

Regarding SS100, I remember, I got a great advertisement when it crashed in Indonesia couple of years ago.
Well , Russians need to just send them in low risk area for 1-2 month , then they will become prepared for actual offensive operation , ...
there is always a quality in quantity ...
if Ukrainian can adapt , then Russians will do as well ...

well , fighting Russians after this war will be very suicidal ...
Well, how much of equipment will still Russia have after this war ?
Well , Russians need to just send them in low risk area for 1-2 month , then they will become prepared for actual offensive operation , ...
there is always a quality in quantity ...
if Ukrainian can adapt , then Russians will do as well ...

well , fighting Russians after this war will be very suicidal ...
They have no motivation. NATO will keep sending arms for long time.

After this war...no one will take russia seriously.
The artillery of Russia and the Servicemen of the People's Militia began to use propaganda shells in Mariupol at the Azovstal combine. 122-mm propaganda shells 1AZH instead of the warhead are filled with passes and leaflets for the voluntary surrender of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Propaganda leaflets are placed in steel half-cylinders of shells.

The S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed by the strikes of high-precision weapons of Russia. The coordinates of the location of the S-300 air defense system of Ukraine were established with the help of electronic intelligence

Slovak media reported that Slovakia handed over to Ukraine as a military aid its only division of the Soviet-made S-300PMU anti-aircraft missile system. The transfer of the S-300PMU SAM occurred on the condition that the Western Allies would supply new air defense systems as compensation. According to media reports, instead of the C-300s that have left Ukraine, American Patriot air defense systems will take over combat duty in Slovakia.

The United States announced the supply of new Switchblade kamikaze drones to Ukraine. Despite the jubilation that has gripped individual representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian air defense, which was confirmed by the practice of special operations in Ukraine, confidently strikes the UAV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Switchblade drone is available in two versions, anti-personnel and anti-tank.

Oh that’s quick.
EU chief von der Leyen says Ukraine can get the Ok from the commission to join the EU within weeks.

The amount of copium intake by the Russophiles in this thread is hilarious.

Oh that’s quick.
EU chief von der Leyen says Ukraine can get the Ok from the commission to join the EU within weeks.

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It would stabilize Ukraine's economy and guarantee supply and funds for Ukraine's war efforts.
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