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Because in China's case it never went to African just to enslave their people and take them to China in the multi thousands to be abused as slaves.

If you follow the conversation that is off topic, it was jhungry claiming that because there are no African CEO and politicians in China, that is proof it is more racist (the implication). Whereas the inverse implication is that the fact that there are many African peoples of some social status in the USA or wherever he is meaning, proves it is a fine society. Ignoring that there is huge disparity in wealth, opportunities, and so on. In fact the only conclusion from this whole silly exercise is that USA proved it is in fact an unequal society when it comes to race and China hasn't had a chance to prove it is or isn't... I guess if China enslaved the Africans on their voyages and visits in the same numbers, we'd might be able to see how hundreds of years later, and compare. But we don't.

Similar shit can be said for Korea, Japan, most of Europe, most of Latin America, most of east Asia and south Asia and south east Asia.

Read through it again... that's exactly my point. I explained why including "brown" people into the assessment for India would be ridiculous as including "yellow" people into the assessment for China in your own little ridiculous assessment method. Anyway I'm done with this silliness glad people can see it though.
First of all, as I said again, I AM NOT talking about the R word here, If you are talking about Racism, then I would say anywhere is the same, you cannot possibly have worse in one place then in other, you are oppress then you are oppressed, how do you oppress people more?

Secondly, I am talking about you will have no chance to make a living if you are Brown or Black in China or Russia. I hear alot about sematic (Which based on a wrong assumption to begin with, as I never even talked about Yellow people, and in case you are wondering, India is a multi-culture, it have all sort of people there, range from Chinese-Indian to White-Indian to anywhere in between,) Yet I still have not get a single example showing me that I am wrong.

So with all due respect, what you said mean shit.
How does it feel to support the Russian Nazis?

What I feel is that neutral observers should go there and investigate. No crooks from BBC, The Sun, EU and UNSC.

As for Russian "Nazis" look at how they gave emergency supplies to Ukranian civilians in the same Kiev region :

Even in Kiev region, Zelensky's government is absent. So the liberating Russian forces have to do more than liberating the country from Neo Nazis: They're providing humanitarian aid throughout the country.

Looks like UK is either sending M270 MLRS or AS90 to Ukraine. It could also be BAe System HiMAR - even tho UK did not use them.
The 'massacre' ?

Wait till impartial observers have investigated.

My understanding is that Russia is trying to convene a meeting of the Security Council, and the UK is blocking it.

Up to the old tricks?

What I feel is that neutral observers should go there and investigate. No crooks from BBC, The Sun, EU and UNSC.

As for Russian "Nazis" look at how they gave emergency supplies to Ukranian civilians in the same Kiev region :

Multiple interviews with civilians have taken place. They all blame the Russian Nazis. After all, Russia controlled Bucha for several weeks.

All I see is you looking for excuses to absolve Russia of their crimes.

Russia kills Ukrainian female sniper Olena Bilozerska​

2022-04-05 00:51 HKT

According to Russian media reports on March 30, the 42-year-old famous Ukrainian female sniper Olena Bilozerska was killed by the Russian army. Olena Bilozerska was placed in a body bag and confirmed dead. Some media once called him "the deadliest sniper in Ukraine".
I understand well , you simply said

attacking Russian cities mean to kill Russians ...

well , this is war and I don't have much love for Russians , but there is not much difference between you so called " Westerns " and Russians ...

both of you are from same tree and savagery is in your blood ...
This guy will tell you that Iran should be wiped out as well. Trust me.

Blogger Reveals How She Was Used to Create Fake About ‘Russian Air Strike’ on Mariupol Hospital


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Photos snapped by an Associated Press photographer of a pregnant woman at a demolished Mariupol hospital which Western media claimed had been “bombed by Russian forces” spread like wildfire, with US and European officials and media characterising the incident as evidence of Russian “war crimes”. The Russian MoD dismissed the allegations.
Marianna Vyshemirskaya, a Mariupol beauty blogger who has been turned into a symbol by Western media to shore up claims that the Russian military deliberately bombed one of the city’s maternity hospitals on 9 March, has come forward to explain what really took place.
In a series of story posts on her Instagram page, Vyshemirskaya, whose name was erroneously reported as "Vyshegirskaya" in many Western reports, stressed that the hospital was not struck in an air strike, but apparently shelled by artillery.
Vyshemirskaya also explained that immediately after the shelling, photos of her and other women were taken without their permission by an Associated Press reporter wearing military fatigues and a helmet.

“I spent probably 30 minutes near the maternity hospital. This was where I was photographed. I was the last one to be photographed. When I saw the Associated Press reporter taking pictures I asked him to stop because I didn’t want or need this. He answered ‘Yes, yes, okay’, but after I and a policeman who agreed to accompany me to the second floor of the building to get my things came back down he again started snapping us”, the woman said.
According to Vyshemirskaya, even Ukrainian law enforcement told the reporter not to shoot, with the photo correspondent ignoring them at first, before finally leaving after being warned a second time.
“I did not give my permission for my photos to be taken and published. They published them by their own initiative”, Vyshemirskaya stressed.
The woman said that two days after the incident, Associated Press reporters came back and asked her for an interview. “I replied that I am apolitical and did not want to give any interview. They said ‘We are also apolitical, but we’ve published your photos on the Internet’”, she recalled.

That’s when the slew of fakes and information attacks began, she said. “Because the situation that developed, which they plopped me into –because I never agreed to have my photos published, I was forced to comment, since my situation was considered a fake, that there was nobody in the maternity hospital. I said there were women in labour and pregnant women in the hospital…They also asked me if there was an air raid. I replied that no one heard an air raid. Explosions took place but there were no noises before or after them [to indicate aircraft]. This information didn’t seem to be to their liking. They cut it out”, she said.

In a separate interview published Saturday, Marianna said she and her husband went to Mariupol’s Maternity Hospital # 3 after being rejected by Maternity Hospital #2, which was not accepting patients, and Maternity Hospital #1, which she said had been “occupied by the military”.
Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya mentioned Ukrainian troops’ occupation of Maternity Hospital #1 in an address on 7 March.
Vyshemirskaya also revealed the difficult conditions at the hospital, saying that husbands of the pregnant women had to live in the hospital’s basement, and that food had to be prepared in a field kitchen in the yard. Vyshemirskaya said Ukrainian troops at the hospital did nothing to help, and one day even came and took food away from staff, saying they had not eaten in days.

‘Information Provocation’​

Four people were killed, one baby died as a stillbirth, and at least 17 others were injured in the Mariupol hospital attack.
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called the incident a “heinous war crime” by Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said it was evidence that “a genocide of Ukrainians is taking place”.
Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov dismissed claims of Russian involvement as an “information provocation by Kiev”, noting that a ceasefire regime had been declared by Russian forces on 9 March to allow for the evacuation of Mariupol’s residents, and that Russian aircraft did not take to the skies over the city that day. The Russian military also warned repeatedly about the presence of Ukrainian troops and neo-Nazi Azov militants at the city's hospitals.
After being published by the AP on 10 March, photos of a battered Marianna carrying a blanket against the backdrop of the bombed out hospital spread like wildfire online. The news agency ran the story with the lead: "A Russian airstrike devastated a maternity hospital Wednesday in the besieged port city of Mariupol amid growing warnings from the West that Moscow's invasion is about to take a more brutal and indiscriminate turn".
The photos were immediately picked up and used extensively by a host of other outlets, from the BBC and CNN to The Guardian, The Mirror, and a host of other outlets as a symbol of "Russian torture and brutality". An ill-fated series of tweets by the Russian Embassy in the UK saying that the incident appeared staged sparked further outrage, and ultimately prompted Twitter to remove them.
Vyshemirskaya's story is the latest in an increasingly dense ecosystem of fakes, misinformation, and disinformation which has appeared online during the Ukraine crisis, from the legend of Snake Island, where the Ukrainian troops that Russia was feared to have indiscriminately cut down later appeared alive and well in Crimea, to the famous "Ghost of Kiev", the mythical Ukrainian fighter ace reported to have shot down an innumerable number of Russian planes.


Banderites are pathological liars.
Multiple interviews with civilians have taken place. They all blame the Russian Nazis. After all, Russia controlled Bucha for several weeks.

All I see is you looking for excuses to absolve Russia of their crimes.

This is just NATO looking to impose a no-fly-zone over Ukraine and also in your comrade, @Apollon's fantasy, extend the no-fly-zone 250 kms inside Russia's border with Ukraine but if that does not come about then try to do regime change in Russia using fake feminists like Pussy Riot and CIA agents among the emigres like Garry Kasparov who can be in the White-House-arranged "Russian government in exile" like the White House fronts 2011-era-and-onwards Libyan Transitional Council and Syrian National Council and of course the "Tibetan government in exile" :


Russia kills Ukrainian female sniper Olena Bilozerska​

2022-04-05 00:51 HKT

According to Russian media reports on March 30, the 42-year-old famous Ukrainian female sniper Olena Bilozerska was killed by the Russian army. Olena Bilozerska was placed in a body bag and confirmed dead. Some media once called him "the deadliest sniper in Ukraine".

Although she was boasted by the media as a "sniper", she belongs to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion. The Ukrainian Azov Battalion is also called a neo-Nazi battalion internationally, which means it is not very friendly.
Good riddance !
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Screw it, I'm tired, I don't wanna argue anymore, which is why I just deleted my reply comment. @coffee_cup
You made the specific prediction that there was going to be a Ukrainian counterattack to turn Russian withdrawal into a rout.

You want to bet on this prediction, loser gets banned for 3 months? 7 days for a counterattack and turning the withdrawal into a rout (>30% Russian forces proven to be destroyed or captured)

I should have taken this bet :lol:

The Russians were annihilated in the north
This conflict has been pretty shocking!

The fact that russian forces are retreating from kiev after a month of fighting looks like a defeat to me . This outcome has gravely impacted russian image as giobal power.

All non western aligned countries will now be moving away from russia and closer to china . Honestly this defeat of Russia is win for china geopolitically. And i suspect the chinese leadership feels this as well. Thats why they are not providing any military support to russia.
If the war is actually now ov er $1trn then explain to us how Russia keeps paying for it then??? biased mind u have.

There, fixed it for you. Cuz that's actually whats happening in Ukraine now tbh.
It’s more than $1 trillion. The sanctions freeze all business activities and assets of Russian banks in America, Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia, Singapore. It’s the death of Russian international finance system.
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