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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukraine had 143 serviceable fighter aircraft in it's air force, Russia deployed over 900.
Russia deployed 900 aircraft? I believe you, but do you have a source? It appears like Ukrainian AF wasn't that active. My point is superpowers can employ cruise or ballistic missiles to take out aerial defense systems in rapid fashion and even regional powers cannot counter that. Who knows what kind of jamming/electronic warfare techniques employed too. It seems to come down to offensive power. Best defense is offense indeed. Which is why nation's with high missile capabilities or air force capabilities are able to assert their will. Except potentially against superpowers.
Update: Russian Airforce Antonov AN-26 military transport in the Voronezh region.

Nope and thats whats worrying.
Why the virtue signalling then? The west kills maims and rapes all over the globe unimpeded. Admit it, the west only cares because this is happening in Europe. Were this in the Middle east / Pakistan the west would have cheered on.
Putin is a madman but the West are tree-huggers? Western mainstream media should spare the world their crap.
ut do you have a source? It appears like Ukrainian AF wasn't that active. My point is superpowers can employ cruise or ballistic missiles to take out aerial defense systems in rapid fashion and even regional powers cannot counter that. Who knows what kind of jamming/electronic warfare techniques employed too. It seems to come down to offensive power. Best defense is offense indeed. Which is why nation's with high missile capabilities or air force capabilities are able to assert their will. Except potentially against superpowers.
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