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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So we are approaching 3 weeks of this war and still the Russian Air Force is practically useless. Or I could be more generous and say %50 useless. The worlds' air forces have seen the VKS inability, meaning no skills, at conducting complex coordinated air operations. The VKS outnumber the Ukrainian Air Force by at least 5-1 in-theater and yet could not establish air superiority. We see the lack of PGM which forces increased sorties in order to assure target destruction. No SEAD/DEAD against Ukrainian air defense. The likelihood of the VKS pulling something out of the bag to surprise the world is getting more remote day by day.

Make no mistake, US SIGINT flights are working overtime, gaining valuable technical and tactical data. Red Flag analysts will be orgasmic over what they see and the Aggressors will have another 'classified' folder in their cabinet.

For yrs, US airpower is mocked for never having to face a 'near peer' adversary implying the only two possible near peer adversary airpowers left: Russia and China. Now scratch one from that list. And the other one never been in combat, never been innovative, and the one loss against the US was from a mid-air collision. Looks like feng shui is not going to be favorable to the other guy.

If any russian authority watched this video, they should revoke all licenses of the vehicle's integrator company. Literally shattered.

300mm direct hit? Even 152mm can't tear the IFV like that, even with ammo detonation. Maybe 203mm tube
No ATGM's being fired from balconies. hmmmm

I am utterly disgusted by the role of UNO.

This organization is completely useless. It was created to prevent wars (or looming world wars), but by becoming of tool for few powerful countries it has lost all its value.
I think you have been misinformed about what nato does or is.
Economic Times: Tata Steel looks at other markets for coal imports.

For people who boast that X or Y country is 'stronk' and will therefore not abide by Western sanctions, this is a good illustration for how sanctions actually work. :pop:

Russia will win the war and gobble most of Ukraine. Digesting it would be a different matter.

The real question here is what China will do. China can't let Russia fail, because if it happens, they will stand alone to face America. Beijing may not like it, but they are now locked in this conflict. Xi probably didn't expect the epic showdown's timeline to speed up. Let's see.

So we are approaching 3 weeks of this war and still the Russian Air Force is practically useless. Or I could be more generous and say %50 useless. The worlds' air forces have seen the VKS inability, meaning no skills, at conducting complex coordinated air operations. The VKS outnumber the Ukrainian Air Force by at least 5-1 in-theater and yet could not establish air superiority. We see the lack of PGM which forces increased sorties in order to assure target destruction. No SEAD/DEAD against Ukrainian air defense. The likelihood of the VKS pulling something out of the bag to surprise the world is getting more remote day by day.

Make no mistake, US SIGINT flights are working overtime, gaining valuable technical and tactical data. Red Flag analysts will be orgasmic over what they see and the Aggressors will have another 'classified' folder in their cabinet.

For yrs, US airpower is mocked for never having to face a 'near peer' adversary implying the only two possible near peer adversary airpowers left: Russia and China. Now scratch one from that list. And the other one never been in combat, never been innovative, and the one loss against the US was from a mid-air collision. Looks like feng shui is not going to be favorable to the other guy.

Yes, very cogent analysis but they just blew up a bunch of NATO mercenaries near the Polish border. Precision strikes are something, isn't it?

Respect to the American reporter. The guy took his job seriously and paid with his life. Not many like that.
This was not an airbase but some military training facility with 100s of foreign fighters stationed (foreign legion).

There is this video circulating from few Brazilians who survived it and got out just before the strike. They are telling that everyone inside it from many countries got eliminated.

I hope it is just propaganda and those people actually survived and will go back home to their families. War without massive air and logistic support, which they are used to in Iraq, Afghanistan etc, is no joke.
There is a massive crater near one building. I suppose the Russian precision strike targeted something very important next to that building.
The biggest customer of this factory was India. If I'm not mistaken, it has also helped China a lot. It was a surprise to me that Russia bombed the Zorya turbine factory.

He should personally lead the British SAS unit to do that.

Whereas that senator from the US should lead the Navy Seals unit.

The less idiots we have, the better for the peace!

Weapons Shipments Are In Russia’s Crosshairs After Missiles Hit Ukrainian Border Base​

The cruise missile strike alarmingly close to the Polish border comes a day after Russia warned it considers arms shipments to be legitimate targets.

Serious damage and casualties have been reported after a missile strike at a Ukrainian military base less than 20 kilometers from the Polish border on Sunday. The strike, which killed 35 and left 134 wounded (Russia claims 180 "foreign mercenaries" were killed in the strike), came within hours of Russia threatening to attack arms shipments to Ukraine.

Eight Russian missiles hit the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security northeast of Yavoriv, Ukraine, just before dawn, according to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The attack was part of a larger raid on west Ukraine. The damage appeared widespread according to reports on the ground, with large columns of smoke rising over the horizon and devastation seen on the base’s perimeter.

If this base was well known to have trainers in past, I doubt foreign trainers would have stayed in there knowing that Russians may come after this base sooner or later.
But who knows.

In Ukraine, the US Trains an Army in the West to Fight in the East

OCTOBER 5, 2017

For more than two years, the U.S. military’s contingent of 300 or so soldiers have been quietly helping train an enormous allied military in western Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russian-backed separatists appear to be keeping pace some 800 miles to the east, showcasing entire parking lots full of new tanks and artillery just a 15-minute drive from the front lines.

“Every 55 days we have a new battalion come in and we train them,” said U.S. Army National Guard Capt. Kayla Christopher, spokesperson for the Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine, at Yavoriv Combat Training Center* in western Ukraine. “And at the end of that 55-day period, we’ll do a field training exercise with that battalion.” The U.S. and partnered armies have trained seven battalions in the past roughly two years or so.

“Our overall goal is essentially to help the Ukrainian military become NATO-interoperable,” Christopher said.

[admission of crime against Donbas?]
The U.S. has also sent . . . radars to track the hundreds of artillery shells that have fallen on the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Maybe Javelin anti-tank missiles, Defense Secretary Mattis said in August. . . Most of the civilians killed in the fighting were killed by tanks and artillery, 55 percent;

But that is a world away from the U.S. Army in Yavoriv, and even the fighting on the other side of Ukraine feels remote, Christopher said. “It's actually pretty remarkable how little you feel the effect of the conflict on the western side of Ukraine. It's almost as if nothing is happening,” she said. [Can you feel it now?]

* 'Sky turned red' - BBC

. . . strike on the Yavoriv training base, . . . Russian jets fired around 30 cruise missiles at the site, also known as the International Peacekeeping [Yeah right, peacekeeping] and Security Center


English speakers can be heard, probably watching attack from some distance:

"British Army, Colonel Richard Camp . . eliminating Putin, as they did with the terrorist Osama bin Laden"
"اوئے ماں صدقے تے پیوء واری"

He may have been acting as a spy or something.
New York Times disowned that he was on any assignment.
And was wearing an old tag.

Wearing an unauthorized tag (source):


The word "Peacekeeper" on his jacket's pocket . . . relate it to BBC article in above.
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