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Russia Took Down a U.S. Drone Over Crimea


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
US drone intercepted in Crimean airspace - Russia's state corporation - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

Photo: EPA

An American scout-attack drone was intercepted in the Crimean sky, the Rostec state corporation reports. "Judging by sidemarking, the MQ-5B drone was part of the 66th US brigade of military intelligence with the main location in Bavaria," the report on the website of the corporation reads.

According to the report, at the beginning of March, the American brigade was relocated to the Ukrainian Kirovohrad, from where drones commit reconnaissance raids in the direction of Crimea and Russian border areas.

Earlier, they reportedly appeared in the Kherson region, in the area of the Crimean roadblock Chongar. "According to some data, the American reconnaissance brigade had 18 MQ-5B drones in its arsenal. This is the second time the American UAV is intercepted over Crimea," the report says.

"The drone was at the height of about 4 thousand meters and was practically invisible from the earth. It was possible to break the drone’s link with its American operators with the help of the EW (electronic warfare) complex Avtobaza. As a result, the device made an emergency landing and passed into the possession of the self-defense forces almost unbroken," the report says.


Avtobaza: Iran’s weapon in alleged RQ-170 affair?
by Stephen Trimble on 5 December, 2011 in Uncategorised

Could this be the smoking electron in the alleged unmanned air vehicle (UAV) incident over Iran?

The original reports that Iran “shot down” a Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel appear to be misleading. Iranian news agency reports credited the army’s electronic warfare unit with bringing down the UAV, but apparently in a way that limited the amount of damage on landing or impact.

Only six weeks ago, Russia announced delivering the Avtobaza ground-based electronic intelligence and jamming system (shown above) to Iran. Most Russian weapons exports to Iran are blocked, including the proposed transfer of the S-300 surface to air missile system. But there is a key difference between a SAM battery and a jamming system. The S-300 can vastly complicate a strike on an Iranian nuclear site at Natanz or Qoms. A jamming system, such as the Avtobaza, is unlikely to be used to defend such a site because it could interfere with the radar of the S-300 or the Tor-M1 SAM battery.

The Avtobaza, moreover, is designed to jam side-looking and fire control radars on aircraft and manipulate the guidance and control systems of incoming enemy missiles. It would be the perfect tool to target and perhaps infiltrate the communications link that allows a UAV to be controlled from a remote location.

The incident, of course, has not been confirmed with visual evidence of the allegedly captured RQ-170. Unlike 50 years ago, when the Soviet Union shot down the Lockheed U-2, the Iranians will not be able to produce a captured Francis Gary Powers. In 1961, the Soviets appeared to destroy their credibility by releasing imagery of the wreckage of the wrong aircraft — a luckless MiG possibly shot down by mistake in the fusillade aimed at Powers’ U-2. When the Soviets produced Powers, who survived and was captured, the world finally had undeniable proof.

So there is no script in the propaganda textbook for these kinds of incidents. They tend to evolve in their own way. Iran may never produce evidence to back up their claims, or they might later today.

Interestingly, the International Security Assistance Force has made no effort to deny Iran’s claims. Instead, the NATO headquarters in Kabul issued a statement acknowledging the loss of one of their UAVs over western Afghanistan last week. The statement also suggested the Iranians may have simply found the misplaced UAV for them. It may be important that NATO officials did not deny Iran’s claims that the UAV was the RQ-170, which is known to operate from Kandahar where it was originally spotted.

- See more at: Avtobaza: Iran's weapon in alleged RQ-170 affair? - The DEW Line


Kvant 1L222 Avtobaza ELINT System


Rosoboronexport Description (Cite):

The Avtobaza ELINT system is designed to detect airborne side-looking radars, air-toground fire-control radars and low-altitude flight control radars, as well as to provide intelligence data for the 1L125M APUR.


    • equipment vehicle based on the Ural-43203 chassis with the K1.4320 van
    • ED2x16-T230P-1VAS electric power generator in the K1.4320 van on the Ural 4310 chassis
The ELINT system displays on the TV screen acquired targets with data on their direction finding, angular coordinates (azimuth and elevation), radiation signal parameters (carrier frequency, duration, pulse repetition frequency) and radar type classification (sidelooking, fire control, low-altitude flight control radar). The APUR automated jamming control system is fed with target data (frequency band number according to frequency assignment of jamming systems, type of emitting radars and their angular coordinates) via cable at a range of up to 100 metres.


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The US need to learn a lesson. Its one thing sending drones to places where there is no Airforce or radar coverage on the opposing side. Quite another when the opposition can resist.
I think they didn't learn from when the Georgian drone was shot down over Abkhazia.
The whole point of using drones is so that you can do this type of recon without losing a pilot because when you lose a pilot shit gets serious and the people back home get mad.BTW nice use of electronic warfare.
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Shoot down any UFOs,just shoot down the damn things。

By the way,since when the Americans have become such cowards?They can no longer bear any casualties?
Drone are useless against any nations with highly skill and military expert in cyber warfare. Any weapons not physical control by human will risk the weapons being high jack by the enemy.
Shoot down any UFOs,just shoot down the damn things。

By the way,since when the Americans have become such cowards?They can no longer bear any casualties?

Its called sophistication.
No drone shown here. Worthless propaganda show. primitive propaganda, nothing else.
The US should respect foreign airspace. Maybe Pakistan can't resist, but they definitely resent it. Russia, on the other hand, will both resent it and take concrete action against it. The US got what was coming.
The US should respect foreign airspace. Maybe Pakistan can't resist, but they definitely resent it. Russia, on the other hand, will both resent it and take concrete action against it. The US got what was coming to it.

Since when is Ukraine russian airspace? Why doesn´t russia respect ukrainian air space? :)

As for the rest, why no picture of the shot down drone? Its laughable.

The only one who knows nothing is you. :D

Why is there no picture of a shot down drone? I means serious, we are talking about a 3rd world country here. Russia has not even running hot water.
Russia is busy to examine the drone instead of showing the USA pictures of its actual condition, so the US can take countermassures to hide the drones secrets.

BUT A DUMB FANBOY will of course never understand such things.

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