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Russia to test new model of Kalashnikov assault rifle in 2011


Nov 5, 2009
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State tests of the new model of Kalashnikov automatic rifles will be held in Russia next year, Izhmash Director General Vladimir Grodetsky said on Tuesday.

The new model of the legendary assault rifle, the AK-200, is based on the AK-74M and differs in weight (3.8 kilograms/8.4 lbs vs. 3.3 kilograms/7.3 lbs) and the magazine capacity (30, 50, 60 rounds vs. 30).

The AK-74, a developed version of the Kalashnikov rifle's first model, the AK-47, was introduced in 1974 and used by the Soviet forces during the Afghanistan conflict.

The AK-47 was originally created by Mikhail Kalashnikov, who as a WWII soldier was inspired to design the weapon after being wounded in 1941. While his first attempts were unsuccessful, he was given a position in weapons development, and by 1947 he had perfected his masterpiece.

Since then, the AK-47 has become the most widespread and famous assault rifle. Used by some 50 armies around the world, as well as countless urban guerrilla movements, it is also featured on the flag of Mozambique.

Kalashnikov received Russia's highest honorary title on his 90th birthday last November. Accepting the award, Kalashnikov voiced regret that his creation, the world's most widely used rifle, has been often misused.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev described the AK-47 at the ceremony as "an excellent model of Russian weaponry" and "a national brand that makes each citizen proud."

Russia to test new model of Kalashnikov assault rifle in 2011 | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire
Russia Starts New Kalashnikov Trials

MOSCOW, November 2 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s central arms testing body started trials on Friday of the AK-12, the latest incarnation of the 65-year-old Kalashnikov assault rifle, its maker Izhmash said.

The new weapon will be tested for its effectiveness when exposed to freezing cold, desert heat, humidity, dust and impacts.

Izhmash’s chief designer, Vladimir Zlobin, had previously said state trials of the weapon would begin in 2013 and be complete by July that year. Serial production of the weapon is due to start by the end of 2013.

Zlobin claims Russian armed units are interested in the weapon and also foreign customers. The company also plans to produce civilian derivatives of the rifle, as no large-scale sales are initially expected by military clients.

In January, Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Sukhorukov said the Russian Army would not be buying the AK-12 as it already had millions of AK-74 rifles in its arsenal, and because of concerns over the financial state of Izhmash.

Development of the AK-12 began in mid-2011. The new weapon retains the overall layout and features of the AK-74, in service with the Russian Army since the 1970s, but has minor modifications and ergonomic changes.

The rifle will have Picatinny rails for additional equipment like special sights to be fitted, ambidextrous grips and an adjustable stock. It also features a lower recoil, giving tighter firing groups.

A range of other weapons will be produced based on the AK-12, including a machine-pistol, assault rifle, handguns and special forces weapons.

Izhmash is currently experiencing difficult times. In October, Izhmash employees, including the legendary Mikhail Kalashnikov, who designed the original AK-47, sent a letter to the Kremlin complaining about falling production volumes and low wages.

They claimed bad management has led to the loss of a number of export contracts and resulted in the failure to fulfill a government order.

“Irreversible changes may take place at the enterprise, leading to its disappearance, and to the vanishing of brands such as Kalashnikov, Dragunov and Nikonov,” the letter said.

Production fell 50 percent in September, leading to wage cuts and dismissals.

Controlled by Russian state-run corporation Russian Technologies (Rostekhnologii), Izhmash produces over 70 types of weaponry, including firearms, aircraft guns, precision artillery rounds, as well as a variety of sporting and hunting weapons.

Russia Starts New Kalashnikov Trials | Defense | RIA Novosti

Rogozin Sets Sights on Kalashnikov Merger

KLIMOVSK, November 3 (RIA Novosti) - Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin called on Saturday for a merger of two of Russia's leading small-arms makers, Izhmash and Izhmekh, under the Kalashnikov brand.

"We need to set up a new-old brand, named 'Kalashnikov', based on the two old factories," said Rogozin, who has special responsibilities for Russia's arms industry, during a visit to the TsNIITOCHMASH arms plant near Moscow.

Oleg Bochkaryev, a member of Russia's military-technical commission, arrived on Friday in Izhevsk, the Urals city where the two enterprises are based, for talks on a possible merger, Rogozin said.

"Izhmekh and Izhmash, with all my respect, are not a brand. Kalashnikov - that's a brand," Rogozin said.

He criticized the two plants for lacking staff, having financial difficulties and over-capacity, and making similar products

"I suggest, but don't insist, a final decision will be made by [parent holding company] Rostekhnologii," he said, referring to a merger.

In October, Izhmash employees, including the legendary Mikhail Kalashnikov, who designed the original Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle, sent a letter to the Kremlin complaining about falling production volumes and low wages.

Production fell 50 percent in September, leading to wage cuts and dismissals.

Izhmash produces over 70 types of weaponry, including firearms, aircraft guns, precision artillery rounds, as well as a variety of sporting and hunting weapons.

The Kalashnikov family has long been licensing the production of non-core goods under the legendary name, and the Glazovsky liquor plant has been producing Kalashnikov-brand vodka since 1995.

A German company, MMI, already has the rights to produce watches, umbrellas and other everyday goods under the Kalashnikov brand.

these type of threads should atleast have one freekin picture of the product---



AK series is definitely exciting.


New Kalashnikov Has 'Range of Defects' - Test Agency

The latest version of Russia's world-famous Kalashnikov assault rifle, the AK-12, has shown up a range of problems during initial testing, the head of the weapons-making agency responsible for trials of the new gun said on Friday.

"The trials are ending, they are around 80 percent complete right now, but there are a series of flaws in it," said Dmitry Semizirov, General Director of the Tochmash state arms firm based near Moscow.

Semizirov declined to elaborate on what the defects were, saying this was "the developer's confidential information."

The weapon was developed by Izhmash, the Izhevsk-based gun maker which has built Kalashnikov rifles since the 1950s.

Another source, however, told RIA Novosti the faults were fixable. "The weapon tests will be completed at the end of November this year as planned," he said.

Izhmash's General Designer Dmitry Zlobin has defended the new weapon, saying the AK-12 was sent for preliminary trials precisely to "highlight all snags and weaknesses in the new development." Having received Tochmash's expert observations, Izhmash's designers will incorporate any necessary changes to the weapon ready for state trials in the second half of 2013, he added.

Series production is due to begin at the end of 2013.

Development of the AK-12 began in mid-2011. The new weapon retains the overall layout and features of the 5.45-mm caliber AK-74, in service with the Russian Army since the 1970s, but has minor modifications and ergonomic changes.

Zlobin has claimed law enforcement agencies have shown strong interest in the new weapon, on which a range of firearms are to be produced including pistols, submachine guns and assault rifles for general military and special duties tasks.

Izhmash, and Izhmekh, another gun-maker, are to be amalgamated in a new state-controlled small-arms holding under the Kalashnikov brand, under a government plan to consolidate the industry, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said earlier this month.

New Kalashnikov Has 'Range of Defects' - Test Agency | Defense | RIA Novosti
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