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Russia: The bear bites back


May 21, 2006
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The bear is back. That's the message coming from the chattering classes and their think-tanks in the west. Vladimir Putin, Russia's long serving leader, won most of the geopolitical battles he fought this year, outmaneuvering his western rivals in several keys areas.

Forbes Magazine dubbed the Russian president the world's most powerful man of 2013, placing him one spot ahead of US President Barack Obama.

As western intervention in Syria looked likely following a chemical weapons attack, the former KGB agent stepped in to broker a last minute deal in which Syria's government would destroy its chemical weapons stockpiles under the eyes of international inspectors.

A war weary US government balked at the idea of another full-throttle Middle East deployment, despite Obama's insistence that chemical weapons were a "red line".

As the US spurned intervention, America's Middle Eastern allies took their own – sometimes bizarre – proposals to Russia.

Saudi Arabia's intelligence chief, Bandar bin Sultan reportedly made Putin an offer he could refuse. The Saudis proposed a buy up to $15bn worth of Russian weapons while protecting Russia's gas exports to Europe from rival competitors if Putin eased his support for Bashar al-Assad's government in Syria.

Bandar also made a veiled threat; the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi could face attacks from Chechen fighters - presumably backed by Riyadh - if Putin didn't end his support for Syria's government at the UN Security Council. Russia refused the overtures.

From Ukraine to Sochi

When the former spook Edward Snowden revealed details of massive US spy operations compromising the privacy of millions around the world, Russia offered him asylum , infuriating Washington and London.

Hardly a bastion of liberalism, Snowden's critics lambasted the whistleblower's decision to take shelter in Moscow, where opposition activists and independent journalists face serious harassment and intimidation.

For Putin, Snowden was a convenient stick he could unsheathe to poke and prod his adversaries in the White House and Whitehall.

Domestically, the commodities boom driving Russian growth over the past decade has slowed. Its economy remains stronger than many of its Eurozone rivals, but natural resource dependence and crony capitalism have stalled much needed structural reforms.

While 2013 was a good year for Russia, the long-term outlook isn't so rosy. Alienated from the West and much of the Sunni Muslim world for its stance in Syria, some observers assume Russia should deepen its relations with China.
But Moscow would invariably be the weaker party in any Sino-Slavic pact, and that's not something the Kremlin is willing to entertain.

Building a customs union with former members of the Soviet bloc could be helpful in the interim. And Putin successfully pulled Ukraine away from the European Union with discounts on natural gas and a line of credit. So confident was Putin that he freed his long-time critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky along with activists from Greenpeace who had been protesting Russian drilling in the Arctic.

But with a declining population and the possibility of decreased petroleum earnings by the later part of the 21st century, Russia is stuck with demographic and diplomatic challenges. For now, however, with the Olympics on the way and the oil still flowing, Russia and its leader are basking in a warm glow.
Russia: The bear bites back - 2013 IN REVIEW - Al Jazeera English

Wondering why Bandar is fingering the sleeping bear.
Obama's demotion and Putin's promotion.
Power resides in the perception of power or put another way of the readiness of an individual or state to use it. Obama’s performance of late, not least over Syria, suggests he is uncomfortable in that role. No such doubts surround Putin.
But then lets not forget at No.3 is Mr.Xi from China.It might not take him long to overcome Putin and Obama.
Such rankings are entirely subjective...indeed their existence is merely evidence of the American obsession with lists, numbers and its eternal search for definitive truth in statistics.
But they’re undeniably fun.And speculating is more fun....:devil:

This is making me LoLing all day long, I wonder who created this fairytale :lol:

Saudi Arabia's intelligence chief, Bandar bin Sultan reportedly made Putin an offer he couldrefuse. The Saudis proposed a buy up to $15bn worth of Russian weapons while protecting Russia's gas exports to Europe from rival competitors if Putin eased his support for Bashar al-Assad's government in Syria.

Bandar also made a veiled threat; the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi could face attacks from Chechen fighters - presumably backed by Riyadh - if Putin didn't end his support for Syria's government at the UN Security Council. Russia refused the overtures.

Wondering why Bandar is fingering the sleeping bear.

We gave it twice to them, and we literally can trigger a civil war in his backyard.
@al-Hasani see what I mean with the other discussion.

Your high IQ never ceased to amaze me. :rofl:

The article suggested it already. I was filling the blank, smarty. :lol:

Bandar also made a veiled threat; the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi could face attacks from Chechen fighters - presumably backed by Riyadh - if Putin didn't end his support for Syria's government at the UN Security Council. Russia refused the overtures.

Obama's demotion and Putin's promotion.
Power resides in the perception of power or put another way of the readiness of an individual or state to use it. Obama’s performance of late, not least over Syria, suggests he is uncomfortable in that role. No such doubts surround Putin.
But then lets not forget at No.3 is Mr.Xi from China.It might not take him long to overcome Putin and Obama.
Such rankings are entirely subjective...indeed their existence is merely evidence of the American obsession with lists, numbers and its eternal search for definitive truth in statistics.
But they’re undeniably fun.And speculating is more fun....:devil:


Liberals are try to outmaneuver the GOP's by making concession with the Evil Empire :lol:

If the Neo-cons found their way to the White House, their man in charge would launch a full scale invasion :lol:
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Liberals are try to outmaneuver the GOP's by making concession with the Evil Empire :lol:

If the Neo-cons found their way to the White House, their man in charge would launch a full scale invasion :lol:

But thats an IF.

Why cant I see your flags???
Your high IQ never ceased to amaze me. :rofl:

Used it as an example to strenghten my point of him having problems with the Salafis based on where they are active since he shares the opinion regarding this as you.

I drop my stick:coffee:
While 2013 was a good year for Russia, the long-term outlook isn't so rosy. Alienated from the West and much of the Sunni Muslim world for its stance in Syria, some observers assume Russia should deepen its relations with China.

But Moscow would invariably be the weaker party in any Sino-Slavic pact, and that's not something the Kremlin is willing to entertain.

Russia would be the weaker party in any Sino-Slavic pact?

No way, Russia is a former superpower. They don't exactly have to worry about lop-sided relations with anyone.

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