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Russia, Testing U.S. Sway, Offers Lebanon 10 Warplanes


Apr 2, 2008
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Russia, Testing U.S. Sway, Offers Lebanon 10 Warplanes
Published: December 17, 2008

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Lebanon’s defense minister announced in Moscow on Tuesday that Russia had offered to give the country 10 MIG-29 fighter jets that would significantly upgrade its antiquated air force and serve as a slap to the United States.

The United States is Lebanon’s main military partner, but American plans to help rebuild the country’s army and air force are moving slowly. And Russia, which is challenging the United States in regions where American influence has been paramount, has made other gestures toward reasserting itself in the Mediterranean.

Lebanon’s military had no official comment on the offer. It is far from clear whether the jets would be delivered. The deal would depend on the Lebanese government’s approval and would have to be discussed with the country’s allies, said a former Lebanese military official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing diplomatic sensitivities.

United States officials seemed somewhat taken aback by the announcement, saying they needed to speak with their military counterparts in Russia and Lebanon before they could confirm that Russia had made a formal offer.

“This is very early yet,” said Christopher C. Straub, deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East. He said American officials had no plans to offer a fighter jet to Lebanon to try to counter the Russian offer.

That offer raised the possibility, however unlikely, of a striking change in direction for the Lebanese military. Defense Minister Elias Murr said Tuesday that the unexpected offer made his trip to Moscow “the most important visit I have made since my appointment as minister of defense,” according to Lebanon’s state-owned Central News Agency.

He also referred to “promises we heard in the past about equipping the army with weapons,” some of which turned out to be “only promises,” The Daily Star, a Beirut newspaper, reported.

Those comments seemed to convey frustration with recent United States pledges to step up military aid to Lebanon after Syria withdrew in 2005. Some aid has been delivered, but at a slow pace, and it is not clear whether more substantial items, like combat helicopters, will arrive.

Israeli leaders have expressed concern about some of the more powerful weapons being considered for Lebanon, fearing they could be used against their country. All this has led some Lebanese officials to question the American commitment.

The American aid is meant to build an armed force to help stabilize Lebanon and provide a legitimate alternative to the Shiite militant group Hezbollah.

Lebanon has a longstanding military relationship with the United States, where its officer corps has been trained. American officials have sometimes intervened when other countries offered to supply weapons.

Lebanon’s air force consists of only a few 1950s-era jets and a small number of Vietnam War-era helicopters. The MIG-29, often compared to the American F-16 fighter, is vastly more powerful than anything the United States was considering providing to Lebanon. The most recent Pentagon offer, in terms of air power, is a Cessna Caravan, a single-engine prop plane.

The Cessna would allow Lebanon to strike a domestic terrorist target, Mr. Straub said. But it would be no threat to Israeli forces; it could easily be shot down. The MIG-29 has the potential to be a threat, given its speed, maneuverability and ability to carry advanced weapons.

Eric Lipton contributed reporting from Washington.
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