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Russia starts construction of nuclear power plant in Bangladesh

With new technology like SILEX (Enrichment via LASER, no need for large gas centrifuges), nuclear technology will be more easily proliferated. For better or for worse.
GOOODDAAMNIIIT! When is ours gonna start :(

Soon I hope bro, be patient. Turkey is doing real well economically (one of the fastest in Europe) even in these recession hit times, its a modern secular Muslim country in Europe with a advanced industrial base that few people know about. We in Bangladesh have a lot of faith in Turkey, and consider it as one of the model to follow.
Na never gonna happen, nuclear industry is considered a strategic asset, the same reason we are unlikely ever to purchase any defence equipment from India, were unlikely to invite Indians in the nuclear sector. Plus india doesn't really have any track record of nuclear sales, who have you supplied outside of India? What is level of technology do you have relative to other competitors and how reliable are you as a supplier, even if India had the technology at a competitive price, we could not trust india as a supplier.

Think about it by buying from India we would be under the Mersey of your government and in the event of relations souring, India could easily withhold spares and support etc.

Oh an that bhai bhai stuff is a load of bull...

Well we are pretty much advanced,we have mastered 220 & 540 MW PHWR designs,and is now building a 700 MW one.

But everything will change after Introduction of Thorium technology-AHWR & Advanced Thorium Breeder Reactors.
Well we are pretty much advanced,we have mastered 220 & 540 MW PHWR designs,and is now building a 700 MW one.

But everything will change after Introduction of Thorium technology-AHWR & Advanced Thorium Breeder Reactors.

Simply your not in a position to sell, and we are not in a position to buy. I am sure you'll have really advanced thorium based reactors in the near future, but we would never take the risk of purchasing strategic tech from India, that can be held to ransom if relations sour.
Simply your not in a position to sell, and we are not in a position to buy. I am sure you'll have really advanced thorium based reactors in the near future, but we would never take the risk of purchasing strategic tech from India, that can be held to ransom if relations sour.

We are in a position to sell 220,540 MW PHWRs - It was made public by NPCIL itself.
Nuclear energy can meet our demand for electricity but personally I'm concerned with safety. How would we manage an accident like that happened with Fukushima plant in Japan? It's just too risky for a country like BD. Not only because we don't have expertise and money but also because we don't trust our government. In case there's an accident that results in pollution by uncontrolled radiation the govt would most probably hide it until everything goes beyond controll and nothing could be hidden anymore.
India should protest against this reactor, a nuclear reactor so close to major population centers can be a disaster.
We are in a position to sell 220,540 MW PHWRs - It was made public by NPCIL itself.

Yea hopefully you'll find a buyer somewhere. We on the other hand cannot buy from india for obvious and often stated reasons. We are looking for 1000mw plus reactors from the international suppliers, that do not entail any strategic, economic or political risks.

But good luck in finding buyers
India should protest against this reactor, a nuclear reactor so close to major population centers can be a disaster.

without such reactor bangladesh will starve, they have huge amount of people on such a small area its over 150 million and numbers are increasing. They need electricity to pay less on foreign energy which is good for the economy to produce more goods and being able to import food and prosperity.
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