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Russia sells 42 Sukhoi fighter jets to India, but nuclear deal falls throug


Nov 13, 2011
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By Associated Press, Published: December 16

MOSCOW — Russia signed a deal Friday to provide India with 42 fighter jets, but the two nations have failed to strike a deal on a controversial nuclear power plant.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that New Delhi will fit the Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter jets with additional locally produced electronics. The jets will be assembled in India.

India had earlier signed several contracts for the delivery of 230 Su-30MKIs, most of which are being assembled locally. The long-range jets are custom-designed for the Indian Air Force.

India has been a leading customer for Russian weapons since the Soviet times, buying combat jets, missiles, navy ships and other weapons worth billions of dollars. Russian weapons still acount for the bulk of the Indian military arsenals.

Indian and Russian officials, however, failed to sign a deal to complete the Koodankulam nuclear plant in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

Russia had pledged to build two of the four reactors at the $3 billion plant, but the construction has been delayed due to protests by local residents concerned about the plant’s safety.

As part of his two-day visit to Russia, Singh met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Both leaders pledged to strengthen the decades-old bilateral ties.
Yes,about the nuclear deal they r still thinking of the third and the fourth unit at the kudankulum plant..
Also,1st unit will be ready by this year only,and 2nd will be operational by march-april next year..
But problem is that the 3rd and 4th unit is now put to hold.

---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 PM ----------

Yes,about the nuclear deal they r still thinking of the third and the fourth unit at the kudankulum plant..
Also,1st unit will be ready by this year only,and 2nd will be operational by march-april next year..
But problem is that the 3rd and 4th unit is now put to hold.
But one more good news is that, India is searching for more locations where they can help russians build more nuclear plants..
And if i m not wrong they searching in West bengal..

---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

But one more good news is that, India is searching for more locations where they can help russians build more nuclear plants..
And if i m not wrong they searching in West bengal..
Yes,about the nuclear deal they r still thinking of the third and the fourth unit at the kudankulum plant..
Also,1st unit will be ready by this year only,and 2nd will be operational by march-april next year..
But problem is that the 3rd and 4th unit is now put to hold.

There are rumors that 3rd and 4th units are put on hold because Thorium program is maturing...
The nuke deal is on. It was just not announced as it would increase the agitation against use of nuclear power in Kudankulam.
Are these the "SUPER" MKIs? And no, I don't believe these are for SFC, that is a separate deal. These are for the IAF, a deal to supplement existing MKIs in service and replace Bisons, I believe this deal has been pending for some time. The 2 (40+2) are replacement for the two MKIs that crashed in earlier crashes. I suppose now (after last week) the order should really be 43 but, of course, it is not as sime as just adding an extra unit so a separate deal would have to be created if an extra unit was wanted.
hi.. i am new here..i just want to know how can you make a plane stealthier without changing the basic design of a plane like offered by russia to upgrade su 30 to super sukhoi.
But one more good news is that, India is searching for more locations where they can help russians build more nuclear plants..
And if i m not wrong they searching in West bengal..

Do you think Mamata Didi will agree to that.
hi.. i am new here..i just want to know how can you make a plane stealthier without changing the basic design of a plane like offered by russia to upgrade su 30 to super sukhoi.

More composites to reduce its RCS, but that won't make it stealthy. Just a reduced blip in the radar screen.
hi.. i am new here..i just want to know how can you make a plane stealthier without changing the basic design of a plane like offered by russia to upgrade su 30 to super sukhoi.

with ram coating and internal weapon bays you can achieve it but but not as good as a plane shaped for stealth from the beginning.
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