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Russia remembered with gratitude as India joins elite space club

Thanks you Russia for standing by India!

Trolls how come Pak china relations are relevant to this thread?
Every Indian has a special place in his heart for Russia.

Most Indians do.

Russia has been a true partner of India when it came to technology. Right after independence they helped us establish IITs and for nuclear subs to Cryogenic engines they have been supportive to poor India.

Now India has a massive base in science and technology and is growing fast. Russia on the other hand is declining with reduced work force and aged scientists. Time to pay back and help Russia with collaboration.

Anyhow, thanks Russkies.

Yes. They helped us in setting up steel pants and building Tihari dam.

Russia has been a true partner of India when it came to technology. Right after independence they helped us establish IITs and for nuclear subs to Cryogenic engines they have been supportive to poor India.

Now India has a massive base in science and technology and is growing fast. Russia on the other hand is declining with reduced work force and aged scientists. Time to pay back and help Russia with collaboration.

Anyhow, thanks Russkies.

Indian purchase of Flankers gave orders the Sukhoi needed badly in 1990s.

Off coarse MKI is potent fighter.

Several Russian Naval engineers are in india since 1991, working on ATV.

The Indian SSN Project: An Open Literature Analysis
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Thank you, brothers! In a world only few nations capable of gratitude. This quality separates the decent from despicable.

The Indian elephant never forgets the good or bad deeds done to it.


You guys would be pointing your fingers in absolute horror if China or the US gave cryo tech to Pakistan. Think about it...and you will see the reasons why Russia was pressured.

Now China and the US are going to be pelted by requests to share the tech too and the world will become a lot less safe.

Stop bracketing us with Pakistan. When will Americans learn that different countries behave differently, and some countries can legitimately claim moral high ground because of their track record, while other countries are a threat to world peace? Maybe if you find Pakistan sheltering and patronizing your worst enemies, you will realize it. Oh wait, that has already happened. Maybe if you find Pakistan proliferating nuclear weapons to dubious regimes like libya and North Korea, you will realize it. Oh wait, that too has happened. What will it take, do you actually want to see common Pakistanis burning your flag in the streets and chanting death to your country? Oh wait, that happens every day.

Point one, cryogenic technology for space vehicles does not make the world less safe, it makes it a better world, with better satellites to improve humanity's lot. You can rest assured that, contrary to your prediction in your last line, Pakistan will not be interested in such endeavours, or in procuring it clandestinely or openly. But paint a nuclear sign on it...

Point two, the technologies that do actually pose a threat, like ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, we developed by ourselves. Russia did not give us the Agni series of missiles or the thermonuclear device tested at Pokhran. Our scientists, our engineers worked their asses off. (As did yours, for your program back in the 40s.)

We have never proliferated our nuclear technology or missiles or know-how for money, like our neighbours have. And we don't have hordes of "west" hating religious fanatics just waiting to get their hands on "the bumb". It is really not India that you should be concerned about.

If you want to give cryogenic technology to Pakistan, be my guest. I don't know what they will do with it anyway.
Russia, although a head with India in many areas of Technology till to date and even in coming decade or so. But they are quite bad with their own people and this is a country which is losing all the things. One day we might see Russian being broken in to pieces soon.

I think Pakistan should welcome Expertise of Russia in Pakistan and provide them with all the possible best facilities to them.
Mr idiot dont try to teach me your history .If you tell that we have also some history that will considerably peel the skins of Pakistan.Even we acknowledge our limitations in 1980s .Because what ever the fact USSR not need any so called support (that you claim)from India.Whether India support them or not ,that not gonna change anything.At 1980's we have no much voice in international stage.Same goes to Pakistan your support to China will not change any leaf in geo politics.Because whole the world know what can a third world failed state can do.
But now World know what India can do .

India says ‘no standoff’ with US in diplomat row

You know about this diplomatic episode.And go and compare with Raymond case and regular drone attack in tribal areas:lol::lol:.Lol US already attack Pak tribal area with drones and what can china do ?we dont see anything
Now Chinese support .They also bark like this in 1965 ,1971 and 1999.But dont do anything.All they can do is issue warnings.If US attack pakistan then china maintain same issuing warning procedure and may supply weapons no more no less.Trust me,PRC may bully Japan and small other countries.But now against India they can only do to erect tent in disputed area.after 1962 they also try in 1967 and get bloody nose.After PLA only resorted in some gimmicks in LAC.
Pakistan present existence is Indira Gandhi favour.Indians Generals also has plan to seize all pakistan territory in 1971 and it is discouraged by Indira Gandhi.So you can claim like this.
India is not US ally .If we are like Pakistan then this whole diplomatic row will not happen.
Who told you Indian PM has no value in India?.That is your dream.May his party insult him,but for us we respect his PM post .
If he take decision a considering we will unconditionally support him and it is stable democracy so criticize is allowed.

Whether you can like it or not ,but Pakistan receive aid from US and do their dirty work and become failed state.
We don take no one aid.
I have some doubt .What Pakistan can do against US if US attack China.Man dont be a clown.Do you know US secreatary Collin Powell warning to your Musharraf? two US naval fleet then.. Pakistan is over.Only boast about what you can do .China can take care of themselves they dont need your help lol:lol:..

But if now India came to the support of Russia .It will be a game changer unless we dont do that ,we have NAM policy at least for name.
and What exactly can india do, even if china attack her. (USA is a very big game for you). let me tell you what you can do....
Watch Chinese army pushed back Indian forces by 40 kilometers on border

About drones,, i will say if you were grown up enough, you would not have raised such a stupid issue...........ERECT TENT ... and what can you do in responce ..... beg them to leave..... :omghaha::rofl:...........
about usa, you are right pakistan cannot win a conventioanl war with usa atleast for the next 50 years.......but its not that far, when USSRthe greatest millitary power in the known human history attacked afghanistan, and those afghanis who cannot even read or right defeated a super power just with pakistan,s help.......agree? :pakistan: lolx. if usa attack russia do you think that india can sustain even a single day before USA........even a single day........if yes than i will say go and read something basic about defence and defence technologies and compare yours with US of A,s...........:usflag:
and What exactly can india do, even if china attack her. (USA is a very big game for you). let me tell you what you can do....
Watch Chinese army pushed back Indian forces by 40 kilometers on border

About drones,, i will say if you were grown up enough, you would not have raised such a stupid issue...........ERECT TENT ... and what can you do in responce ..... beg them to leave..... :omghaha::rofl:...........
about usa, you are right pakistan cannot win a conventioanl war with usa atleast for the next 50 years.......but its not that far, when USSRthe greatest millitary power in the known human history attacked afghanistan, and those afghanis who cannot even read or right defeated a super power just with pakistan,s help.......agree? :pakistan: lolx. if usa attack russia do you think that india can sustain even a single day before USA........even a single day........if yes than i will say go and read something basic about defence and defence technologies and compare yours with US of A,s...........:usflag:

Thats your mistake.Now US cant do nothing against India.You just check history nuclear test in 1998. When all of the west except china criticise Pakistan .Their some western country was in Indian side including France and other country is Israel. US sanctioned US and later they come here and lift all sanctions .They came here to lift sanctions. We dont beg them.
If US take action against us ,then spilt will take place in NATO countries.India is not Iraq something like that.
If US attack India US play game of world police will vanish once and for all.It is not because of our military power.It is because of our good diplomacy .Except Pakistan and China ,we have a good relations with all other countries.Always friendly to all countries and largest democracy.No one will help US in that case.US attack another countries only with help of their regional rivals and NATO.And also at that case you can also see the unique friendship between INDIA AND RUSSIA.
In conclusion US can attack and destroyed pakistan .But taking India that is impossible for US.

Recent diplomatic row show ,we will keep a distance from US.You dont read that sentence
India says ‘no standoff’ with US in diplomat row

that only episode show the entire world India is not Pakistan.

Now Chinese case.I can concede our officials take right decision .We are not pakistan to randomely shoot China when they entered disputed area.In fact we love their border show and it also help our military for speedy modernization.India is a nuclear armed country ,We can easily strike china.But they dont do anything that much serious.If serious we can also get serious but that is destruction of both India and China.But we are matured countries .when they show a dharna like methods we will address it and solve that problems.Here we talk about matured powerful countries that cant stand their own .Not an aid taking country like paksitan.
Americans are too Noble for us Indians we need to keep away,imagine paying a maid 4500$:lol:

$4500 a year? that will never do. The minimum wage in US is $8 per hour. But for a maid you need to pay about $10 an hour. That would be about $20000 a year. That is why only the rich people can afford to have maids. Middle class Americans do not have maids.

What is more common for high middle class is to have someone to come over and clean the house for $80 once a week. Usually, this are houses that are bigger than average, but not a mansion. In Asia, middle class make up a small percentage of the population, the majority are poor. In the US, middle class make up 80% of the population. Very few maids available. This is the reason that diplomats in India would need to import maids to have Indian life style. But a better solution is to do the house work yourselves as this is part of American life style.
Sorry my bad I keeping thinking they have ethics.

The US didn't do that. That Abdul Khan guy worked in Europe for some British company. The US was the one who pointed it out.

US may not have given nuclear technology ....to Pakistan .

But US deliberately allowed China to proliferate nuclear tech ... If Pakistan went nuclear ...lot of credit goes to US as well .

$4500 a year? that will never do. The minimum wage in US is $8 per hour. But for a maid you need to pay about $10 an hour. That would be about $20000 a year. That is why only the rich people can afford to have maids. Middle class Americans do not have maids.

What is more common for high middle class is to have someone to come over and clean the house for $80 once a week. Usually, this are houses that are bigger than average, but not a mansion. In Asia, middle class make up a small percentage of the population, the majority are poor. In the US, middle class make up 80% of the population. Very few maids available. This is the reason that diplomats in India would need to import maids to have Indian life style. But a better solution is to do the house work yourselves as this is part of American life style.

Did he say 4500$ per year ? Read post carefully before reply anyhow ...

stop trolling and create mountain out of molehills ....

seems you are too obsessed with maids ....and their salaries ever since Devyani Khobragade episode !
Thats your mistake.Now US cant do nothing against India.You just check history nuclear test in 1998. When all of the west except china criticise Pakistan .Their some western country was in Indian side including France and other country is Israel. US sanctioned US and later they come here and lift all sanctions .They came here to lift sanctions. We dont beg them.
If US take action against us ,then spilt will take place in NATO countries.India is not Iraq something like that.
If US attack India US play game of world police will vanish once and for all.It is not because of our military power.It is because of our good diplomacy .Except Pakistan and China ,we have a good relations with all other countries.Always friendly to all countries and largest democracy.No one will help US in that case.US attack another countries only with help of their regional rivals and NATO.And also at that case you can also see the unique friendship between INDIA AND RUSSIA.
In conclusion US can attack and destroyed pakistan .But taking India that is impossible for US.

Recent diplomatic row show ,we will keep a distance from US.You dont read that sentence
India says ‘no standoff’ with US in diplomat row

that only episode show the entire world India is not Pakistan.

Now Chinese case.I can concede our officials take right decision .We are not pakistan to randomely shoot China when they entered disputed area.In fact we love their border show and it also help our military for speedy modernization.India is a nuclear armed country ,We can easily strike china.But they dont do anything that much serious.If serious we can also get serious but that is destruction of both India and China.But we are matured countries .when they show a dharna like methods we will address it and solve that problems.Here we talk about matured powerful countries that cant stand their own .Not an aid taking country like paksitan.

US have no need to attack India with military. All we do is ask the federal reserve to make some statements. Indian rupee will go down the toilet. As India buy tools, electronics, oil and defense equipment form foreign countries, its currency would become useless and it would not be able to buy anything. India will suffer hyper inflation and will self disintegrate like Russia. There will be no more India to attack or invade.

US may not have given nuclear technology ....to Pakistan .

But US deliberately allowed China to proliferate nuclear tech ... If Pakistan went nuclear ...lot of credit goes to US as well .

Did he say 4500$ per year ? Read post carefully before reply anyhow ...

stop trolling and create mountain out of molehills ....

seems you are too obsessed with maids ....and their salaries ever since Devyani Khobragade episode !

Where is the original source for $4500? Did he just made it up?
US have no need to attack India with military. All we do is ask the federal reserve to make some statements. Indian rupee will go down the toilet. As India buy tools, electronics, oil and defense equipment form foreign countries, its currency would become useless and it would not be able to buy anything. India will suffer hyper inflation and will self disintegrate like Russia. There will be no more India to attack or invade.

Where is the original source for $4500? Did he just made it up?

He said 4500$ (implied per month ) ....this in context of Devyani Khobrgade affair ...the amount of salary entered in visa form of Sangeeta Richard.

It is in this context he talked about maid's salary being 4500$. You jumped on that figure and added your own 'per year' tag !

and started trolling on that issue ...

US have no need to attack India with military. All we do is ask the federal reserve to make some statements. Indian rupee will go down the toilet. As India buy tools, electronics, oil and defense equipment form foreign countries, its currency would become useless and it would not be able to buy anything. India will suffer hyper inflation and will self disintegrate like Russia. There will be no more India to attack or invade.

what is the date 'fixed' for self destruction of India ?

why is not federal reserve making any statement to that effect ?

why is that US had to invade Iraq and Afghanistan to destroy them ...? why the almighty debt ridden Federal reserve did n't make statements to precipitate self destruction of Iraq , Afghanistan ?

You are suffering from PDF induced India psychosis ... as evidenced by your delusions of India self destruction !

as far as Russia is concerned ...it's alive and kicking ....Lol It just recently 'kicked' US and NATO over Syria ....!!!
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But US deliberately allowed China to proliferate nuclear tech

I keep forgetting how as The World's Policeman we should be on top of everything while other countries can rest on their butts and show no responsibility.
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