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Russia rants at India's military buy !

He may be right.......

And he may be wrong......

The truth lies somewhere in between. So on his part; Mr.Komardin needs to wake up- to some realities; and he needs to wake Rosoboronexport to better manufacturing and delivery standards. Then Indian business will not go any where else.

What has riled Mr.Komardin is the fact that "big-ticket/aka Malaiwala" items have gone to Uncle Sam; but he overlooks that India still makes its bulk purchases from Russia.

Just seems that Indian Vodka was not agreeable to Mr.Komardin.
This is the Typical shopping strategy of Indian women....

IF a seller quote u 100 rs.....ask him for 30 rs price
then Bargain hard ..Come to 40 rs
Then threaten him to give it in final price of 50 rs or u will move to next shop
pick up ur bag and walk away two step ..
Your deal is Done.......you Save 50 rs

India Ask Russia for Critical technologies....Russian make a scene and delay on it.
Indian ask for lesser tech which can be useful to achieve the critical tech
Indian threaten to walk away and start asking price in next shop( western )

Solution Either provide us the tech we need or u will be treated like a regular seller in mkt..:azn:

PS:- I love to watch my mom shop..she straight away slashes 50 % prices in bargain...i like the look on the face on that seller when he hears my mom :yahoo:
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Another russian big mouth, should be asked to shut up. They should blame themselves for being so unreliable that India is purchasing from elsewhere.
Which ll rise more concern to you ? Pakistan is using west weapons or Pakistan is using chiense weapons.

Pakistan using western weapons! Pakistan can use as many Chinese weapons as it can afford to. :D
Russian = Grumpy aunt angry when seeing her little nephew mingaling with cute new aunties in the hood :D
This is the Typical shopping strategy of Indian women....

IF a seller quote u 100 rs.....ask him for 30 rs price
then Bargain hard ..Come to 40 rs
Then threaten him to give it in final price of 50 rs or u will move to next shop
pick up ur bag and walk away two step ..
Your deal is Done.......you Save 50 rs

India Ask Russia for Critical technologies....Russian make a scene and delay on it.
Indian ask for lesser tech which can be useful to achieve the critical tech
Indian threaten to walk away and start asking price in next shop( western )

Solution Either provide us the tech we need or u will be treated like a regular seller in mkt..:azn:

PS:- I love to watch my mom shop..she straight away slashes 50 % prices in bargain...i like the look on the face on that seller when he hears my mom :yahoo:

That stand-up comedy act was good. Particularly the part at the end reminded me of our friends here Faithfolguy and Wanglaokan. :P
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No they are not. Israelis and french are more reliable.

Russian have been our allies for decades since the times of the SU. They are the only country in the world to share their nuclear tech and stealth tech to another country (India). Even the US doesnt share all its technology with the UK.
Russian have been our allies for decades since the times of the SU. They are the only country in the world to share their nuclear tech and stealth tech to another country (India). Even the US doesnt share all its technology with the UK.
'unreliable' is the keyword. And russians are not soviets, we had a common interest during cold war, not anymore.
No they are not. Israelis and french are more reliable.

Not correct at all. The Russians have been as reliable as the Israelis. The French a little less so. While the Americans, hmmm.......

But bear in mind that is a general statement above.
India is buying western hardware due to 3 reasons.

1) Several western military platforms are superior than their Russian counterparts. For example C-17 GM III, Rafael, Apache etc.
2) We cant afford being overdependent on Russian weapons. Hence we are diversifying.
3) Buying western platforms has political implications too.
For the dear friends who think Russia is unreliable partner
Please bear in mind Russia is India's greatest ally, close friend and a very reliable supporter. No money or defense deals can ever repay the what russia did for us in 1971, When the 7th fleet was about to knowck on our doors, it was the russian destroyers with the Nuke subs underneath, that stopped them in their tracks.

It was the russians who have helped us the most with the most critical nuclear plants we run, its the russians who provided us the first BVR's, it was the russians which custom made an aircraft that was even superior to ones they were fielding at the time. It was the russian who offered us a fith gen fighter, when the rest of world was still working out to remove the sanction imposed on us, it was the russians who provided India with a nuclear sub, it was the russians who provided us the first missile boats and anti ship missiles.

Calling them unreliable is the most idiotic thing to say. We are very very lucky that we have russians on our side, and not the others. Ask our neighboring nation how the journey has been with the other side!
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