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Russia Plans Rail-Mounted Missiles to Counter US Global Strike Program

And now one will be able detect a ICBM with a nuclear warhead launched within the huge trans siberian railway network)
And I thought that you will write - " our national interests require the presence of our troops in every region of the world. Only by occupying key areas we can continue global hegemony."

Well you thought wrong since its been response to what happens around the world. World War 2 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, North Vietnam invading South Vietnam with support from Russia. North Korea invading South Korea with support from Russia. Russia itself invading Afghanistan. Serbs allies of the Russians attacking Kosovo. Russians supporting Syria with Russian personnel in the region. With its naval base by the way. Iraq invading Kuwait in 1990. List goes on. So yes there are troops in Europe. Sure the Russians don't like it, perhaps to deter possible invasion of Europe just like it did in WW2 working with Hitler. I mean we only have 23k troops based in South Korea to deter North Korea's million man army.

How many troops do we have in Europe currently?

Just the same as NATO is worried about Iskander system deployment in Western Military District of Russia. Iskander's missile in not ballistic. It can be seen as hypersonic (6M) maneuverable (overload 20-30g) missile with conventional warhead (480kg) and accuracy 1-30m (depends on warhead and homing system).
Ракетный комплекс "Искандер"

Its not ballistic really? Its a cruise missile?
Well you thought wrong since its been response to what happens around the world. World War 2 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, North Vietnam invading South Vietnam with support from Russia. North Korea invading South Korea with support from Russia. Russia itself invading Afghanistan. Serbs allies of the Russians attacking Kosovo. Russians supporting Syria with Russian personnel in the region. With its naval base by the way. Iraq invading Kuwait in 1990. List goes on. So yes there are troops in Europe. Sure the Russians don't like it, perhaps to deter possible invasion of Europe just like it did in WW2 working with Hitler. I mean we only have 23k troops based in South Korea to deter North Korea's million man army.

How many troops do we have in Europe currently?

Its not ballistic really? Its a cruise missile?
Listen, since the Soviet collapse two times you had to occupy and bomb Iraq . Bombed and occupied Afghanistan and Libya. Began a civil war in Yugoslavia . Bombed Yugoslavia. Devided Sudan ( also a war ) . The war in Yemen , Pakistan. Began a civil war in Syria. Illegally breakaway province of Serbia - Kosovo.
It is only from 1991 year. And that's not counting the smaller wars and conflicts.
So the world was much calmer when there was someone to answer your constant aggression.
And do not talk about Hitler - he was brought to power by the Anglo-Saxons - the U.S. and Britain , so he attacked the USSR . It is well known fact.
You get rich on both World Wars. While in Europe killed tens of millions , you traded and turned into a superpower .
So do not here describe yourself as a defender of the weak and oppressed .
The administration of George W. Bush considered developing such a weapon in the 2000s, but rejected the idea because of fears that an ICBM-launched weapon would trigger the Russian nuclear-launch warning system, potentially provoking a nuclear war.[8] However, the Obama administration continued development of the system later in the decade.

A potential enemy cannot be certain that a launched ICBM contains only a conventional warhead, not a nuclear one. It is thus currently unclear what design features or precautions could convince China and Russia, two countries with launch-detection systems and nuclear ICBMs, to ignore their early-warning systems. Current ideas include a low-trajectory missile design, or allowing Russian and Chinese inspection of PGS missile sites.[3][5]

On 11 April 2010, United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates indicated that the United States already had a Prompt Global Strike capability.[9] This coincided with the New START disarmament treaty signed on 8 April 2010, which set new, lower limits on ballistic missiles and their warheads. The treaty does not distinguish between conventional and nuclear versions of weapons, meaning any ballistic PGS missiles and warheads would count toward the new limit. However, the U.S. State Department has stated that this does not constrain plans for PGS deployment, since current plans do not come near the limits."
That is what Wiki said

Hypersonic missiles are part of this program.
In any case, the START-3 does not prohibit Russia to revive rail systems. Russia not violates arrangements. And these systems are ideal for Russia because of the enormous length of railways.

But such a missile could be hide in one wagon - it will be almost impossible to detect. At the same time the old missiles required special locomotives and 2 wagons because of its gravity - they were easier to detect.

That's right.

BTW Agni 6 too will be rail mounted.
Well you thought wrong since its been response to what happens around the world.
1. World War 2 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor,
2. North Vietnam invading South Vietnam with support from Russia.
3. North Korea invading South Korea with support from Russia.
4. Russia itself invading Afghanistan.
5. Serbs allies of the Russians attacking Kosovo.
6. Russians supporting Syria with Russian personnel in the region. With its naval base by the way. Iraq invading Kuwait in 1990.
7. List goes on. So yes there are troops in Europe. Sure the Russians don't like it, perhaps to deter possible invasion of Europe just like it did in WW2 working with Hitler. I mean we only have 23k troops based in South Korea to deter North Korea's million man army.
How many troops do we have in Europe currently?
Its not ballistic really? Its a cruise missile?
1. not suitable example; 2. disagree. ("Vietnam invaded Vietnam", XD, no comments. in reality USA invaded Vietnam, USSR/Russia:USA - 0:1) 3. disagree. "Korea invaded Korea" (I really do not like North Korean regime but the truth is that USA invaded Korea, USSR/Russia:USA - 0:2) 4. agree (USSR/Russia:USA - 1:2) 5. Kosovo is considered as a part of Yugoslavia, in reality USA invaded Yugoslavia (USSR/Russia:USA - 1:3) 6. not suitable examples (USA has a lot of bases abroad) 7. Let's go on the list. 8. USA invaded Iraq (USSR/Russia:USA - 1:4), 9 NATO bombed Libya (USSR/Russia:USA - 1:5). So it is clearly seen who is real global aggressor.
About Iskander, yes, missile's trajectory is not ballistic (some problem for interceptors). I have placed a link to technical characteristics. It is also not assigned to a class of cruise missiles according to Russian classification.
Listen, since the Soviet collapse two times you had to occupy and bomb Iraq . Bombed and occupied Afghanistan and Libya. Began a civil war in Yugoslavia . Bombed Yugoslavia. Devided Sudan ( also a war ) . The war in Yemen , Pakistan. Began a civil war in Syria. Illegally breakaway province of Serbia - Kosovo.
It is only from 1991 year. And that's not counting the smaller wars and conflicts.
So the world was much calmer when there was someone to answer your constant aggression.
And do not talk about Hitler - he was brought to power by the Anglo-Saxons - the U.S. and Britain , so he attacked the USSR . It is well known fact.
You get rich on both World Wars. While in Europe killed tens of millions , you traded and turned into a superpower .
So do not here describe yourself as a defender of the weak and oppressed .

Oh you didn't have any explanation about why we invaded Afghanistan? 9/11 duh. Invasion of Iraq to eliminate possible threat with WMDs which Iraq has used before in the past, we were angry at the time. Which by the way after the removal of the threat of Iraq, led to withdrawal of troops from Saudi Arabia which invited the U.S. led forces in the first place, thank you very much. We haven't even occupied Libya, don't know where you got that. War in Yemen has been going on for years now, its a civil war, we just going after the terrorists, and same for Pakistan. After all thats where Osama was at, unless you forgotten. And we know how the civil war started in Syria thanks to the Arab Spring. I mean you got Syrian ambassadors breaking away from Assad. And I'm not going to talk about your crap on Hitler brought to power by Anglo-Saxons crap. You allied with him to invade Poland. Thats a fact. You are just being deluded.

1. not suitable example; 2. disagree. ("Vietnam invaded Vietnam", XD, no comments. in reality USA invaded Vietnam, USSR/Russia:USA - 0:1) 3. disagree. "Korea invaded Korea" (I really do not like North Korean regime but the truth is that USA invaded Korea, USSR/Russia:USA - 0:2) 4. agree (USSR/Russia:USA - 1:2) 5. Kosovo is considered as a part of Yugoslavia, in reality USA invaded Yugoslavia (USSR/Russia:USA - 1:3) 6. not suitable examples (USA has a lot of bases abroad) 7. Let's go on the list. 8. USA invaded Iraq (USSR/Russia:USA - 1:4), 9 NATO bombed Libya (USSR/Russia:USA - 1:5). So it is clearly seen who is real global aggressor.
About Iskander, yes, missile's trajectory is not ballistic (some problem for interceptors). I have placed a link to technical characteristics. It is also not assigned to a class of cruise missiles according to Russian classification.

Give me a link that its not ballistic. Otherwise anything thats in the air can be shot down.
Oh you didn't have any explanation about why we invaded Afghanistan? 9/11 duh. Invasion of Iraq to eliminate possible threat with WMDs which Iraq has used before in the past, we were angry at the time. Which by the way after the removal of the threat of Iraq, led to withdrawal of troops from Saudi Arabia which invited the U.S. led forces in the first place, thank you very much. We haven't even occupied Libya, don't know where you got that. War in Yemen has been going on for years now, its a civil war, we just going after the terrorists, and same for Pakistan. After all thats where Osama was at, unless you forgotten. And we know how the civil war started in Syria thanks to the Arab Spring. I mean you got Syrian ambassadors breaking away from Assad. And I'm not going to talk about your crap on Hitler brought to power by Anglo-Saxons crap. You allied with him to invade Poland. Thats a fact. You are just being deluded.
9/11 ? Really? Then why are you still there, although Osamma long dead? Do you know that Osamma Bin Laden was once a hero to the West? It was created by the CIA Al-Qaeda to fight the Soviet Union.
Your troops in Afghanistan simply control the heroin trade . Your generals are getting rich on this trade - that's why you occupied Afghanistan .
You bombed Libya, a country destroyed - now there's an eternal civil war . Western mercenaries controlled oil and gas production - and outright robbery.
You destroyed Iraq for oil . Invented a WMD showed fake powder and destroyed state.
You started the civil war in Sudan, South Sudan separated , the oil-rich - now there are all run by Western companies .
You began to provoke a civil war in Yemen , because there were strong socialists . You started civil . war in Pakistan , despite the fact that Pakistan was an ally .
You started the civil war in Yugoslavia. Then savagely bombed Serbia, and then separated Kosovo from Serbia . Kosovo now uses the CIA - there camps for training terrorists and there entrepot heroin.
You started a civil war in Syria. You give money to al-Qaida and other cannibals , who are fighting against the legitimate government of Syria and the Syrian people .
Hitler was an ally of West until the moment when he signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union . USSR in Europe last signed such an agreement , much later then England and France. Your company sponsored coming to power of Hitler. Hitler was man of Year by the Times . You gave Hitler the right to host the Summer and Winter Olympics - a unique event in history. But Hitler deceived you . He did not attack the Soviet Union in 1939 , as you planned . You gave him up without a fight the whole Europe only to attack USSR. You waited until 1944 to Germans killed as many Russian. And opened the second front only when it became clear that Germany will win the USSR itself .
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