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Russia Picks Nuclear Allies For Imminent War With NATO

For Turkey???
Turkey for EU and USA fighting against Russsia and Iran:)
Do you really believe that Turkey supports ISIS??:))
And do you believe USA want to stop war in SYria????:)
China, Russia and Pakistan: the world’s new superpower axis
Russia and Pakistan are already building plans in counter-terrorism cooperation, increasing port calls of military ships as well as helping stabilize Afghanistan, according to Bloomberg citing ITAR-TASS. During last week’s meeting between Shoigu and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the two sides agreed on further steps to boost the $542 million of bilateral trade between the two nations.

Meanwhile, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently said the country is seeking to modernize its armed forces and become capable of producing its own military equipment, stripping itself off reliance on imports from the U.S. and Russia.

In August, ValueWalk reported that there were signs of the emergence on a new superpower axis in the world – a triangle between Russia, China and Pakistan. And it seems that there has been significant progress in forming this kind of superpower axis ever since.

China, Russia and Pakistan are perfect fit for one another for the reason that Moscow is capable of replacing all Western military technology for both Beijing and Islamabad. Besides, Russia has a reputation of being a reliable energy supplies for its allies.

China, meanwhile, is much more powerful in terms of its economy compared to both Russia and Pakistan. In addition to that, a great amount of foreign exchange reserves are looking to invest and require energy supplies.

Pakistan, for its part, has a developing economy and requires both military equipment and energy supplies from Russia and protection from China.

Both Beijing and Moscow see Washington as a challenge to their interests, while they believe it is in their best interests to stop U.S. global dominance. Pakistan, meanwhile, has no significant disagreements with the U.S., but it would not mind to ensure its own safety under the wing of the Chinese and Russians.

Putin urged to drop nuclear bomb on Turkey, killing 9 mil people
Putin is willing to use nuclear weapons on Russia’s “enemy number one,” Turkey, according to one of the nation’s leading politicians, as reported by the Daily Star.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the misnamed Liberal Democratic party, urged Putin to destroy Turkish capital of Istanbul, killing over nine million people. Zhirinovsky said Turkey was stupid to shot down a Russian fighter jet on Tuesday, when it violated Turkish airspace.

“A nuclear attack can destroy Istanbul very easily. Just one nuclear bomb in the Istanbul Strait will wash the city away,” the Russian MP told Moscow Speaking Radio, according to the Daily Star.

“It would be such a terrible flood, the water would rise to between 10m and 15m and the city would [flood],” he continued and added, “And then there are nine million lives.”

Zhirinovsky also labeled Turkey as Russia’s “enemy number one.” The comments come after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Russia not to “play with fire,” hinting at NATO’s 5th article, which states that an attack on one Ally shall be considered an attack on all NATO members.

Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons on Turkey
The Turkish military shot down the Russian warplane on Tuesday, triggering a furious response from the Kremlin and escalating the already hot tensions between NATO and Russia. With Putin warning NATO of “serious consequences,” analysts believe Moscow is willing to unleash a nuclear war over the incident.

Despite the fact that Turkey is backed by NATO’s 5th Article, the chances that Putin will start a nuclear war over the incident with the Russian warplane are very “likely,” according to Pavel Felgengauer, Russia’s most respected military analyst, as reported by ValueWalk on Wednesday.

Felgengauer said Turkey wants to protect a zone in northern Syria controlled by the Turkmens, who are Turkish allies, while the downing of the Russian fighter jet must prompt Putin to either accept the zone or “start a war with Turkey,” which means starting an all-out war with NATO. And the only way Russia could win a war against NATO is by going nuclear, Felgengauer added.

“It is most likely that it will be war,” said Felgenhauer, as reported by Mirror. “In other words, more fights will follow when Russian planes attack Turkish aircraft in order to protect our [Russia’s] bombers. It is possible that there will be fights between the Russian and Turkish navies at sea.”

Russia Picks Nuclear Allies For Imminent War With NATO
Nuke war between Russia and turkey is a zero-probability event as we know, So this news is either published by a kid or a retard.

i become happy to know that russia has said ( Russia can use nuclear weapon on turkey ) because if pakistan has no nuclear weapons then india warrned pakistan and say INDIA CAN USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON PAKISTAN.
Never go full retard.
. .
I am not with turkey with this one but trust me no nuke war will happen because the stakes are too high.
here is how it works Russia is way too powerful for trukey to handle but both europe and USA have a grudge against russia and china while things were already not good between china and turkey and russia and tureky are getting worse each passing day and the fact that turkey is not worth a fight with russia meaning turkey is getting isolated and turkey was already some problems with Israel & iran so tell me who gonna save turkey now .
so you think NATO/Europe will risk a nuke war with russia for turkey .... Good Luck Turkey .

Do you think Russia would risk getting nuked for a downed jet? Are you guys seriously this retarded? Living in huts made out of cow shit suffering from malnutrition and the worst kind of pollution, yet your imaginations run wild about the World and its troubles. Spewing prophecies and analyses on nuclear wars and stuff...

Bud, Russian economy cannot even afford cutting off Turkey's gas let alone starting a nuclear war. Do you think any nation can get away with using a nuclear weapon on another over a thing like downed jets? We are in 21st century FFS. If a nation can get away with using a nuclear weapon on another nation, doesn't matter if it is on Turkey or Bhurma or whatever, then it would mean that nation will dominate the World from that point on. Do you think other nations would allow that you atomic conspiracist retarded little shit stains?

As if it is as easy as pushing the red button on a box that says ACME on it. Geez, these people sometimes...
Do you think Russia would risk getting nuked for a downed jet? Are you guys seriously this retarded? Living in huts made out of cow shit suffering from malnutrition and the worst kind of pollution, yet your imaginations run wild about the World and its troubles. Spewing prophecies and analyses on nuclear wars and stuff...

Bud, Russian economy cannot even afford cutting off Turkey's gas let alone starting a nuclear war. Do you think any nation can get away with using a nuclear weapon on another over a thing like downed jets? We are in 21st century FFS. If a nation can get away with using a nuclear weapon on another nation, doesn't matter if it is on Turkey or Bhurma or whatever, then it would mean that nation will dominate the World from that point on. Do you think other nations would allow that you atomic conspiracist retarded little shit stains?

As if it is as easy as pushing the red button on a box that says ACME on it. Geez, these people sometimes...
all i can say is you are really missing my point but then again have some water no need to get angry but dont forget russia is in no mood to let it go this time good luck and good night .
all i can say is you are really missing my point but then again have some water no need to get angry but dont forget russia is in no mood to let it go this time good luck and good night .

It has to make do with jailing Turkish students and businessman in Russia because there is nothing it can do other that. Russia cannot even cut economic ties with Turkey let alone risking an escalation with something like military action. Pretty much every country that matters on the face of earth is behind Turkey on this one. So yeah, Russia has to suck up the mess created by Putin and move on.
Russia couldnt embargo to Turkish Citrus and Tomatoes, because They are holly:)
Our Tomatoes have 1 kiloton nucleer effect:)
Where is the PUTLER who has made show on TV and declarated Turkish Fruits are going to be banned??
Soon new year, they must eat fruits with vodka. Russian alcholics love frruits more than their nation.
Must be high on some russian mushrooms.... belicose retoric wont resolve anything.

Or a date expired vodka!
Russia must know Turkey also holds nukes which she will not hesitate to use if cornered.
When USSR was destroyed by economy , USA used this methods.
Firstly they had pushed the USSR into Afghanistan, secondly they let down the oil prices.
In results Natashas started prostitution in Turkey.
Same history, same tactics.
Good Luck Russia, Iran and Syria.
How can I refuse a lot of ladies.
. .
Wont happen, there are plenty of brain deads around the world making such statement.
For eg pakistan, there is such a statement every month, from people of different field, including establishment.

Here, gone full retard... what an obsession with Pak. Whatever happens around, kid mind like you come to drag PAK in it. are you even sure what you are talking about. Just put the name of Pakistan in your discussion to prove your patriotism towards India. You do not know a bit about what really the statements are and who are willing to do so moreover whats gonna happen if done. you need to think such things before making any decision about statements or dragging Pakistan into discussion which does not relate at all. Don't go off topic with your biased opinions.

rest for the topic, someone must be living in fools paradise. looks like the writer is full high though i don't know what's smoking. nobody thinks about humanity which will be killed at one or both ends. even the statement is a lie or true but participants should come up with logic on humanitarian grounds. at last Turkey has the right to defend itself once again though such insane move cannot be expected by a mature country.
Oh please, I'm actually inviting them to our country. It's definitely better than Filipino internet-cafe afficionados whose only good at posting hateful comments when a topic involves our Muslim brothers.

Looks at yourself and your comments! You post more hateful and insensitive comments than Zero_wing and myself! Posting insulting and insensitive comments against Japanese, Turkish, Indians and Vietnamese members ALL THE TIME!

Hell, just after a few days and you got five negative ratings! What's next, going to make an account named "opreh" with a black bear as your avatar? LOL

As for the topic, the Russians will not drop a nuke on Turkey because if one nuke explodes, others will follow suit and more nukes will be detonated across the world.
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He is obviously a Chinese :rofl:
Most likely a Filipino-Chinese living a "sheltered" life in an exclusive gated community here in the Philippines who happens to be a Sinophile and only cares about doing business with the Mainlanders.
If Russia manages to get Turkey out of NATO. I believe that to be a bigger achievement than dropping nukes (like a bear in a china shop)

What is going on here??? I Thought Pakistanis here will be cheering for big brother Russia to go ahead like they have been doing lately in most threads on here?:lol:

lol Ok jokes aside. THIS THREAD IS JUST ANOTHER SUPER TROLL THREAD BY A CHINESE CHEERLEADER. The Mods here should just close it down. It's useless even debating over such a non issue. Reason No real Russian member here(i'm not talking about people from other countries living in Russia. lol) even bothered to comment. lol So get back to more useful threads guys.:pop:
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