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Russia not oppose UNSC meeting on India's move in IOK

Unprecedented UNSC over Kashmir finally happening after many years. Even if it gets veto by any member, its a success for Pakistani diplomatic effort.

Meanwhile Indian media, is completely black outing the events in their news. They will only publish the news, if it gets veto, though most probably it will but nevertheless the issue has been internationalized by Pakistan. Remember, Indian govt and their pathetic media, used to get pissed if any Pakistani leader, used to mention Kashmir during UN annual speeches. This is whole new different thing where Indian atrocities will be discussed at highest level.

Im sure its a BIG win for Pakistan Already.
Modi didnt expect this. Bravo Pakistan !! Without firing a single bullet PMIK has done an awesome job !
Im sure its a BIG win for Pakistan Already.
Modi didnt expect this. Bravo Pakistan !! Without firing a single bullet PMIK has done an awesome job !

Its a beginning. Annual UN meet up is due next month where IK is likely to address the UN. That will be an important speech coming up. Let me tell you, IK is linking Modi led BJP govt and its nexus with RSS with Nazi manifesto. This is different and beginning of hate filled RSS ideology getting exposed in international arena. Islamic extremism has been favorite topic of the world discussion after Nazism and communism but RSS and white supremacy will be upcoming new orange. Pakistan may not have much influence over international arena but it will definitely make noise as much as she can. IK is the right man to push forward anti-BJP/RSS agenda to the world. In the last year or so, he has already been invited in many international forums to speak unlike any past Pakistani leader.
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UNSC must be disbanded , it is very unfair to give such powers to only 5 countries who put their own self interest first .

I guess every member is free to withdraw the UN/UNSC memberships without any strings attached.

So why disband UNSC if one or a select few nations are unhappy with their performance. They should rather choose a dignified exit or rally popular support to setup a new and more efficient organizations on similar lines.

All the best. :enjoy:

Sikh Community Want Freedom From India.
Sikhs Want Khalistan. Free Khalistan

There are 20 Million Sikhs in India alone. Never heard the majority voice for an Independent Khalistan. So minority whines aint count. ;)

Typical example of providing cherry-picked and half baked information...

Yes there is a UNSC "Closed-door" meeting on China's call to discuss whether or not an official emergency meeting on India's action in Kashmir should be called or not. This closed door meeting will not appear in UN records and neither any statement/discussion happening behind closed doors will be recorded. Russia agreed to this closed door meeting on the above mentioned condition only.
I guess every member is free to withdraw the UN/UNSC memberships without any strings attached.

So why disband UNSC if one or a select few nations are unhappy with their performance. They should rather choose a dignified exit or rally popular support to setup a new and more efficient organizations on similar lines.

All the best. :enjoy:

There are 20 Million Sikhs in India alone. Never heard the majority voice for an Independent Khalistan. So minority whines aint count. ;)

We believe you just like you never heard the majority of kashmir
Pakistan must not agree to any closed doors or bilateral quagmires. Are 70 years not enough to see India is insincere in resolving Kashmir dispute?
We believe you just like you never heard the majority of kashmir

It's a dispute. Better treat it that way. FYI, no one asked the majority before trying a military intervention. So why complain now ?? :-)
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