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Russia may sell three Project 11356 frigates to India

Lol, Russia is leasing one of it's SSNs, and negotiating another, even built a aircraft carrier for IN.... Do you really think a couple of frigates is anything to what has already happened of late?

It makes perfect sense to try to sneak in some of their own platforms, while India is making it's own designs.

3, 4 are suspect to say the least, India still stands with non alignment movement.
the engines issues aside
help me out with a little confusion here.

  1. Russia and India have long history of close military ties
  2. China and Russia have similar views and agreement vs west on some issue & I guess Russia sympathises with China on south China sea conflict.
  3. America is prepping India against China in south China sea conflict
  4. India is among the anti china club in those waters.

so if 2 is correct then does this sale not contradict Russia china partnership against the west?
Because Russia is technically advanced super power ... China and India are not. Russians arms Vietnam core enemies of China and all other SCS countries who wants to buy Russian weapon systems can get them of they wish. Russia has its own policies and differences with China and India. China may sounds like ally of Russia. But behind the closed doors Russia will have its own strategy to take on China and vis versa ... In no time China would go against Russians in future. It's a cat and mouse game... China could be looking to take Russia's place globally how could Russians react?
@Penguin would these Project 11356 frigates require some significant customisations for IN service given they have been designed for RuN service thus far? Not only would they have to be configured to operate in tropical rather than cold water conditions but they would require the internals to be complient with IN standards.

I know the Talwars were basically the same deisgn but they were intended from day one to be in Indian service and built accordingly to such specification.

The Talwar was designed for the IN, so in that sense geared to its specs from the get go.

I'm looking at http://www. bharat - rakshak .com/NAVY/weapons/specs/180-talwar-class.html

Electrical Power: Provided by four 1 MW Wartsila WCM-1000 generator sets with Cummins KTA50G3 engines and Kirloskar 1MV AC generators.

Radar: a Kelvin Hughes Nucleus-2 6000A radar set is used for short-range navigation and surface surveillance.

Is is possible the Russians have used domestic products in place of these products from Denmark, US and India. Then again, these are commercially available products, and if the ships aren't yet fully fitted out changes can still be made relatively easily. Or you can simply accept that there are some non-standard items and swap them out eventually e.g. by regular maintnance moments or MLU.

One potential area where bigger changes might be needed:sonar

Some reports indicate that the BEL APSOH (Advanced Panoramic Sonar Hull) hull-mounted sonar is fitted on the vessels. The APSOH sonar performs active ranging, passive listening, auto tracking of targets and classification. Other reports indicate that the BEL HUMSA (Hull Mounted Sonar Array) sonar is fitted. The HUMSA is a panoramic medium-range active/passive sonar system developed by the Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL). This however corresponds to the sonar fit of the P16A Brahmaputra class.

Information released from the Severnoye Design Bureau (SDB) indicate that French towed array sonars (TAS) are also fitted. This is very plausible given that many Indian Navy ships now use French TAS, however INS Talwar shows no signs of such a system. The vessel may also have a SSN-137 VDS (Variable Depth Sonar), providing active search with medium frequency.

The Admiral Grigorovich Class is equipped with an [unspecified] hull mounted sonar, SNN-137 towed active array sonar. The hull mounted sonar - if already fitted - may well be Russian. The 22350 Gorshkov class uses Zarya M hull sonar, Vinyetka towed array sonar.

Tropicalisation shouldn't be an issue: it's fitting some extra or more powerfull cooling units (airco) mostly.

Much would depend on at what stage of construction a deal would be struck: the earlier the better (esp where fitting out is concerned)

India has defence ties with both Russia and Ukraine so perhaps could by the frigates, send them to Pipavav and contract with Ukraine seperatly and have the engines fitted in India. A win win for all sides.
That's the idea. I'm sure that Ukraine can use the business.

the engines issues aside
help me out with a little confusion here.

  1. Russia and India have long history of close military ties
  2. China and Russia have similar views and agreement vs west on some issue & I guess Russia sympathises with China on south China sea conflict.
  3. America is prepping India against China in south China sea conflict
  4. India is among the anti china club in those waters.

so if 2 is correct then does this sale not contradict Russia china partnership against the west?
No. India traditionally has taken the position of non-aligned country. I would expect it remains doing so. Though it will have to counterbalance the Chinese military modernization and potential expansionist tendencies.

Refusal of advertising descent "Admiral Butakova" looks natural, because the fate of the second trio of modified frigates of Project 11356 for the Russian fleet is now under question, because of lack for them of the main gas turbine power plants production Nikolaev State Enterprise "Zorya" - "Mashproekt" undelivered for these vehicles due to the events in Ukraine. Because of this, completion of two frigates laid second three, most likely, it will be suspended after the descent of the water (and the descent itself is required mainly for the release of stocks of the plant).

So, it's 2 ships, which are not yet fitted out.

In June 2014 the order of the State Service of Export Control of Ukraine suspended the export licenses of military goods to the Russian Federation. In connection with this work commissioned for the "Amber" at the Research and Production Complex "Zorya" - "Mashproekt" were discontinued. Gas turbine DS-71 and DT-59 M7N first unit (designed for frigate "Admiral Butakov") at the time were made Nikolaev now, but bench tests conducted were gone. All equipment was suspended and sent into the production storage.

What does this mean? Ukraine no longer producing the GTu's ? Or just put the GTu's and parts for these ships in storage.

If propulsion cannot be had from Ukraine, and Russia will give priority fo fit Russian propulsion to its own units first, the the possibility of fitting alternative propulsion needs to be considered. India license produces LM2500

DS-71 Gas turbine engine UGT 6000 - Eurotransgaz Corporation KFT

DT-59 Gas turbo generator UGT 16000 - Eurotransgaz Corporation KFT
The only issue with these three ships is they do not have engines on them due to ukranian conflict, and thats why Russia is desperate to find export customer for this. This might be a little tricky, unless saturn ccan fastrack the M90FB.

Chinese have earlier got ToT for the engines from ukraine and building them in China... Russia could buy from China if it suites the ship
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What does this mean? Ukraine no longer producing the GTu's ? Or just put the GTu's and parts for these ships in storage.

If propulsion cannot be had from Ukraine, and Russia will give priority fo fit Russian propulsion to its own units first, the the possibility of fitting alternative propulsion needs to be considered. India license produces LM2500

Yes you are correct
Russian customer was informed of the impossibility of further implementation of the contract due to force majeure.

What that clause implies is
A Force Majeure clause (French for "superior force") is a contract provision that allows a party to suspend or terminate the performance of its obligations when certain circumstances beyond their control arise, making performance inadvisable, commercially impracticable, illegal, or impossible

This is the reason
A) Either Russia will like to use domestic GTurbines
B) Or let India handle the ships who can use either LM 2500 or checking out with Ukraine to obtain the GTu's

As of now, Admiral Butakov, 4th unit of the class has been launched without the poweplant being installed. It will get the machinery later on, probably 2017 or 2018. The local GTu's will be available from 2018 onwards as part of Import Replacement Program

In the meantime
Head of Project 11356 frigate "Admiral Grigorovich," armed with cruise missiles "Caliber", will enter the combat strength of the Russian Navy on 11 March. This was announced by the representative of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC).


Андреевский флаг на фрегате "Адмирал Григорович" поднимут 11 марта

PHOTO: "Admiral Grigorovich" - the first time inside



On the Bridge


Steering Post


Armchair commander


In the engine compartment of the ship

Fasting energy and vitality (PEZH)

Industry representatives in PEZH "Admiral Grigorovich"

ФОТО: "Адмирал Григорович" - впервые изнутри
and a further read on this topic

Google Translate

Russia will sell three frigates due to non-delivery of Ukrainian turbines
March 11, 2016 at 12:58

Negotiations for the sale to India of the second triple frigates of Project 11356 of the six previously ordered by the Russian Navy. This was stated by the Vice-President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, Igor Ponomarev.

"We carry out until the work on state defense orders, build these ships, however, are in talks with the Indian side about the possibility of selling the Indian side [It] is not decided, but negotiations are underway.." - He said after the ceremony of raising St. Andrew's flag at the head frigate project ( "Admiral Grigorovich" ). His words leads Lenta.ru .


Frigate Project 11356 on the territory of the Baltic Shipyard "Yantar"

According to Ponomarev, propulsion of ships "are fully paid by the Ukrainian side, they are in Ukraine, so the issue will be solved in these engines."

After the deterioration of relations with Ukraine in 2014 under the threat turned out to be the construction of the second Project 11356 frigates triples, ordered the Russian Navy. The stumbling block is the question of gas turbine power plants of ships produced at Ukrainian enterprise "Zorya - Mashproekt". Military contacts between the two countries were broken for political reasons, which disrupted the chain of cooperation.

In July 2015 it was reported that India considered the possibility of selling at least fourth and fifth Project 11356 frigates ( "Admiral Butakov" and "Admiral Istomin"), the construction of which has already begun. According to the source, this would change the end-customer's passport and solve the problem of obtaining Ukrainian turbines. Also it called a possible sale and the sixth "Admiral Kornilov", at that time not yet pledged.
Russia China friendship is a mirage. Russia needs Chinese money and influence which come at a huge cost i.e. drilling rights and concessions on border. As current situation stands Russia stands relatively isolated, over-extended and heavily sanctioned so it has to pay lip-service to Sino-Russian alliance but inherently Russia has been extremely dis-trustful of China.

Putin guards Russian territorial integrity and it's standing with a ferocity of mama bear but his ill considered actions ( or masterful foresight) compels him to be subservient to China for the time being but as soon there is a thaw with Europe and US ( quite possible considering Russia has achieved it's strategic goals in ME and Ukraine) Russia will back down with vengeance from China. No country wants to let other have free run on their home turf - which is what exactly China is doing by violating Russian IP, expanding in Central Asia (eroding Russian influence on 'tans) and buying drilling rights left right and centre in Siberia.

Spot on sir. Russians trust their western adversaries more than "friend" China. And I do not blame them. Russian moves in Vietnam are interesting.
Chinese have earlier got ToT for the engines from ukraine and building them in China... Russia could buy from China if it suites the ship
Talwars use 2 different types of GTu. Neither of which corresponds to the DN80 or derivatives used e.g. on Type 052B/C/D.
DN80: Gas turbo generator UGT 25000 - Eurotransgaz Corporation KFT

According to Ponomarev, propulsion of ships "are fully paid by the Ukrainian side, they are in Ukraine, so the issue will be solved in these engines."

After the deterioration of relations with Ukraine in 2014 under the threat turned out to be the construction of the second Project 11356 frigates triples, ordered the Russian Navy. The stumbling block is the question of gas turbine power plants of ships produced at Ukrainian enterprise "Zorya - Mashproekt". Military contacts between the two countries were broken for political reasons, which disrupted the chain of cooperation.

In July 2015 it was reported that India considered the possibility of selling at least fourth and fifth Project 11356 frigates ( "Admiral Butakov" and "Admiral Istomin"), the construction of which has already begun. According to the source, this would change the end-customer's passport and solve the problem of obtaining Ukrainian turbines. Also it called a possible sale and the sixth "Admiral Kornilov", at that time not yet pledged.
Don't understand this: the Russians sought to import the engines, so why would the Ukraine pay for them?

Re. the Ukraine: did they refused to deliver (due to Crimea etc.) or were they unable to deliver? That would make a big difference.


This would be a diesel generator set, not strictly speaking an engine for propulsion.
Don't understand this: the Russians sought to import the engines, so why would the Ukraine pay for them?

Re. the Ukraine: did they refused to deliver (due to Crimea etc.) or were they unable to deliver? That would make a big difference.

Google translation confusion !!!

What it means is that engines are fully paid on behalf of Russia and Ukraine refused it honoring that commitment (Crimea reason)

They informed of the impossibility of further implementation of the contract due to force majeure and thus everything became standstill
Google translation confusion !!!

What it means is that engines are fully paid on behalf of Russia and Ukraine refused it honoring that commitment (Crimea reason)

They informed of the impossibility of further implementation of the contract due to force majeure and thus everything became standstill
So long as the Ukraine could supply the turbine engines, I don't see why India couldn't in principal take over the ships from Russia.
So long as the Ukraine could supply the turbine engines, I don't see why India couldn't in principal take over the ships from Russia.
The problem will be fitment of Indian specific systems... Adn the cost increase associated with it...
If India buys it..., IN may like to put barak 8 and Brahmos along with radar. And sonar as earlier mentioned...
The problem is this will increase the cost too much... Paying say 1 billion dollar for each won't be practical when we can build equally effective P17A in India..
I feel better option is involved one private shipyard with P17A project and order three more of them with them. This will gives three more frigates 2025.
The problem will be fitmenof Indian specific systems... Adn the cost increase associated with it...
If India buys it..., IN may like to put barak 8 and Brahmos along with radar. And sonar as earlier mentioned...
The problem is this will increase the cost too much... Paying say 1 billion dollar for each won't be practical when we can build equally effective P17A in India..
I feel better option is involved one private shipyard with P17A project and order three more of them with them. This will gives three more frigates 2025.

There is a reason why Talwars won't get B8 in MLU. Similarly its 3x12 Cell VLS Shi3x12 Cell VLS Shitl. It already has VLS for P800s, so fitting of BrahMos is not a problem. And Radars are good enough for the ship. A Towed array sonar will be added.

But the " Indian changes " will not cause any significant changes in its price tag.
There is a reason why Talwars won't get B8 in MLU. Similarly its 3x12 Cell VLS Shi3x12 Cell VLS Shitl. It already has VLS for P800s, so fitting of BrahMos is not a problem. And Radars are good enough for the ship. A Towed array sonar will be added.

But the " Indian changes " will not cause any significant changes in its price tag.
I am not talking about talwars....but about the new one...
See paying more than 1 billion each for these new frigates makes no sense when u can P 17A for less than that and more capable and long range SAM...
Shitil-1 is about 50 km range while new barak 8 has arange of 70-90 km and can be upgraded to Barak 8 ER later on....

If they can get barak 8 on these new frigates then it still make some sense in future as any new ship will serve till 2050+
Older talwar class has finished about 15 yrs of life... It's okie for them not to be upgraded... But for new platforms it's better to go for best weapons...
The problem will be fitment of Indian specific systems... Adn the cost increase associated with it...
If India buys it..., IN may like to put barak 8 and Brahmos along with radar. And sonar as earlier mentioned...
The problem is this will increase the cost too much... Paying say 1 billion dollar for each won't be practical when we can build equally effective P17A in India..
I feel better option is involved one private shipyard with P17A project and order three more of them with them. This will gives three more frigates 2025.
What INdia specific systems? The Talwars do not and will not have Barak-8, that would be silly. The 8 cell universal VLS is Russian and can handle Brahmos already. So the only possible issue is the sonar fit, which I think will be non-existent (I think the current Talwars have Russian sonars). If not, the only question is whether it would be such a problem to have 2 or 3 ships with Russian sonars (assuming they are already fitted, which I don't think to be the case)

I am not talking about talwars....but about the new one...
See paying more than 1 billion each for these new frigates makes no sense when u can P 17A for less than that and more capable and long range SAM...
Shitil-1 is about 50 km range while new barak 8 has arange of 70-90 km and can be upgraded to Barak 8 ER later on....

If they can get barak 8 on these new frigates then it still make some sense in future as any new ship will serve till 2050+
Older talwar class has finished about 15 yrs of life... It's okie for them not to be upgraded... But for new platforms it's better to go for best weapons...
India never paid 1 billion each for any of these frigates.

On 17 November 1997, Russia and India signed a $1 billion contract, for three Krivak III-class multi-purpose frigates.
Talwar-class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russian 11356M



The actual Admiral Grigorovich (note the absense of a single rail launcher forward of the RBU6000)

Admiral Butakov andAdmiral Istomin under construction at the "Yantar" shipyard in Kaliningrad

“We have serious problems with the fourth and fifth frigates” (Admiral Butakov andAdmiral Istomin – note by Lenta.ru), said the source. “It is possible that they will be handed over to India. This will make it possible to change the passport of the end customer and receive the Ukrainian turbines for them.” According to the publications interlocutor, the military will resolve the fate of the frigates.
According to sources in the defense manufacturing industry, India expresses interest in the future augmentation of the capacity of a group of Project 11356 frigates, which have recommend themselves as successful ships with good military capabilities, and is now holding talks on the purchase of three more ships of this type as a supplement to the six supplied earlier.
Russian frigates left without engines prepared for transfer to India | Indian Defence News

So, India has got 6 Talwars, is talking about purchasing 3 more anyway, and then there are 2 possibilities a) 2 of the 3 extra ships will be the above (total 9), or b) in addition to the 3 extra ships there will be 2 to more (total 11)

If you look up Kaliningrad with Google Earth you will find these on the yard. Image date May 2015.
I am not talking about talwars....but about the new one...
See paying more than 1 billion each for these new frigates makes no sense when u can P 17A for less than that and more capable and long range SAM...
Shitil-1 is about 50 km range while new barak 8 has arange of 70-90 km and can be upgraded to Barak 8 ER later on....

If they can get barak 8 on these new frigates then it still make some sense in future as any new ship will serve till 2050+
Older talwar class has finished about 15 yrs of life... It's okie for them not to be upgraded... But for new platforms it's better to go for best weapons...

which new one are you talking about???? only Talwar is being offered to us and hell no it won't cost a billion per ship.. considering we already use them... its a best option

there's not going to be a major changes Brahmos can be installed.. CIWS and RBU main guns all are the same it would only lack B-8.... but Shtil new version is under dev which would have 70km range..

P-17A is only going to come by 20-22 till then we're not going to add any new frigates?? its been 3 years since we've added any frigates.... its only the best choice we've if we want to increase the surface fire power

Fasting energy and vitality (PEZH)

Is it just me or do the interiors of these ships look incredibly outdated for the current day?

Comparing to the Shivlaik class:




So, India has got 6 Talwars, is talking about purchasing 3 more anyway, and then there are 2 possibilities a) 2 of the 3 extra ships will be the above (total 9), or b) in addition to the 3 extra ships there will be 2 to more (total 11)

If you look up Kaliningrad with Google Earth you will find these on the yard. Image date May 2015.

That link certainly suggest there are 5 more frigates on the table for the IN from Yantar....interesting @PARIKRAMA

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