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Russia links S-400 ADS sale to the fledgling PAK-FA deal.


Sep 20, 2014
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India’s Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) recently cleared the purchase of estimated Rs 40,000-crore worth of Russian S-400 Triumf air defence missile systems just ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia last month.

But after his visit to Russia, there was no official word on what happened to possible purchase agreement of S-400. While few Indian Media houses reported that Russian officials have given Indian officials Cold response on the matter related to the sale of S-400 Air defence systems to India, now reports are emerging that Russia is arm-twisting India so has to secure another multi-billion dollar Military deal.

Russian officials reportedly have linked Sale of S-400 Air defence systems and want some kind of agreement on development of 5th generation fighter jet to be jointly developed by India and Russia dubbed FGFA aka Pak-fa.

Indian Defence Analyst Ranesh Rajan speaking to idrw.org said that Russia used similar tactics on leasing of Second Russian nuclear submarine to sale of frigate to Indian Navy and now again are linking sale of S-400 with Pak-fa which he believes is pure Blackmail tactics since now everyone knows that Pak-fa is only 5th generation fighter on Paper and, in reality, it has no backers even in Russia and even its air force has been seen dragging its feet on commitment of orders for the jet which Russian defence ministry claims has completed developmental trials .

Sale of S-400 to China by Russia has definitely tilted the balance of power in the region but now Cold Russian response to similar deal asked by India seems to indicate that sale of S-400 and Su-35 to China was to put pressure on a deal with Pak-fa on India said, Rajan.

Russia had renewed its offer on Pak-fa just before visit of Modi to Russia and had agreed to reduce developmental Cost of FGFA which will be customised as per Indian Air force requirements, but IAF is still not convinced on engines and avionics to be used on Pak-fa and repeated request for flight trials by Indian Pilots on Russia’s latest Generation plane to has been denied multiple times .
Can't fault Russia, they are just acting out of their best interests, India needs to call them out on their Bluff and that is what India is doing.

Era of Russia-India friendship is over, we would do well to remember this and plan our future acquisitions accordingly. Balance Russia with US and hedge with France, UK and Israel.
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If it's bundled,than India can bargain down the price.Indians definite can bargain. Also, India has no other option for fifth generation aircraft.
Can't fault Russia, they are just acting out of their best interests, India needs to call them out on their Bluff and that is what India is doing.

Era of Russia-India friendship is over.

Than India is ready to tilt toward the West. When will India allow USN or AF to use Port Blair.

The Presstitutes at work. It'd be better to Ignore such articles about India-Russia relations.

F -35 :usflag: :sarcastic:

Your countrymen are against F-35. As there would be no TOT.
That's what the super powers usually do, not only they are making money from their weapons export but also maintain their influence on the purchasing countries, the same behavior Pakistan is facing but US uses F-16 for political reason while Russian influence is totally for money and control over Indian's weapons purchase. No wonder why they are not helping India to produce jet engines locally.
To get out of their influence is rely on home production and R & D, trust home grown weapons which sorry to say India army and Air force lack of it, they have no faith on their weapons may be because of the kick backs they are receiving or may be based on actual technical issues.
Than India is ready to tilt toward the West. When will India allow USN or AF to use Port Blair.

There is no profit in tilting towards West. India cannot afford to pick a fight with China just now when there is so much money to be made. Having cordial relationship with China is mutually beneficial.

India should just have no delusions regarding either West or Russia being their "friends". It should just look at the bottom line and it's "own strategic interests".

If China infringes on Indian interest only then India would take a step closer towards West, not before. So the ball is in China's court - China has to decide whether it wants a friendly or adversarial India.

Russia and NATO are quite comfortable being on a neutral -non adversarial equation with India as evidenced by their continued support to India's ambition in UN and other multi-lateral forums. Only China sticks out like a sore thumb out of their mis-guided and over-exaggerated evaluations of being in good-books of Pakistan. Time China acts intelligently and not emotionally.


The Presstitutes at work. It'd be better to Ignore such articles about India-Russia relations.

F -35 :usflag: :sarcastic:

This in inevitable and plainly an extortion attempt by Russia to cash in on it's chips. The Leverage India had on Russia is gone and supporting China's dictates is much more beneficial to Russia as China is the only country with the potential to prop them up diplomatically and financially.

I can't fault Russia - India and Russia had a good run but it is time we wake up and smell the coffee.
That's what the super powers usually do, not only they are making money from their weapons export but also maintain their influence on the purchasing countries, the same behavior Pakistan is facing but US uses F-16 for political reason while Russian influence is totally for money and control over Indian's weapons purchase. No wonder why they are not helping India to produce jet engines locally.
To get out of their influence is rely on home production and R & D, trust home grown weapons which sorry to say India army and Air force lack of it, they have no faith on their weapons may be because of the kick backs they are receiving or may be based on actual technical issues.

The fault doesn't lie with powers willing to sell hardware and expand influence. The fault squarely lies with countries such as India and Pakistan willing to buy the hardware. Realistically, these countries can barely feed their people and are angry about waging wars against each other and others they deem a threat or foe. Why else would one buy such expensive toys from such manipulative powers at any expense? Both India and Pakistan are hotheaded and emotional countries. They don't have the moral courage to put their differences aside and work for the greater good of their peoples. Instead they opt for deeper enmity. Russia and the US are simply cashing in.

Having said that, Russia is looking after its interests and they reserve the right to employ all the tricks in the books to secure much needed deals. India can walk away if they have any concern. There is no premise for blaming Russia and the US in this instance.
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There is no profit in tilting towards West. India cannot afford to pick a fight with China just now when there is so much money to be made. Having cordial relationship with China is mutually beneficial.

India should just have no delusions regarding either West or Russia being their "friends". It should just look at the bottom line and it's "own strategic interests".

If China infringes on Indian interest only then India would take a step closer towards West, not before. So the ball is in China's court - China has to decide whether it wants a friendly or adversarial India.

Russia and NATO are quite comfortable being on a neutral -non adversarial equation with India as evidenced by their continued support to India's ambition in UN and other multi-lateral forums. Only China sticks out like a sore thumb out of their mis-guided and over-exaggerated evaluations of being in good-books of Pakistan. Time China acts intelligently and not emotionally.


This in inevitable and plainly an extortion attempt by Russia to cash in on it's chips. The Leverage India had on Russia is gone and supporting China's dictates is much more beneficial to Russia as China is the only country with the potential to prop them up diplomatically and financially.

I can't fault Russia - India and Russia had a good run but it is time we wake up and smell the coffee.

So I your view, is PAKFA is gone from Indias perspective? India is now back to ground zero?

US will never share F-35 tech with India until it's almost obsolete. Where would India get its fifth gen tech from?

In my opinion, India need to swallow it's pride and pay up. Unless it's will to walk away from PAKFA and get into the back of line for F-35. In the mean time, order more Rafale and keep Indian AF happy. Be sure to get TOT.

Finally, scale down AMCA to a 4.5gen plane in the capability of Rafale. S Korea is doing the same thing. This is why India should get TOT for Rafale. If a deal is signed today for Rafale TOT, AMCA prototype should be ready by 2030.
That's what the super powers usually do,
Russia Not Superpower Anymore.There GDP Is Half the Size of India Itself
If it's bundled,than India can bargain down the price.Indians definite can bargain. Also, India has no other option for fifth generation aircraft.
Neither Do Russia There No country That Can Finance PAKFA Project Except India.Russians Will Have to give Up there Dream to Acquire Large PAK Fa Fleet If Indians Back Out

Options Are there in Form Of Japan And South Korea which are Jointly Developing there Own Fifth gen Aircraft Projects

PS:Above Article Is Just Pure Propaganda Material Played By America Lobby to Project F-35
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Not surprising!!
MOD Should bargain and get the deal through!!
Buy tot and 3 prototypes!!
It's not the time get emotional!! And take hasty decisions!
So I your view, is PAKFA is gone from Indias perspective? India is now back to ground zero?

US will never share F-35 tech with India until it's almost obsolete. Where would India get its fifth gen tech from?

In my opinion, India need to swallow it's pride and pay up. Unless it's will to walk away from PAKFA and get into the back of line for F-35. In the mean time, order more Rafale and keep Indian AF happy. Be sure to get TOT.

Finally, scale down AMCA to a 4.5gen plane in the capability of Rafale. S Korea is doing the same thing. This is why India should get TOT for Rafale. If a deal is signed today for Rafale TOT, AMCA prototype should be ready by 2030.

I dont understand the urgency towards the 5th Gen AC when the tech is still unproven and unreliable in case of US, still to be fully developed in case of Russia and a decade away from Induction in case of China.

India should first shore up the deficiencies in it's existing fleet by perfecting it's LCA MK1A and MK2 program, inducting Rafales in good numbers and deploying the Super Sukhoi upgrade for it's MKIs. The financial band width goes only that far.

Once we are done with all this which should take a decade of back breaking hard-work then we can surf the market and do a comparative analysis of available Gen 5 AC. As things stand only US has a working product.

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Than India is ready to tilt toward the West. When will India allow USN or AF to use Port Blair.

Your countrymen are against F-35. As there would be no TOT.
Dont worry bro,we aill allow US aND AF to use port Blair when they need the most,that is when they are bombing Chian and disrupting its business lanes at sea.:-)
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