Russia is the beacon of Hope for World today , Russia and China , Pakistan of course
The great nations are always there to promote peace and harmony world wide
Its enough to say that Russians out smarted Americans in every thing
1 Sent a satellite in space first
2 Sent a human specimen to space first
3 Sent a probe to orbit moon first
4 First to land on Venus and send back pictures , not sure if US even succeeded in that
The US stealth research is based of the Research and Analytical work done by Russian Scientist , his work was plagiarized of course and a stealth plane was made in hidden labs
Someone can only fight for freedom if the are the most educated and cultured
Russia has it all
Arts , culture, mannerism , and proper Marriage structure and family values
Not only Educated but the Most beautiful ladies on planet proper femine women not manly butchy cyborgs
Clearly they are not drop outs like you know who, Ms Pageant BBW