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Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

Internal looting is still within your economy. Loot by outsiders is net loss to economy.

lol, doesn't matter you tool, you are arguing the morality of it and in this case internal or external is irelevant.
What about the Great Purge? The barbarity Stalin showed his own people was horrible.

Repressions did not do touch ordinary people. Nowadays, if someone contact with corruption he usually says : "under Stalin, you would not have dared".
1923-1953 640000 were perished. Not so much considering the fact how uniqe and difficult was experiment of building new society - society of liberty equality fraternity.
Happy times for russians under Stalin:

The Great Famine

"In a Kremlin video blog posted on 29 October 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev denounced the efforts of people seeking to rehabilitate Stalin's image. He said the mass extermination during the Stalin era cannot be justified"

"Early 2010 a Ukrainian court convicted Stalin of genocide against the Ukrainian nation during the Soviet famine of 1932–1933"

"According to a 2012 study, 72% of Armenians do not want to live in a country led by someone like Stalin"

Hmm,sounds like a great man ...
Happy times for russians under Stalin:

The Great Famine

"In a Kremlin video blog posted on 29 October 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev denounced the efforts of people seeking to rehabilitate Stalin's image. He said the mass extermination during the Stalin era cannot be justified"

"Early 2010 a Ukrainian court convicted Stalin of genocide against the Ukrainian nation during the Soviet famine of 1932–1933"

"According to a 2012 study, 72% of Armenians do not want to live in a country led by someone like Stalin"

Hmm,sounds like a great man ...
Stalin was the biggest monster and asshole that ever existed he was much worse then Hitler because he didnt kill people because he didnt like them.He killed them because he was paranoid and a monster.
Because of him over 26 million people died from all ethnicies also he destroyed whole nations and deported them all to siberia and central asia.
Been where? The fact remains you're currently China's door rug,they wipe their feet with you whenever they wish and your kind still flocks to this "graveyard" for a better life so go get better arguements you poor soul,your stupidity is mind blowing,amusing but still odd in a human beeing.
hey if i am not wrong then you are from the puny nation named Romania which was literally enslaved by the mighty Soviets for 50 years until its break up and afaik,your country is still a stooge of Russia.so how does it feels to lick the mighty Russian feet for centuries(before that your country was ruled by the Ottomans for about 5 centuries).so first try to learn the history of your own nation before criticizing others!

I would like to continue this because you're an easy victim but it's not fair to other indian posters in anger i will bash India and they don't deserve this they're generally good,well thinking people so i'll have to take my leave.Sayonara my not so astute indian friend.
good!even our infants are fcuking more intelligent than your average romanian person!you belong to a puny nation who doesn't have a value or so in the international politics but still you have the gut to criticize India(3rd largest economy PPP wise and 9th over all in nominal GDP).kiddo first try to learn something about International politics!
Just because Europe has evolved beyond the "enslave others,wage war" mentality that many still have in this world makes it appear like they're weaklings in some clowns eyes.
i am simply amazed seeing a Romanian blabbering these kinds of sh*T!your country was always ruled by foreigners from the ancient times to the end of 1989 and still you are criticizing India!your economy is nothing but a joke in front of us,even some of our states have got a larger GSDP than your "puny" country!
@Mike_Brando..Well gypsie you are wrong,if you would get an education instead of defecating in the street or drinking cow urine all day you would know that Romania wasn't towing the soviet line since 1968 when Ceausescu turned against them and today we're a NATO member and we really don't give a flying fvck about Russia.As for having a small economy,well,the average romanian is million years away apart in living standards from the average indian so,again,your urine drinking mouth shouldn't utter words about this.Just because a nation is small in numbers doesn't make it puny,you didn't have to do much to breed like rats in the gutter so i fail to see why that makes you so proud.Must be all that urine you ingested getting to your brain gypsie.Now,care to search my trash for food,?they do it to my cousins home in Mumbai,he's working there for 2 years,every day they indians com in scores to beg money from the "white man" and search his trash bins.

good!even our infants are fcuking more intelligent than your average romanian person!you belong to a puny nation who doesn't have a value or so in the international politics but still you have the gut to criticize India(3rd largest economy PPP wise and 9th over all in nominal GDP).kiddo first try to learn something about International politics!

According to a survey posted right here in PDF,World Affairs your kind is actually very dumb ,well below romanian in IQ average,so FAIL again gypsie.You'are actually pretty stupid to, besides having a bad hygiene and eating alongside rats,because they're gods to you.:))
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@Mike_Brando..Well gypsie you are wrong,if you would get an education instead of defecating in the street or drinking cow urine all day you would know that Romania wasn't towing the soviet line since 1968 when Ceausescu turned against them and today we're a NATO member and we really don't give a flying fvck about Russia.As for having a small economy,well,the average romanian is million years away apart in living standards from the average indian so,again,your urine drinking mouth shouldn't utter words about this.Just because a nation is small in numbers doesn't make it puny,you didn't have to do much to breed like rats in the gutter so i fail to see why that makes you so proud.Must be all that urine you ingested getting to your brain gypsie.Now,care to search my trash for food,?they do it to my cousins home in Mumbai,he's working there for 2 years,every day they indians com in scores to beg money from the "white man" and search his trash bins.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...onomy-world-ranking-5th-10.html#ixzz2Yi1vTyWY
@flamer84 :-come on you romanians are **** poor people and you yourselves beg from countries like us to survive!infact romania is one of the poorest,uneducated and backward economies in the entire E.U.your ancestors were literally a** fcuked by the mighty Soviets for their support to the Nazi regime after WW-II!before that your country was ruled by the Ottomans for more than 4 centuries!so romania has a history of licking foreigner's feet,actually your government should make it your national sport!your country has zero achievement and haven't contributed anything meaningful to the world other than giving the infamous character of Dracula for the Bram Stroker's novel!your average I.Q. is probably less than that of Somalia's but still you are blabbering sh*T about India.
regarding the bolded part,there are many romanians working as wh*res in India!i have seen many of these women in my city and i think your cousin is one of them but then again what can we say about that as they don't have any other alternative than this,after all they come from a dirt poor country named "Romania":omghaha:
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@Mike_Brando...Beg from you? Unlike India Romania doesn't receive nor does it want foreign aid,GDP per capita is six time that of India,Romania had a unified state 100 years before India was born,while India was firmly under muslim rule(way before the british) romanian states only paid taxes for their independence to the ottomans but had independent principalities.You're just throwing words out there out of spite with no facts but that's typical for a gypsie like you.

Would you care to post links about you giving aid gypsie? Oh,there are none.

Here gypsie,enjoy how "smart" you are:

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@Mike_Brando..Well gypsie you are wrong,if you would get an education instead of defecating in the street or drinking cow urine all day you would know that Romania wasn't towing the soviet line since 1968 when Ceausescu turned against them and today we're a NATO member and we really don't give a flying fvck about Russia.As for having a small economy,well,the average romanian is million years away apart in living standards from the average indian so,again,your urine drinking mouth shouldn't utter words about this.Just because a nation is small in numbers doesn't make it puny,you didn't have to do much to breed like rats in the gutter so i fail to see why that makes you so proud.Must be all that urine you ingested getting to your brain gypsie.Now,care to search my trash for food,?they do it to my cousins home in Mumbai,he's working there for 2 years,every day they indians com in scores to beg money from the "white man" and search his trash bins.

According to a survey posted right here in PDF,World Affairs your kind is actually very dumb ,well below romanian in IQ average,so FAIL again gypsie.You'are actually pretty stupid to, besides having a bad hygiene and eating alongside rats,because they're gods to you.:))

Ya, ya. We all know how great Romania is. And now that you are in NATO surely you have to prove that you were worth it. I know what western Europeans used to think of slavic nations not too long back. Was it Matternich who had said - "Asia starts from my window in Vienna".

Best of luck for carrying the Anglo Saxon man's burden.
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Ya, ya. We all know how great Romania is. And now that you are in NATO surely you have to prove that you were worth it. I know what western Europeans used to think of slavic nations not too long back. Was it Matternich who had said - "Asia starts from my window in Vienna".

Best of luck for carrying the Anglo Saxon man's burden.

Again i have to school you,Romania is not a slavic nation.Google it.
You're just offending your russian masters here.
Unlike others we're not into superpower ambition,we live/let live and try to have a meaningfull life.
Ya, ya. We all know how great Romania is. And now that you are in NATO surely you have to prove that you were worth it. I know what western Europeans used to think of slavic nations not too long back. Was it Matternich who had said - "Asia starts from my window in Vienna".

Best of luck for carrying the Anglo Saxon man's burden.

Romania is Latin, like France and Italy.
more indian ladies in **** than romanians.Again...google it.

Not just because you say so.

And why has it got your goat if i supported Russia? Russia is a nation in a different league from Romania. I dont think your country can ever be in competition. So why all this foaming at your mouth?
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