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Russia is a rogue state. Time to say so.


Russia a dynamic culturally rich country with a deep history of helping people of world


Respectful to our cutural aspects


Pakistani folk dance performers in Russia
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Russia a dynamic culturally rich country with a deep history of helping people of world


Respectful to our cutural aspects


Pakistani folk dance performers in Russia

And this is a fruitcake:

Good luck for your future.
That looks absolutely eatable with Tea :coffee:

Lets be real

1- Russia is our Neighbour
2- China is our Neighbour
3- These are Mega Empires and we have great Trade interest with both our regional friends
4- Pakistan- CHINA relations are above "Regional Friends" , it's next level stuff SPECIAL
5- Russia has been misunderstood but they have shown to be 100% reliable

SCO is big deal now and why should Pakistan or Pakistani not develop good ties with Russia?

The deep ties between Russia / with central Asian Block is in itself quite big deal for Pakistan
Pakistan wishes to have more deeper closer bonds with our regional friends

I don't agree to any Military agenda against Russia
I don't agree to any Military agenda against China

Loving Russia does not means we as Pakistani do not like UK we do , just we don't now believe the none sense in Media about Russia as much as say back in 60's or 70's

There is 0% mistrust in Russia or Russian people
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It is funny how many movies are made about Russia to scare people about Russian people it is just sad so much negative stuff created on such a wonderful cultural people





Great culture 100% Respect for Russian people and culture
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That looks absolutely eatable with Tea :coffee:

Lets be real

1- Russia is our Neighbour
2- China is our Neighbour
3- These are Mega Empires and we have great Trade interest with both our regional friends
4- Pakistan- CHINA relations are above "Regional Friends" , it's next level stuff SPECIAL
5- Russia has been misunderstood but they have shown to be 100% reliable

SCO is big deal now and why should Pakistan or Pakistani not develop good ties with Russia?

The deep ties between Russia / with central Asian Block is in itself quite big deal for Pakistan
Pakistan wishes to have more deeper closer bonds with our regional friends

I don't agree to any Military agenda against Russia
I don't agree to any Military agenda against China

Loving Russia does not means we as Pakistani do not like UK we do , just we don't now believe the none sense in Media about Russia as much as say back in 60's or 70's

There is 0% mistrust in Russia or Russian people

Like I said earlier, good luck. Pakistan has a history of making friends in the wrong places. Let’s hope this works out for you.

Who knows perhaps Pakistanis will now look to migrate to Moscow and Beijing? :).

Good luck either way Pakistan, I do wish you well!

It is funny how many movies are made about Russia to scare people about Russian people it is just sad so much negative stuff created on such a wonderful cultural people

I have been to Moscow, let me tell you that it’s not too far from the truth.
You do know that most average Russians hold a very dim view of Islam and are notoriously xenophobic, right?

OK, so Russia is xenophobic.

But what country isn't? And I'm not even talking about that orange man Alt-Right White Supremacist icon in the White House.

I have been to Moscow, let me tell you that it’s not too far from the truth.

Moscow has a bad reputation for tourists, but Moscow is not Russia. There are countless other cities in Russia.
I honestly dont find russian chicks hot. I loke their face structure tho the ones form ukraine mainly

Like neha rajpoots ,she is half ukranian half
OK, so Russia is xenophobic.

But what country isn't? And I'm not even talking about that orange man Alt-Right White Supremacist icon in the White House.

Moscow has a bad reputation for tourists, but Moscow is not Russia. There are countless other cities in Russia.

Well without being funny you ask which country isn’t xenophobic, can I ask which country is more accepting and tolerant of outsiders? I can think a few off the top of my head that would be included in that list and Russia would not.

And why would a tourist from the west Travel outside Moscow? There is very little health infrastructure and safety is a concern.

I am not Anti Russian, far from it but I am trying to be objective here. Russia is just doing what is in her best interest, but some rose tinted posters here are delusional if they believe that Islam is accepted or tolerated in Russian meanstream.

Russia has a very bitter history and negative experience of Muslims (read:Chechnya).

I honestly dont find russian chicks hot. I loke their face structure tho the ones form ukraine mainly

Like neha rajpoots ,she is half ukranian half

Russian and Eastern European women are drop dead gorgeous, I really don’t know what you are on about.
Russia has a very bitter history and negative experience of Muslims (read:Chechnya).

To be objective, was Chechnya really a more negative experience than say, the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Syria?

Do Islamic extremists in the Middle East consider Russia to be a greater enemy than NATO and Israel?
To be objective, was Chechnya really a more negative experience than say, the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Syria?

Do Islamic extremists in the Middle East consider Russia to be a greater enemy than NATO and Israel?

Incorrect comparison. For one conflicts in Somalia and Afghanistan came about as a result of terrorist attacks on US interests.

The Somalians just like the Afghans never embraced the exit strategy offered to them and now they are a dust bowl of civilisation.

Afghanistan although a quagmire, is more stable and secure thanks to the US intervention. Sadly if only regional players played ball, things would work out smoother and quicker.

Iraq War: geo strategic depth, I think we can all agree that the Iraq war was a failure.

Syria and Yemen conflicts: again out of context because it would be unwise for me to comment on US affairs as a Brit.

But is interference in Yemen any different from what Russia is doing with Assad and the wholesale slaughter of civilians including supporting a military that has turned back Medical aid to dying civilians?

Chechnya is a litmus for Russia, the Russians were never accept outsiders, just look at their treatment of orthodox Christians?

And it’s not just me making this observation as a tourist and student of international affairs:


In closing the point I am trying to put across is that Russian society as a whole see Islam as a threat to security, peace and stability.

Islam is not tolerated in Russia, which is not the case in the U.K. or US or many parts of Europe.
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Well without being funny you ask which country isn’t xenophobic, can I ask which country is more accepting and tolerant of outsiders? I can think a few off the top of my head that would be included in that list and Russia would not.

And why would a tourist from the west Travel outside Moscow? There is very little health infrastructure and safety is a concern.

I am not Anti Russian, far from it but I am trying to be objective here. Russia is just doing what is in her best interest, but some rose tinted posters here are delusional if they believe that Islam is accepted or tolerated in Russian meanstream.

Russia has a very bitter history and negative experience of Muslims (read:Chechnya).

Russian and Eastern European women are drop dead gorgeous, I really don’t know what you are on about.
What are YOU on about? Stop acting like a control freak maniac, everyone have their povs. Firstly u cant digest ppl here supporting Russia and are trying to push ur views down their throats then u can tolerate someone stating their they dont find russian women attractive and again getting freaky at it.

Yeah i dont find russian and east european women that extraordinary beautiful.
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What are YOU on about? Stop acting like a control freak maniac, everyone have their povs. Firstly u can digets ppl here supporting russain and are trying to push ur views down their throats then u can tolerate someone stating their they dont find russian women attractive and again getting freaky at it.

Yeah i dont find russian and east european women that extraordinary beautiful.

Well I am not trying to force my view on anyone. Just because I don’t agree with Russia policies doesn’t mean their women aren’t beautiful.

What does women have to do with this thread anyway. I think we are getting side tracked, you don’t like Russian women fine mate.

Let’s duscuss the thread and leave the women discussion to another thread.

You do know that most average Russians hold a very dim view of Islam and are notoriously xenophobic, right?
This is a very controversial statement, given that 20% of the population of Russia are non-Russian peoples, among which millions of Muslims, Buddhists, pagans. In the Asian part of Russia, Mongoloid peoples also live. Can you imagine Mongols living in some Scottish or Northen England region?
We are living in one state with muslims more than 500 years. Longer than Europeans living in America. And believe me, Islam is feeling much better in Russia than in Spain, Italy wich had many muslims in Middle Ages. And non-Russian peoples in Russia are in much better conditions than, for example, native peoples of North America or Australia.
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