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Russia: Indian role in Afghanistan indispensable

Chup re Russia .. India can help but not do any mischief in other countries.
Oh but you are a part of the problem and not a major stakeholder.

The stakeholders are Afghan nationals.

And they want you and your slave Talibanis out.

Using gun against them will only make Afghans hate you more than ever.

India can surely help Afghanistan greatly by implementing few practical steps and not just lip exercise:

1) Stop using Afghan soil to spread cross-border terrorism in Pakistan; and instead
2) take few million Afghan refugees to India to educate them. That wont make much of a difference for billion plus country.

Note: By education it is meant not to teach them how to attack hospitals, schools, markets in Pakistan. We know that India has a very long history of running such terrorism syllabus (LTTE, Mukti NBahini, TTP, BLA etc etc)
you are nobody. Period.
I think its about right time to bog India down in its own internal mess before this nation do something really stupid.
Stop using Afghan soil to spread cross-border terrorism in Pakistan; and instead

First of TTP is your internal creation which uses Afghanistan as a run-away place. You are most welcome to extradite the leader of TTP from Afghanistan through your government.

Using Taliban to attack our embassy or consulate will not get you the TTP loonies.

It is like you slap your neighbour for your own brother's drunk fight somewhere else.

Also you shouldn't preach us considering your involvement in funding terror in our states.

take few million Afghan refugees to India to educate them. That wont make much of a difference for billion plus country.

We have Afghan refugees here in India.

Not as many as you do; but then again, we don't directly neghbour them either given modern situations.

We want to make their country livable and with potential so as for them all to return back. Maybe even Afghans in your country would return if you actually helped them build their nation faster.

Rather you are hell bent on destroying them.

And then you wonder why Afghans are so angry with you all the time.

Had your military spent half the efforts in stabilizing Afghanistan rather than using it as a battleground against us, you could have at least earned their neutrality trust if not overt friendship over us.

Even now, you can help by asking your Army to use its head rather than its guns, to aid civilian agencies, contribute whatever you can so that even your own 2-3 million Afghan refugees can return and live peacefully.
Oh but you are a part of the problem and not a major stakeholder.

The stakeholders are Afghan nationals.

Yes,i guess you are talking about Afghan nationals who needed US help for getting into Kabul and are constantly in need of help for living in kabul.
And they want you and your slave Talibanis out.
Taliban are controlling huge area,having lot of man power coming from different tribes.
You must tell this to US,they would listen and would surely Kick Pakistani hires guns a.k.a Talibans out of Peace Talks.
India can surely help Afghanistan greatly by implementing few practical steps and not just lip exercise:

1) Stop using Afghan soil to spread cross-border terrorism in Pakistan; and instead
2) take few million Afghan refugees to India to educate them. That wont make much of a difference for billion plus country.

Note: By education it is meant not to teach them how to attack hospitals, schools, markets in Pakistan. We know that India has a very long history of running such terrorism syllabus (LTTE, Mukti NBahini, TTP, BLA etc etc)
And Tamil tigers in srilanka
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