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But what bout the Uighur issue? If I am not wrong the pipleine for India wud be thru Xinjiang. Also, the way Uighurs have acted recently will only mean they mite target any economic entity passing thru their region.

Chinese are Chinese not pakistanis any such activity will not happen,these ragtag militants in china only know how to conduct knife attacks & small bombs

Be careful, India. West may sanction you.

anyway, the best route for you is China. It is not only just safety issue, but also because we can handle the pressure from West if neccessary.

Been there done that,also China route should be given a serious thought along with the Iranian one
TAPI, IPI and now RCI. Rajasthan, Punjab and Uttarakhand will be the 3 nodes of entering in India. Damn good deal in name of diversification.
Route through China is safe at least China can protect the pipelines from any kind of sanction or terrorist...But it will be a challenging task to build pipeline through Himalayas...

The best bet is that India Pak relation to improve and allow IPI pipeline to work out...That is comparatively feasible solution that i can think of...Rest of the ideas are all fancy ideas...
But what bout the Uighur issue? If I am not wrong the pipleine for India wud be thru Xinjiang. Also, the way Uighurs have acted recently will only mean they mite target any economic entity passing thru their region.

What about it ? Lone Uighur terrorists usually attack with knives they neither have the capability to blow a pipeline. Our policemen kill them easily. They are a very small group, Xinjiang is majority Han now it's safe. We have pipelines from Kazakhstan to Xinjiang.
What about it ? Lone Uighur terrorists usually attack with knives they neither have the capability to blow a pipeline. Our policemen kill them easily. They are a very small group, Xinjiang is majority Han now it's safe. We have pipelines from Kazakhstan to Xinjiang.
So where have the ethnic Uighurs gone? If I aint worng Uighurs were only in Xinjiang rite?
A pipeline through the Himalayas if ever built would be an engineering feat, it will surely dwarf the Trans Alaskan Pipeline
The globe and its geopolitics are changing very first just like before second world war
This is called shift in global power. U cant avoid it. U can only try destabilize the world to save ur position or simply accept the change in status quo.
But what bout the Uighur issue? If I am not wrong the pipleine for India wud be thru Xinjiang. Also, the way Uighurs have acted recently will only mean they mite target any economic entity passing thru their region.
it is foolishness to compare ME with China... There is hell lot of difference between them.. China will not allow anyone to destroy these type of assets ...neither anyone dare to do.. it is like choosing death sentence. ... quite contrast to ME.
So where have the ethnic Uighurs gone? If I aint worng Uighurs were only in Xinjiang rite?

Their population has grown however Han Chinese in Xinjiang are growing at a faster rate, we have an influx of Krgyz, Kazakh, Hui, Tajik who are all pro China so there isn't any need to worry about them.

Southern Xinjiang which is majority Uighur is really poor, looks like parts of Afghanistan, hopefully a pipeline from Gwadar will help modernize the region.
I think if India and China relation improve it makes lot of sense to make a pipeline grid for India,China,Pakistan,BD and which can be expanded to further South East Asia too...
China will not disrupt a pipeline from Russia to India because China will damage relations with Russia if it happens. Disrupting a pipeline from Russia to India will damage Russia the most.

Having a pipeline through weak countries mean they are more likely to come under pressure from Western powers and more likely to give in to Western pressure to disrupt the pipeline.

Weaker countries will be more exposed to extremism where they won't have enough resources or capability to protect the pipeline.

China is a powerful country with an independent foreign policy, so no Western power will pressure China to disrupt the pipeline.
Comparing to the violance in other region, Uyghur issue is almost non exsit. We are very good at handle this kind of issues and there are many pipelines from Russia and central asia already operating in Xingjiang now. So India's investment will decrease greatly by sharing our current facility.

That is a massive understatement :d
But what bout the Uighur issue? If I am not wrong the pipleine for India wud be thru Xinjiang. Also, the way Uighurs have acted recently will only mean they mite target any economic entity passing thru their region.

Xinjiang is China territory so if Chinese government say pipeline can go through Xinjiang, than it can go through.
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