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Russia, China looking to form NATO of the East?

I think regardless of Indian presence Pakistan should join this block for better ties with all the neighbouring countries. I believe this block cannot be so strong to confront NATO but at least an environment of mutual cooperation could be established.
They should keep Pak/Ind out of this bloc otherwise it won't make any sense.

What happens when Pak and Ind goto war?
if greek and turky can stay in nato then why not india and pakistan

That was because Greece and Turkey both had a common enemy and had to defend against that.

India and Pakistan dont have a common enemy. India thinks that China is an enemy whereas Pakistan considers China as a friend, and apart from that India has no enemies.

Pakistan considers USA as a threat, potentially Russia because of its friendship with India and many other countries with mild resentment like Iran, etc. But India has no such problems.

So how do you think that this is possible. I think its a waste of time even discussing this.
SCO gives more benefits to Russsia & China .... who r just seeking alliances of other countries so as to stand against US ....
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