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Russia charges nine with membership of Hizbut Tahrir

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Russia charges nine with membership of Hizbut Tahrir
Reuters | 1 hour ago
MOSCOW: Russia said on Friday nine suspected militants were charged with belonging to outlawed organisation Hizbut Tahrir, which police said had planned bomb attacks on civilian targets in Moscow.

Police said they found firearms, explosives and counterfeit currency worth $1 million and two million euros during a raid on the apartments of Russian and Tajik citizens earlier this month.

At the time, law enforcement officials said they detained 18 suspected Hizbut Tahrir activists. It was not immediately clear if some or all of the 18 remained in custody.

“Nine citizens of Russia and the Republic of Tajikistan have been charged…on suspicion of organising activities of the international terrorist organisation Hizbut Tahrir and having in their possession explosives, weapons, and ammunition,” the ministry said in a statement on its website.

Five of those charged were accused of leading cells of the organisation, which has gained a foothold through much of the former Soviet Union, especially in Central Asia and the predominantly Muslim regions of central Russia.

The Interior Ministry told Russian newswires it had tracked the alleged cells since 2010 and that their leaders had planned to bomb a railway track near a Moscow train station on Nov 4, 2010 — an attack police said they had prevented.

The ministry said Hizbut Tahrir was trying to capitalise on an insurgency in Russia’s North Caucasus region by drawing youth from the predominantly Muslim region into its ranks and distributing extremist literature.

Russia is fighting an uphill battle to contain North Caucasus militants who wage daily violence to create an Islamist state a few hundred kilometres from where Moscow plans to hold the 2014 Winter Olympics.

The insurgency’s leader, Chechen-born Doku Umarov, took responsibility for a suicide bombing at Moscow’s busiest airport Domodedovo last year which killed 37.

Hizbut Tahrir, which has been banned in Russia since 2003 but operates legally in some other countries, is more active in other parts of Russia, including the regions of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

The group says it eschews violence, but its stated goal of working towards a global Islamist state has made it the target of secular governments, though the group operates more freely in Western states.

The group is among the suspects in a deadly attack on Tatarstan’s top religious leader and his assistant in July.
These nine are going to be in deep shyte. Russian prisons are worse than death penalty for them.
Did you say 'Hizbut Tahrir' ? Hang those basterds...they say some of the worst things imaginable about Jinnah Sahib & Fatima Jinnah ! Hang those basterds.
Did you say 'Hizbut Tahrir' ? Hang those basterds...they say some of the worst things imaginable about Jinnah Sahib & Fatima Jinnah ! Hang those basterds.

Hanging is considered pretty liberal by Russian standards, mate.

Red Terror

Just see some of the things they can do when they get pissed off.

The Hizb guys will be begging for death by the time Russians are done with them.
Nine Russians and Tajiks accused of forming terrorist organization Hizb ul-Tahrir

MOSCOW, November 16 (Itar-Tass) — Nine citizens of Russia and Tajikistan are accused of forming the terrorist organization Hizb ul-Tahrir (the Party of Islamic Liberation), the press service of the territorial police department told Itar-Tass on Friday.

They are also charged with storing explosives, weapons, ammunition and explosive devices. “Five defendants are direct ringleaders of Russian and Moscow groups of the terrorist organization,” the press service reported.

The accusations were brought on the strength of the criminal materials of the main police department in the Central Federal District, the Federal Security Service department in Moscow and the Moscow Region and the main anti-extremism department in the Russian Interior Ministry.

“In November the operatives detained 18 suspects in active participation in this organization as a result of search and investigative measures against members of the international terrorist organization Hizb ul-Tahrir,” the press service said. “At the residence place of the detainees the policemen and agents of the security services found and confiscated ten combat grenades, two sawn-off smooth-bore rifles and six TNT charges. Meanwhile, the blanks for false US dollar banknotes to the tune of one million dollars and blanks for false two million euros, as well as the literature of the international terrorist organization and electronic mediums with the agitation and propagandistic materials were presumably confiscated in the search,” the press service said.

“The confiscated arsenal of the terrorist organization was being kept at the rented flats in Moscow, including those situated not far from federal transport sites,” the press service reported.

“Meanwhile, during a large-scale operation over 100 foreign citizens were staying at 23 searched flats. Most of them were brought to administrative responsibility for violation of the Russian migration legislation,” the press service said.

ITAR-TASS : Nine Russians and Tajiks accused of forming terrorist organization Hizb ul-Tahrir

This is original version of this news.
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