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Russia, Azerbaijan on a ‘new page of cooperation’

If we look at the map of this region Armenia is surrounded by Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran and Turkey. So in case of a war between Azerbaijan and Armenia how could supplies from Russia reach Armenia?
If we look at the map of this region Armenia is surrounded by Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran and Turkey. So in case of a war between Azerbaijan and Armenia how could supplies from Russia reach Armenia?

Georgia will receive ​​an offer it could not refuse. :yes4:
IN other side Armenia is Russian ally, so it could use Caspian Sea to force for peace Azerbaijan.
And in general - it is a very provocative question.
"Azerbaijan has received T-90 tanks, heavy flame systems and Msta self-propelled artillery mounts from Russia. As per a report, the supply of BTR-82 armored vehicles is about to begin soon."

And more.

"There are also reports that the South Caucasian country is interested in S-300 missile system from Russia."

Azerbaijan already has S-300PMU2.

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