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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

ROFL. A Chinese telling us to look up to their policies. Pray what be your "moral" or "world vision" policies apart from having an insatiable appetite for other countries' natural resources to feed your own manufacturing industries? Human rights are a non-issue to the Chinese. You guys are a joke in UNSC. Or let me rephrase, UNSC is a joke because of China's policies and its vetoes.

so instead indians look up to their american daddy whose record on human rights and handling of dictator is truly immaculate.

but i don't mind - my point was just that given the indian and arabic strategic immaturity, they need to look up to someone (in indian case, sometimes russian, sometimes british, and now often american; in arab leaguist case, sometimes british, sometimes french, sometimes israeli, but always american)
Liberal hawks are no less vicious than the neo-cons. They will come up some other way. The momentum is on, the time to do something about Syria is now. Time is of the essence.
but i don't mind - my point was just that given the indian and arabic strategic immaturity, they need to look up to someone (in indian case, sometimes russian, sometimes british, and now often american; in arab leaguist case, sometimes british, sometimes french, sometimes israeli, but always american)

OMFG. So sweet. You are new to the world I presume. Welcome. Btw, it would do you a world of good if you can read up on NAM and Indian foreign policies vis-a-vis the Soviet block and the Western block.
Syrian people will remember this day when they go free. Then China has only itself to be blamed for the anti-China feelings in liberated Syria.
OMFG. So sweet. You are new to the world I presume. Welcome. Btw, it would do you a world of good if you can read up on NAM and Indian foreign policies vis-a-vis the Soviet block and the Western block.

No point in answering him I think he is a false flag ;)
Liberal hawks are no less vicious than the neo-cons. They will come up some other way. The momentum is on, the time to do something about Syria is now. Time is of the essence.

American neo-cons view the UN as an obstacle to carrying out imperialism. American liberals view the UN as a tool for carrying out imperialism.
Syrian people will remember this day when they go free. Then China has only itself to be blamed for the anti-China feelings in liberated Syria.

Don't be that sure. Like in Tunesia, Egypt & Libya, Islamist's will most likely come to power, even though a democratic election. And neither off them likes America, Israel & the West. If China plays it's cards right, this developments could in the end help China more then harm.
Alright guys here's the actual text of the resolution: Text of proposed UN Security Council resolution on Syria vetoed by Russia, China - The Washington Post

From reading it a few things become apparent. First of all, the text has gone out of its way to try and address Russian concerns of another Libya by specifically prohibiting outside intervention. Second, the text is somewhat one-sided in that it starts by criticizing the Syrian government, before making a general statement condemning violence by all groups. This is somewhat biased, but I would view it as permissible text.

However, what bother me are these statements:
5. Demands that the Syrian government, in accordance with the Plan of Action of the League of Arab States of 2 November 2011 and its decision of 22 January 2012, without delay:

(a) cease all violence and protect its population;


(c) withdraw all Syrian military and armed forces from cities and towns, and return them to their original home barracks;

This part appears to prevent the Syrian government from fighting back against enemy insurgents. It's ironic that it tells the government to "protect its population" but prevents it from doing so by telling it to "cease all violence" and "withdraw all Syrian military and armed forces".

Overall, I can understand those countries that did vote for the resolution, though I believe that Russia and China took the correct decision in vetoing it. Probably a contributing factor to the Russian and Chinese vetoes was NATO's blatant misuse of the resolution regarding Libya. The West needs to be taught a lesson that using dirty tricks to invade other countries will lead to less cooperation from other countries.
some people wonder about the reason why china vetoed. I'm not good at international geopolitics, but i still want share my thinkings:
1. China need Russia's support in the future.
2. China want usa get stuck in middile east in order to relieve pressure in south china sea.
3. China need the galary Pakistan-Afghanistan-Iran gallary for future petrol supply.
Thanks for paying attention to my views.
If the family of the teen's tortured and kidnapped are themselves saying they were taken by the security forces who can i believe? even though Assad is pro india I must agree with India supporting the UN Resolution today.

A classic "he said, she said" scenario. A proper investigation will likely uncover the truth. However, given the volatility of the area, it would be next to impossible to uncover the truth.
A classic "he said, she said" scenario. A proper investigation will likely uncover the truth. However, given the volatility of the area, it would be next to impossible to uncover the truth.

If I were to assess Assad, I would say that he's a brutal realist. Given his background as a doctor and the "accidental dictator", I don't think he's cold-blooded by nature. He's probably just seen that being soft on your enemies like Gaddafi will cause things to get far worse in the long run. He is willing to crackdown on the foreign funded terrorists, even if that means many innocents and less violent opposition people get caught in the crossfire. Better than getting your country destroyed.

If I were in his place, I think my constitution would prevent me from being as iron-fisted as him, and I would end up letting Syria fall into total chaos and sectarian civil war.
American neo-cons view the UN as an obstacle to carrying out imperialism. American liberals view the UN as a tool for carrying out imperialism.

I do think that the liberal has some good intentions, but just like any big liberal idea, these are destined to fail.

These are like a pack of wolves. The momentum is on, the target is weak, and hey will keep chasing.
Why is he the dictator of Syria ? He is not an accidental dictator. He is here by choice. He could refuse power or could just announce new elections after assuming power. He did neither.

His father had nothing to show for after more than three decades in power. He is being no different than his daddy.
A classic "he said, she said" scenario. A proper investigation will likely uncover the truth. However, given the volatility of the area, it would be next to impossible to uncover the truth.

That was the whole point of why the arab league inspectors were invited to Syria to see the reality on the ground and they pointed out that the massacre was still going on.

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