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Russia and China announce decoupling trade from US Dollar

Well if there is a trade which is two way..... It can be made possible.... We did it with Iran too... We paid oil thru rupee.....

btw i am bad in economics....
problem is, the country that receives Re. is handicapped because it cannot reuse it for global trade. Re is very volatile and no ne would like to keep it. Yuan on other hand is depended on dollar ( pegged to dollar ) US can freely play with it anyway
There has been a gradual shift away from dollar trades, the euro has come to prominence, as has reciprocal trades in local currencies. As the relative strength of the US economy begins to wane, the value of the dollar and it's status the worlds reserve currency will also fade. There is no getting away from this eventuality, the question is what will replace the dollar as the medium of exchange? Something will need to take its place.
Being mindlessly pro-America is the same as being mindlessly anti-America. Neither one is interested in basic facts.

The reality is that the United States has been involved in 240 wars in 237 years. The United States is still the only country crazy enough to have used nuclear weapons twice. Any person who sincerely believes in peace, and who sincerely believes in humanity would despise such a country regardless of its name. You simply cannot disregard these facts in the name of being "fair" and "balanced".
you think the US empire will stand to see US Dollar get pushed off ? once the other nations follow suit, the decline of US empire will be swift and like every other dying empire, it will LASH OUT with it's last strength , their massive nuclear stockpiles..
If Russia can take the responsibility and do not issue currency excessively,it does matter we got rubles or dollars.
you should fear the day when china takes US's place in the world.

I see no reason for fear, Chinese civilization is different from Western civilization, which is based on exploitation and aggression. Besides, we will be living in a multipolar world. China won't be the sole superpower in the future, there will be many powerful states and blocks.
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