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Russia allows Jordan to hand over two Il-76MF airlifters to Egypt

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Russia allows Jordan to hand over two Il-76MF to Egypt

01 AUGUST 2019

Russia allowed Jordan to hand over two supplied Il-76MF airlifters to Egypt, Rosoboronexport arms trader told TASS.


Jordan Air Force IL-76MF

"Rosoboronexport confirms that the Russian Federation allowed Jordan to hand over two supplied Il-76MF to the Arab Republic of Egypt," it said.

"The re-export example shows Russian flexibility in resolving vital issues of the partners in arming the national armed forces and confirms that Il airlifters are known in the world as reliable and simple in operation aircraft," the arms trader said.

Some Arab media published photos of Il-76 with Egyptian identification marks. No Il-76 have been supplied to Egypt before. The terms of the deal between Jordan and Egypt were not disclosed.

Il-76MF is a modification of Il-76MD airlifter and has the same missions as the basic aircraft, but exceeds it 40 percent in transportation capabilities due to a bigger cargo compartment, new PS-90A-76 engines, upgraded navigational equipment and systems. The cargo compartment has become longer and can carry more personnel.

Rosoboronexport said Russia has been occupying the second place in the world in the arms trade and aircraft comprise the bulk of it. Foreign customers will be renewing the airlifter fleet in the near future and Russian producers plan to obtain a major share of the segment. The latest Russian Il-76MD-90A(E) and Il-78MK-90 have excellent prospects due to aerodynamic excellence and high-tech equipment.

Rosoboronexport will present the latest Il airlifters to CIS, Asian, African and Latin American customers at MAKS airshow in August. Modern Il aircraft can operate from dirt airfields. Its four engines ensure high survivability. The airlifters have new PS-90A-76 engines, a modified wing, reinforced chassis, a modern digital set of electronic equipment which includes a glass cockpit with multirole LCD indicators and digital controls. The aircraft can make intercontinental commercial flights and meet all ICAO noise and discharge requirements. The multifunctional platform allows using the airlifter as a fire aircraft, an air tanker, a flying command post and a flying hospital, and an airborne early warning craft, Rosoboronexport said.


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