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Russia Admits Assad Is Loosing


Apr 29, 2011
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Miriam Elder in Moscow
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 13 December 2012 07.01 EST
Russia admits Assad may be ousted by Syrian opposition | World news | guardian.co.uk
Syrians flee their homes in Houla, near Homs. Russia's deputy foreign minister says the Kremlin is preapring to evacuate its citizens from Syria. Photograph: Reuters
Russia has acknowledged for the first time that the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is losing control of the country.

"One must look the facts in the face. The tendency is that the regime and government of Syria is losing more and more control, and more and more territory," Mikhail Bogdanov, Russia's deputy foreign minister, said on Thursday, Russian news agencies reported. "Unfortunately, the victory of the Syrian opposition cannot be ruled out."

"Today we are dealing with issues of preparing an evacuation. We have a mobilisation plan, we are figuring out where our citizens are," he said. An estimated 5,300 Russian citizens live in Syria.

Bogdanov's statement was the first time a Russian official has publicly considered the possibility of an opposition victory in the conflict, which is estimated to have killed more than 40,000 people. Russia has stood by Assad, providing his regime with weapons and repeatedly blocking UN actions despite an international outcry.

Speaking during a hearing at the Public Chamber, an advisory body to the Kremlin, Bogdanov did not indicate that Russia had changed its stance and said the bloody price to be paid for Assad's ousting was "unacceptable".

"The fighting will become even more intense, and you will lose ten of thousands and, perhaps, hundreds of thousands of people," he warned. "If such a price for the ousting of the president seems acceptable to you, what can we do? We, of course, consider it absolutely unacceptable."

He said Syria's rebels had been buoyed by arms shipments from abroad and increasing international recognition of Syria's opposition coalition as the country's legitimate representation.

The US president, Barack Obama, recognised the coalition during an interview on Tuesday.

"[The rebels] say that victory is no longer beyond the mountains 'soon we'll take Aleppo, soon we'll take Damascus' and that they already control 60% of the territory," Bogdanov said.

He accused the west of waging a campaign to diminish Russia's influence in the Middle East. "The expanded campaign by the west, with support from the Arab League, to distort Russia's position on Syria is aimed at weakening our influence in the region and freezing future relations between Russia and the countries of the Middle East and North Africa."

Russia has firmly stood its ground on Syria after accusing the west of manipulating a UN mandate to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya in order to overthrow the regime of Muammar Gadaffi, who, along with Assad, was one of Moscow's last few remaining allies in the region.

Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor of Russia in Global Affairs, said Bogdanov's statements marked a shift in Russian analysis of the situation, but would change little on the ground.

"This is a shift for sure. The question is: so what?" he said. "The Russian position has always been that we never endorse Assad personally. Russia was in favour of a political solution, a political solution failed and now the opposition will win. 'That's too bad': that's the thinking."

"It's a bad thing for [Russia's] image, for status, but business as usual ended with Bashar al-Assad maybe a year ago because it was already clear then that normal co-operation and commercial contracts would not be possible anymore," he said.


I would like to take this oppurtunity and refere to some Alawite Syrian and Iranian statements (Which even though is not based on logic or common sense) 'If Syrians wanted Assad gone, Assad would be gone right now' Well.... Its getting there...
Damage control is a term used in the Merchant Marine, maritime industry and navies for the emergency control of situations that may hazard the sinking of a ship. It is also used in other contexts as explained below.

Examples are:

rupture of a pipe or hull especially below the waterline and
damage from grounding (running aground) or hard berthing against a wharf.
temporary fixing of bomb or explosive damage.
support of Assad

I especially love
campaign by the west, with support from the Arab League, to distort Russia's position on Syria

We wernt really supporting assad it was just western propoganda :rofl:
If russia is admitting that assad will fall then why is it arming syria under assad with Iskander Missiles
Russia arms Syria with powerful ballistic missiles

eventually they will be in oppositions hand when Assad Looses.

They arent leaving Russian hands, just because some thing is in Syria doesnt mean its been given to assad. There will be enough Spetsnaz baby sitting them to make sure no one from the FSA gets any ideas either.

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