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Rumors of Mullah Fazlullah killed in PAF air strikes in Afghanistan.

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I think everyone is forgetting that this news was broken by the twitter page in OP. Not some fake MoD account. The twitter in OP definitely has inside sources.

I still think something big has happened.
some news are reporting it

Pakistan’s Ministry of Defence has confirmed reports via its Facebook page that TTP commander Fazlullah was gunned down by Pakistani Air Force jets in Afghanistan. The agency said intelligence sharing among organizations enabled them to take out the man who was said to have masterminded the bloody attack on a Peshawar school earlier this week. More than 100 people died in the attack, most of whom were school children.

TTP Commander Fazlullah Killed By PAF In Afghanistan
I think everyone is forgetting that this news was broken by the twitter page in OP. Not some fake MoD account. The twitter in OP definitely has inside sources.

I still think something big has happened.
I haven't lost all hope, not until ISPR says something at least. The twitter account in the OP seems pretty legit, and yes, he broke the news about an hour before the fake MoD account.

some news are reporting it

Pakistan’s Ministry of Defence has confirmed reports via its Facebook page that TTP commander Fazlullah was gunned down by Pakistani Air Force jets in Afghanistan. The agency said intelligence sharing among organizations enabled them to take out the man who was said to have masterminded the bloody attack on a Peshawar school earlier this week. More than 100 people died in the attack, most of whom were school children.

TTP Commander Fazlullah Killed By PAF In Afghanistan
This one is based on the facebook page which was later proven to be fake.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Just spoke with Pakistani Ministry of Defense spokeswoman who has denied about the existence of this <a href="Ministry of Defence (@MODPakistan) | Twitter">@MODPakistan</a> account. Plz RT</p>&mdash; Tahir Imran Mian (@TahirImran) <a href=" ">December 19, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
A Good Soldier ‏@soldier_pk 2m2 minutes ago
FazalUllah and Sajna may be gone in hot pursuit PAF bombing in a joint operation with afghan forces, awaiting second confirmation
Well i'm not sure if its true or not, jus got this tweet....
My mobile was down is it really true PAF has confirmed it or not ? Please reply me soon
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My mobile was down is it really true PAF has confirmed it or not ? Please reply me soon

Bhai ! There are 29 pages of this thread so far. This news has not been confirmed yet but there are some indications. One guy said in the previous page that he has talked to a senior army person (who is a relative) and the senior has confirmed but also has asked to wait for confirmation by ISPR.

It is 02:30-AM where I live and I am checking this thread every 10 minutes to get some confirmation.
Lets wait for official confirmation of this majestic news.

And lets ban PPP criminals talk on PDF...PPP are good for nothing, wasted our lives...wasted Pakistanis money....they are failures...and history now.
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Apparently someone important was killed. If it is Mullah Fazal ullah, they will announce it through press conference or PM. It merits higher than just tweet. If it is address or something, NS has to be told by GHQ how it is done on such matters. So my guess is they are going to make it large. That's why no confirmation yet despite some insiders leaks ( I could be wrong).
I doubt Pakistan army/air force was in Afghanistan.

If he was killed, it'd be breaking news. Some military official will be happy to let newspapers know as "senior military who didn't want to be named."
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Officials believe 16 top commanders from different parts of the Pakistan Taliban helped organize the brutal attack in Peshawar. They believe a 17th man, a militant named Umar Adizai, was also involved in organizing the Peshawar attack. Authorities are seeking all of the men believed to be involved in planning the bloody siege.
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I am pretty sure this is a hoax like the many times before when we were told Hakimullah or Baitullah or Wali ur Rehman were killed

I have no hope or trust left in the government. Such a massive loss of life? So many innocents killed. But is our blood cheap? Why does the government and army not stop such attacks. We need to be pro-active.

Those idiot Taliban will keep keep killing our people until we adopt their tactics. Target killings and indiscriminate bombings of militants and their sympathizers.
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